The pet king of the city

Chapter 061 Luo Xue

Super to Bao, a 50-wire World's source, to the hegemony.

It can be seen that Chen Lie's level of weight is.

Chen Lie made re-refining, no longer the derivative plane of the storage bracelet becomes a jade, directly imprinted into the body of the body.


Inba, you can directly swallow the jade.

"It's okay."

Feel the tyrants, Chen Lie is slightly loose.

Don't need any magic weapon, its body, its dragon passenger is the best magic weapon.

With the jade, it is enough.

"Next is to ..."


Luoji is coming.

But her eyes have vaporized tears.

"what's happenin?"

Chen Lie is wonderful.

I don't seem to have a bad news recently, how can I be hurt in this way.

Luo Ji asked: "Boss, do you know where I came from?"

Chen Lie shook his head.

There are a lot of petty blood in the pet, but the Qingqi's bloodline of Luoji is obviously from the ectopic surface. Otherwise, she will not be immersed by people as a rare thing.

However, Luoji did not say that Chen Lie did not pursue the bottom.

Luoji is: "I am from a debris plane occupied by giants."

"Well, this thing is not fresh."

There is a chaotic plane to merge the billions of debris, form a chaotic world's plane model, Chen Lie has a fragmentation of the pet's world is completely unwilling.

Luoji said: "We don't know where to come from, and don't know which world is home. I only know that this place is basically mainly based on our Qingqi family, so it is known as a green feast. Or until about a hundred years ago, one The giant came to our world, then announced his territory. The absolute gap of strength, let us have no fight, fortunately, this giant is not an evil person, even if there is an overbearing, but it protects us like a guardian Avoid annexed by other worlds. "

"Isn't that nonsense?"

"Can raise the pain of the pain - Qingqiu's fragmentation, that is the hens of the golden egg."

Chen Lie laughed: "If I have been honest, then I will definitely protect the death, never let others touch it."

Luo Ji said: "But this giant is gone, before I entered the giant of the chaotic world, I killed the people in the world of Wu Shen, and I was also swallowed, and the position of our fragmentation plane was exposed. "


Chen Lie is very curious.

Luoji said: "I escaped in that year, but I was a Qingqi family. I happened to contact the same class. Today I know that the people of the Qingqi are deprived of the people of Wu Shen's world, and this claim is Wu Shen The world's super Zongmen - the founder of the Yinqi Gong is very greedy, still very good, my different sisters have suffered from poisonous hands, and some are sold by high-priced to the world. "

Chen Qi: "You think I want to help you recapture the green duff."


Luoji said: "I want to ask the boss to grab the green back."

Chen Lie laughed: "You didn't just lift me? Although I am very strong, it is a level 9 with giant strength, and I still can't die a martial arts giant who can kill the giants."

Luo Ji crying: "Boss, I beg you, our family is really in the hot and hot. If you go, our family will support you."


"Look on your face, I will go see."

Chen Lie said: "If you can, I will do it. It is impossible, you don't blame me."

"Will not."

"The people of Qingqiu will be secretly cooperated with boss."

Luo Ji is extremely weeping.

Perhaps Chen Lie has never disappointed her, so Chen Lie shot, she thought that the success rate would be great.

"You you."

Chen Lie had a sigh, transiently moved out.

Anyway, it's okay.

He will be used as a breathable, long-term knowledge.



Have the coordinates of Luoji.

Chen Lie spent a few days, finally came to the position of the position, away from the blue backs of the pet.

"This is a very ancient oriental world."

"It seems that it is true to contact the world."

Chen Lien, directly looking for Shangluji, saying that I can contact the sister.

"Not bad."

"It's a world of beauty."

"Although it is a group of foxes."

Chen Lie leaneedly evacuated world abilities, but he walked on the street, but no one can see him.

Even if the opposite is equal to the priest of the 7-level trial, he does not understand his trace.

But Chen Lie didn't waste time.

His body disappears, flying toward more prosperous areas.


"I don't know what is the relationship with Loji."

"Is there any relationship with the military giant, and the allowance behind the martial arts giant?"

Chen Lie whispered, finally found the destination after the night came.

In the most intimate, the most prosperous city in the face of the Qingqi, I found the habitat of Luoxue.

This is a well-spirited courtyard.


Chen Yu has come to see a fun scene.

", have a spark?"

"What did this Luoxue do, actually worthy of some people who take the 7-level peak of the Wu Dao Zun as a secret."

Chen Lie came to aware that someone was peeking here.

same time.

A figure flew out.


Luo Xue, grabbed the onset of a cloak, one turned, and put it on the water, flying out at the next moment.




There is no breathing before and after, only three sounds ended.

Chen Lien said, and the scene is very funny.

The exclusive 8-level dark whistle, the shadow of Luo Xue did not see the cough and blood, and even the head of Luo Xue was on the foot, and no need to lift it.

"Don't think that you are sent by the martial arts giants. If you are not the lack of people in your hand, you are now a dead body. Give me back, don't let me see you again!"

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