The pet king of the city

Chapter 086 Fire Holy Land (3nd)

"My creation is also very easy to be misunderstood."

"It seems that I don't have to disguise, and I can mix a happy here."

Chen Lie is a tour, and half is a tour.

Nothing is nervous.

After a few days, I finally came to the mainland where the Huahai is located.

This is a continent that floats on endless star air.

Although it is a little bit.

But the scale is also huge than Australia.

It is unfortunately because of the unique cultivation environment here, there are very few people who have perched here.

Here is the paradise of the flame.

It is the holy place of the fire practice.

"The fire practice is cultivated here, and the speed is 3 times the ordinary place."

"If the ghost comes here, even if there is no park, it will be able to become a top energy within 10 years."

Chen Lie saw it.

It also sighs for the heritage of the holy place.

Single single handwriting, it is exaggerated than the three-border business alliance.

"Millions of military giants are living."

"I don't know where it will go."

Chen Yan sighs: "I have confidence, but the old monster has the same brand, otherwise it will be destroyed."

Just at this time.

Chen Lie suddenly had a heart palpitations.

Chen Lie's face changed.

In the end, I saw a splendid in the distant sky, like a meteor's general blood, I accidentally broke a mountain peak that blocked the road, and wrot a military camp to the army.


In the middle of the holy place in the Huahai, the holy mountain in the Sheng Mountain where the fire sea is in the holy square exploded, and it has blown a horrible huge pit at least 5, 6 hundred meters long and 20 meter.

The sky is true!

She actually killed her horses.

She doesn't know where is the site of people?

How to run over, how is this rhythm?

But at the same time, a more terrible force suddenly emerged, and it is a sudden that the strength of the whole holy place will be able to accommodate the strength of the whole holy place, and the sky that is all the flame is suddenly gray, like the world's collapse. .

"Harvesting God!"

Chen Lie suddenly lost contact with the heavens and the earth, and naturally knows what is caused.

There is only the 9-stage artifact, the characteristics of the treasure can be evolved in the nature.

"Haha ..."

The ancestors of the fire sea appeared.

Under the creation of the gods, no one can fly.

Although Huahai old ancestors have no rumors, it is a kind and kind, warm heart, and rumors are really untrustworthy.

The sky really felt the stress of the losing contact, and the brows did not have the most wrinkled, why said: "It turns out that this is your relief."

The old ancestors of the fire: "Can't you think?"

"Bored trick."

The sky is actually not moving.

Chen Lie took a forehead, he didn't say anything.

How is the two giants of such wisdom?

Is it that the old ancestors don't know that the sky is still so calm, will there be a card?

Is it that the sky really does not know that the creation of the gods is induced, and the strength of the sky will drop a level?

These two people are stupid.

Of course.

They all have relying, but Chen Lie doesn't know.

Unfortunately, Chen Lie also overspend the arrogance of the ancestors of the fire sea.

I only listened to the Lao Hai's ancestor: "There is no blessing of the heavens and the earth, and here is the world of Wu Shen, there is a suppression of the world will, you are just the strength of the three-flow giant. Your realm and cultivation is in mine There is almost no depression in front of you, let alone do hundreds of thousands of martial arts masters, the pile is also piled up at you. "


There are countless levels of 4 levels of martial arts masters.

Their appearance, condense the world will to the limit.

The pressure of Chen Lie and the sky is also maintained to the limit.

No array of array, only need gas to condense, the world will suppress the best array.

"is it?"

The sky is cold and cold.

I saw her belief, accompanied by a scream, and the 20th level of martialo hoisses were screaming, and the blood was brought out, and the formation of a crystal to fly to the sky. There is between the double finger of the real person.

"It is not to use external forces."

The sky is really smiling, smiles very harsh.

Everyone can see the scalp.

You know that this is the magnitude 8 of the martial arts, not what A cat, dog.

Even the resistance is not, it is squeezed like an ant, facing such actions, is really desperate.


More despotful.

There is a flexible shaking between the sky.

The world will not suppress her.


The old ancestors of the fire: "Your cultivation is actually the practice of our Wushen World! No, you are the people of our martial arts!?"


"I just condensed Wu Shen, some of the world."

"Of course, there is this."

The sky took out a green pearl and then collected it.


Chen Lie has seen the ancestor of the fire sea, no talk.

Although he is expected to end the ending, but see this state of the sky, it is still for the scene.

The fire sea old ancestors have been prepared for so long, which can be responsible for the weight, and even the creation of the creation that should not appear, and the results are still the same.

Because the beads of the sky are the origin of the world of Wu Shen, which also condenses dozens of famous martial arts and energy soul essence; and the beads are also refined by the heavens to be part of the body.

Therefore, the World World will judge that the sky is a person, and he has not given pressure.

Complete, no status.

Also have dozens of famous martial arts powerful soul power.

Such strength is definitely a senior giant.

Chen Lie has begun to be a poor fire sea.

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