The pet king of the city

Chapter 080 Wonderful Small World

There are no self-ones into the dream of dreaming, and many times are indulge in the world, completely lost, and finally lost this dream.

If you are serious, you will be caught by the world's big giants, and you can find the world in the world.


Chen Lie is not a general person.

He is now the first day of a big world, not a giant giant.

The strength is powerful.

The dream of the district is lost, purely joke.

So after the foreign world is despised, Chen Lie first awakened, and began to act as an alternative to the body and explore the new world.

"Hey, there is a person here!"

"My God, searched for half a month, I finally see the figure."

Several sounds are far away.

"Someone entered a hundred meters, I copened that it seems that this world is strong than I think than I think."

Chen Lie also knew that he was a foreign person, and he did not be well suppressed by the world.

Interference in the district, is purely home.

His dream is still able to play a good result of approximately 7 levels.

And let Chen Lie are unexpected.

If this group of people said, it is a bit like chaotic chaos common world.

It is a bit different.

Through the aid of the entity.

Chen Lie has fallen in their words.

"No hostility."

"And all are a group of 5,6 weak chickens, it seems to be looking for people."

Chen Lie's mouth is slightly piloted, greeted the past.


"We are mercenaries who accept the mission. Do you have water?"

This mercenaries only have a few people, see Chen Lie to meet.



Chen Lie put the hand on the ground and took the water elements in the deep underground.

Not much time.

He has more precious water in a desert.

The mercenaries have seen the saliva.

This is not only greed, but also fear.

This hand-controlled power is horrible than anyone they have seen.

But under the exchange of precious resources.

Chen Lie also quickly integrated into this unidentified mercenary army.



Night coming.

Back of a sand dune.

A team of people are hungry, and a semester female master guards outside the temporary camp.

"Red dagger, are you okay?"

A little clumsy gunnille came to the side of the red dagger, sent hot can soup to her, asked: "It's better to let me go to night, it is more than two hours."

The red dagger results can be touched, "can't do, the lottery is to take care of it, you will take care of the first two hours, if I let your most important meat shield instead, everyone will definitely see me. of."

The red dagger and the gunn are the member of the mercenary.

That is, Chen Lie encounters the team.

"Hu said, everyone will never do this, and my body is special."

The excited guns patted the chest and showing that he is very strong.

However, it may be that he has taken a lot of force, and the result is a bloody lip.

"look at you!"

The red dagger looked at the gunn by the gun, quietly handed a small bottle of water, said: "You have given me the water before, don't be stubborn now. I have been in the future, I will drink it."

The water in the desert is more expensive than people.

Don't say that this world is particularly large.

Actually, a group of masters of at least 6 levels can not find the clue for half a month.

"Hehe, thanks!"

The original gun can refuse such a valuable resource, after all, the red dagger is also water.

But after he heard the words behind, he felt that it was very flavor, and immediately smirked.

The red dagger suddenly looked a little clumsy, and the face also a little pale gun, sighed with the cheeks of the gun of the gun, said: "Why are you so good to me?"

I have an unequal gun, and the red dagger touched the ugly face that I was cut, said: "I haven't broken it before, I can go to see people. But now I don't even dare, I am scared. Consuming words, why don't you give up? "

The gun of the gun replied: "The red dagger, you are the most beautiful, no one."

When I said, the gunnant remembers Chen Lie to the Ling Dan, and immediately took out: "Right, this is the traumatic holy medicine giving the trauma gave, and he said that you can go to scar, you try."

This panoramic Dan is not Dan, but a ointment.

And the smell of the smell of trauma.

Because the materials used are common, there are even some desert poisons.

If it is not a mixed one-earth origin, what is the effect.

But with Chen Lie's refining technique, even temporary refining, there is a small 5 treasure.

Even if you don't reach the effect of the treatment of the treatment, you can slow down the red dagger.

Which woman does not want to become beautiful?

Especially the red dagger that is ugly is not afraid.

However, the red daggedly just reached out but received back, sigh: "No, this thing is yours, I can't take it."

"I am yours."

"Do you care about so much?"

The guns lamed around and said: "Moreover, you care about your own appearance, that is the most important thing to me."

The red dagger still insists on shaking his head.

The gun of guns said: "A little bit, you rub a little, if you don't have the effect, don't rub, how?"

Finally, the red dagger still arrived in the persuasion of the guns, quietly wiped a little scar on his face.

The other mouth in the team smiled slightly, then closed their eyes and started slowly recovering their excessive overdraft.

And Chen Lie opened, and closed again.

He is still an old, I don't know what to think, and everything about the outside world is not very intended.

Because his body is refining.

The world of the ancestors is in the process of being refined.

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