The world's barrier exploded, destroying the destruction of the soul flew up, all the planets outside the millimeters, smashed a diameter at least few kilometers, and everything stopped.


Just Yu Bo, also shocked the golden dragonfly.

The shock brought by the sword array is enough, and the power of the martial arts explosion makes him feel small.

And when Chen Lie floated from the trap in the pit, he felt the power of Chen Lie and the terrible world will.

In front of this power, the so-called power is really worth mentioning, and any skill is so pale.


"My soul is blotted in an instant, how long does this fear have not experienced?"

Chen Lie Ning is willing to die, and Chen Lien is willing to die.

The power of directly erase the soul, let him have a sincere fear, and it is terrible to be terrible than the giant of the Jiuyi Jockey, the ancestor of the ancestors.

It also thoroughly destroys the crisis to let Chen Lie have such fear and despair.

Fortunately, everything has passed.


But his enemy - ruthless Xiaosheng fell.

Chen Lie Xu came to the ruthless Xiaosheng, looking at him, and ruthless little Holy is why: "It is impossible! How can you have a chaotic to treasure that can affect the world's will! This is impossible! This is impossible ... "

Ruthless Xiaosheng continues to repeat "this impossible", until the voice becomes a hole.

Received the system's reward prompt, Chen Lie's extension flashed a trace of exhaustion.

Chen Lie did not expect to forget that God will do so, for a reason to be ignored, actually self-explosion of Wuhun.

Mad dog!

Forgetting the day, it is too forget.

It's a concentrated mad dog.

This time, hatred can be described as a deep, if Chen Lie has the opportunity to destroy the forget, there will be no hesitation.

", Congratulations ..."

Chen Lie looked at it, this is a little bit: "The reward is rich, it is not excited."

"the host!"

Overlord, the body is suspended on a large amount of storage tools, as well as broken weapons.

Chen Minfang remembered the devastating taste of the previous suffering, and immediately viewed its physical condition.

The observer was not obeyed, and sighed: "You are lucky, broken. If I slowly come again, I can't save it now."

"Thank you master!"

"My luck is always good."

Inbrete, although it is ugly, but Chen Lie is very peaceful.

And the golden dragonfly runs very well, and continues to replace Chen Lie to cut the trophy.

For them.

These are extremely rare trophy.

Even if the body is afraid of blood, it is also a 7, 8 material.

Waste is shameful.

Chen Lie is a bit speechless for their thrift.

But he is too lazy.

This is a good thing after all.

"However, this golden dragonfly has been said to be a sharp."

"The first time I encountered it is 6th, and now I have broken the 8th level, and it is not the kind of overdraft potential."

Chen Lie laughed: "It seems that it has any adventure, otherwise it is impossible to break through this point in such a short period of time. However, adventure, it is better than the park."

With the resources of the park, the super pets are in the adventure every day.

If it is not the target they pursue, it is at least 9 levels among them.

Take it down.

If it takes the easiest to swallow the world's own route, with the resources of the paradise, it can be a mentally giant as a few months ago.

Unfortunately, it doesn't want to do the most ordinary, like a garbage giant like Ort, and the blood emperor.

Under the influence of Chen Lie, everyone's appetite is particularly large.

"Let's go."

When he typing, the brightening journey of gold, Chen Lie also returned.


I have to come to the refining, the magic spirit and others who have come to support.

I have encountered an interesting thing on the road, and I finally delayed support.




A black man was smashed on the ground.

The peaks said: "The master is the slag halfway to fight us."

Chen Lie laughed: "You collectively transferred it is not surprising, weird is a district's martial arts can make you fade, it seems that you have to raise a long time, forget how to fight."

The fact is that the refining, the magic spirit takes a long-distance transmission with the masters of the paradise.

As a result, when the second time is transferred, the inexplicable space is chaotic, and the whole army is not covered.

It encounters space chaotic flow on the way.

Either it is straded in a spatial, and even the soul of the soul can not escape.

Either it is rolled into other unknown places, it is possible to be an Jedi, or may be a blessing, it is always an endless variable, no one is willing to encounter.

Only people who have a minority of extraordinary people can fracture in this disaster.

But such people are basically giant.


I have a lot of 8-level best treasures, many of which have a 9-level artifact, and the shadow of the treasure.

All added definitely more than ordinary 9-level artifacts, for the treasure.

So they can survive from sudden spatial chaos attacks.

And when they are out of danger.

This is not an occasion of this raid, but a planned ambush.

It is a variety of wings in the world.

Just this time, the result is a death.

Chen Lienked to this martial arts, asked: "Everything you know, save us."


This martial art can come back to a disdainful nasal.


"I like your hard bones like you."

Chen Lie's evil smiled, pressed down the hand, this martial art is very much.

"What do you want to do?"

The martial arts can really feel a convincidence from the soul.

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