The pet king of the city

Chapter 106 Negotiations

"This video is a masterpiece that I took from my life, after a long post-production, originally planned to be released tomorrow."

"But let's show you something new now!"

Chen Lie then switched the screen to a video playback visual.

This video is naturally a video of A Bao asking for juice.

This time Chen Lie spent more thoughts. Through careful editing and referring to the opinions of the system, he specially added a lot of interesting auxiliary dubbing, which greatly activated the sense of scene and made the quality of the video significantly improved than before.

At this time, the whole live broadcast room was naturally happily watched, and joy continued.

Finally, the live broadcast ended in a burst of laughter.

Chen Lie did not take time off.

He first gave Qin Tiancheng and then returned a text message, and then Qin Tiancheng didn't bother him again.

Then open the missed calls in the address book and reply selectively.

I have to say that this is a tedious process.

And in a certain city in China.

Ren Qing smiled and faced a fat bald man.

A serious female recorder was sitting beside Ren Qing.

The lineup around the bald fat guy is much larger, the secretary and two legal advisers.There is also a guy who looks like a bodyguard and a technician, because this guy is now tossing a group of very complicated machines.

This fat man is the bald director of Shark Platform, holding close to 10% of the shares.

Ren Qing slowly put down the black tea and asked: "Director Pang, are you finished? If not, then I can only apologize, because there are other directors waiting for me to interview."

"Done yet?"

The bald director asked dissatisfiedly.

"Give me another 10 minutes."

The bodyguard complained: "Chairman, you are too hasty this time, I am not ready."

"Forget it."

The bald director saw Ren Qing packing up his things and preparing to leave, so he immediately entered the subject and asked: "Representative Ren, I don't know who you represent to negotiate with me?"

Ren Qing replied: "It doesn't matter who I represent, as long as the money is enough."


The bald director nodded and glanced at the legal representative beside him.

The legal representative stood up and asked: "Representative, are you sure that Pet Brother has quit?"

"17 top-level contracts, pet brother himself has admitted."

Ren Qing sneered and said, "Perhaps you will say that the conditions for the live streaming of Shark are better, but let me show you the truth."

Ren Qing pushed a document across the table.

The legal representative immediately turned it over to read it, and his discoloration quickly changed.

He immediately showed the contract to the bald director.

The bald director looked unnatural after just one glance.

"That's just a contract for Cat Claw Live."

"Show you a better one."

Ren Qing once again pushed a document in the past, and took the initiative to say: "We all know that the national treasure live broadcast background is the number one in the industry. Look at their declaration: National treasure should be protected. Pet brother has two national treasures. Once he quit, the National Treasure Live will arrange for Pet Brother a super villa that can be designed by top architects and has enough space for activities."

"National Treasure Live!"

The bald director gritted his teeth and spoke.

This contract has the temptation to kill the average popular anchor, not to mention the pet brother who has two national treasures but has been troubled by the lack of space.

As soon as the contract came out, it was simply Chitu matching Lu Bu, absolutely.

Ren Qing asked: "If you are a pet brother, would you choose to stay in the shaky shark live broadcast, or switch to the national treasure live broadcast of Sheng Yi Quan Quan?"

"National Treasure Live."

Although the bald director does not want to admit it, he cannot speak nonsense.

Heard this reply.

"You would say a month ago?"

Ren Qing sneered: "If you want to be sloppy, then we don't have to talk. You don't sell, some people sell it, but next time it won't be the price."

The legal representative argued: "The live broadcast industry is a sunrise industry, and there will be unlimited space in the future."

"A 20 billion market, but it accommodates companies with a market value of 200 billion, the most outrageous thing is that the net profit of this market is not even 1 billion every year."

"You said, is this market normal? How long can it last?"

The words of Ren Qing left the legal representative unable to refute.

The bald director finally asked: "As a representative, we know that we don't talk secretly. According to your estimation, if the pet brother quits, how much the market value of Shark Live will drop?"

"If the pet brother really changes jobs."

"The last appearance of Shark Live was also stripped. At that time, the market value of about 100 million US dollars was considered good."

Ren Qing said a number that was thrilling without even thinking about it.

You know, Shark's cash is almost there.

An Internet company with a large amount of cash flow has a valuation similar to that of all physical assets. There are only two possibilities: one is that the image of the Internet company is broken; the other is that the Internet company is in a period of severe weakness.


"I only now understand why they call Pet Brother the last pillar of Shark Live."

Ren Qing's words also defeated the last doubt of the bald director.

This data is almost the same as estimated by legal representatives.

"I sell."

"Sell it all to you."

"But I refuse to pay in installments, as long as a one-time cash transfer."

At the beginning, the investment in Shark Live was purely just to make quick money. Later, the power grab was incidental.

As a result, the bald director was too lazy to talk nonsense and made a decision to discard.

For him now, while the pet brother hasn't left, Shark Live is still worth a little money, so he threw it early, saving time and even selling it.

As for Shark's live broadcast of the lives and deaths of other people, he didn't bother to care about it.

"no problem."

This is what Ren Qing is least afraid of.

"Representative Ren, I don't know if I can reveal, who else wants to abandon the shark live broadcast?"

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