The pet king of the city

Chapter 092 burst (third more)

The actually dares to open the three strokes to destroy the first day of the Nangong family.

No matter whether it is true or not, this is a single , you can shock the front of the death of death, the frontline of the nerve super allergies every day.

"it is good!"

Nangong's anger, with an angry flame, looked at the ..

But when he found that his anger was completely ignorant, he went to the bottom card.

This time, it is difficult to say.

Because this card is the first day of the Nangong family's first day.

It is not easy to use.

However, this is more temper.

"not bad."

"Don't regret it!"

"This sentence should be what I said."

The two sides have quickly reached an agreement.

They will soon be in the endless star empty, they will conduct life and death.

The referee is the system.

Nangong is not afraid of the system eccentric, and the scorpion is absolutely believed in the principle of the system.

After all, the system is a name.

Some people are depressed, can't understand why the system supports such a bucket.

But everyone knows that this is a variable venting channel.

After all, everyone is desperate in the front line, all have blood, and the nerves are dead every day.

This requires a vent.

Therefore, as long as you don't hurt, you don't affect the war, the system will not stop, and the trials will be made.


Nangonglie offers the bottom card.

This is just a discussion, and those unnecessary vulnerabilities are free.

The world will come.

The world barrier is separated from around, the will envelopes the audience.

With the order of the system, the discussion of the gunpowder is officially started.


With a rock, the foundation, the explosive Nangonglie launched a fan-like attack.

Level 9!

Nangong inspired hidden means and instantly reached 9, with giants' combat power.

The strength is even more than two small levels, a big realm.

This is completely cheating.

Is unfair battle.

First, a small belly directly broken, the tiger, and after a refund, after a refund, the South Games will perform a unknown leg method without reservation.

It seems that the rivers and lakes ranks, the lion double play ball, the ring legs, the charters, etc.

With the top shot, cut, point, grasp, etc.

Because Nangong's attack has a strange burst force.

Even if it is a mountain.

Slightly exposure to a little bit.

If it is not a , otherwise it has already explored.

Sword leg!

At the moment before Nangong Li, the dragonfly suddenly put a weird posture, the bow is not like a bow step, a bit like a worship of Buddhist meditation, but it is the weird posture to make He Jiaojiao The bodies of the tiger hit the burly Nangong, and his hands took the posture of a film, and he could push it directly to the body of the mountain.

This strike is really clever.

It is not easy to make a chance to make a chance to make a chance, and immediately report Chen Lie to the new Thunder step.

The store generally flying into the Nangong, who is in the south.

If it is torn fight, the Tiger Tiger can definitely can't stand up, but he knows that this is just a trip, so there is no hand.

Unfortunately, the , .. . ......................

The figure is a strong southern Gonglie, which is like the martial arts, once again showed the leg attacks known as the killing.

It is very obvious, and the Tiger is stupid and knows what it means, so he will follow this taste with a lesson training:

Moving hammer!

Hejihu took the power of all parts of the body with the rotating centrifugal force, and the fist is like the shells of the artillery.

I have to admire the thoughtful tiger, since this part can make this violent South Games taste the pain of the body, and make it possible to minimize subsequent issues.

However, the Nangong Yi smiled, even if there is a fist who came to attack, and directly taking a simple and actual sweeping leg directly to the thigh part of the Tiger.



Two consecutive harsh sounds first, the southern Gonglie's hand bone misplaced, but the south of the willpower is only a body trembling to complete his own movements, and the scorpion of the ............................ .. .... . .. . ...

Rao is the frontline trial of life and death is also shocked by the cruel fighting scene.

Most of them are still Level 7 trialists.

Where did I have seen such a high level, and I have seen such a dangerous fight.

This time, I'm still lost enough, not enough Nangong.

Two masters looked at each other and said that they can't say it.

Nangong Lie is still a saying that it is ,,

If you really want to live more, Nangonglie has become a corpse without temperature.


, now people want to kill themselves, then he also abandoned all the distractions and drove the martial arts with pure killing.

It is still the improvement of the improvement of Chen Lie, a slammed.

This time, the speed and strength are more overbearing than the last time, in the moment of being shot, the entire ground is vividly of a subtle trembling.

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