The pet king of the city

Chapter 105 Death Knight

"The people outside are dangerous."

I think of a group of speeds and fast, repair the undead knight equal to the 7th level, the monsters swarmed out from the ancient temple, and Chen Lie is the logistics personnel of the major organizations outside, and the lively forces silently.

At the same time, it is also sighing the hell, I hope they can be the same.

Now Chen Lie is difficult, there is no way to save people.

They don't know the specific strength of those monsters, and I don't know where the monsters are now, I don't know the mystery here, I can't go with peace.

"someone is coming!"

The gunnifier is obviously opened with a mental power, and it is not a bit wrong: "It is a bit wrong. The other party is very fast, it seems that it is not a person."


Chen Lie drunk and opened the Hundreds of Lingshi.

At the next moment, a come camel appeared in front of his eyes, the light blue body was equipped with a dead spirit, showing a terrorist of a Dead Camel Knight.

If it is only a deadlighter, there is a deadlite, but Chen Lie once felt that there is an interest around. Especially in front of this dead knight, it is not ordinary gating, and it is not much inferior to the fire.

If this is an exaggeration of the play that can directly attack the soul, Chen Lie can kill, but a few people around him have not had one person.

Don't go, when is it?


"He is more than one person!"

The gunnille obviously felt that there were other monsters to kill, turned to avoid and escaped.

Sure enough, the darkness of the distant lights up at least 9 secluded lights, and these spots are getting bigger and bigger, and the breath is getting clearer.

It is a Death Knight.

Although it is not as exaggerated in front of you, each is the special force of the 7th grade, the speed of terror and the special force that can harvest the soul, which makes everyone motorster.

"Mr. Chen!"

"You will go first!"

The fire will see Chen Lie, don't move, drive, don't want Chen Lie, I want to stay to give them a valuable escape time.

The fire will, the gun, the blood dagger is touched to a mess, even Rod is also moved, watching Chen Lie's background.

Tiger emperor!

The ghost variant version of Tiger Emperor.

The Death Knight team is moving, come and come, speed is very awake, almost all catch up with the wind.

And Chen Lie is not polite, the whole person drags the bone knife, and the knife full of ghosts.


Chen Lie came back with a bored and flying, and the Charity of the Death Cavaliers also stopped.

The Death Knight captain's attack is very simple. The spear in his hand is directly at the heart of Chen Lie, and the tiger is directly broken down. Chen Lie's real yuan is broken, and the trick is forced to thorough.

But this is only the beginning, the Death Knight captain quickly reorganizes the kummer, with the death of Lingxia's death, the target straight to kill Chen Lie's heart.

Tiger Emperor!

At the crucial moment, Chen Lie did not force the power. He used the second to kill the strength of the Slim Spear.

One person once, did not worship.

Perhaps this is the first frustration of the Death Knight Captain, and may be the combat power of Chen Lie to have greatly exceeded the Death Knight Captain. The Death Knight captain agreed to collect the entire team, and 10 people were arranged into one. Prepare the collective charges of Chen Lie.

The distance between the two sides is only dozens of meters, and it is afraid that it can be rushed to a blink of a knight.

A blink of a blink of nine can directly pierce the attack of the soul, which seems to transcend Chen Lie's ability to capacity.

In this case, Chen Lie also does not waste.

The hundreds of outslocks completely broke out, and the ghosts of the elderly were highly condensed around his body; and the attack on the evolution of Balance was also appeared, protect Chen Lie's left and right.

With these things, Chen Lie's power is fully liberated, and the unparalleled magical power of Thunder is full, and a shocking move is being brewing.

The emergence of hundreds of outslocks and Balance, so that the Death Knight feels an invisible pressure.

This pressure is not the kind of inferiority, but a dangerous sign, as if any terrible thing is about to endanger his life.

The Death Knight Captain didn't like this feeling, and the handle finger, the two Dynasties knight took the lead in the past, and he followed him.

His realm is the peak of Level 7, which has been repaired than 8th-level energy is only a little bit. Since it was awakened in a month, he successfully slaughtered more than ten human masters, no one can stop his. 3 spears, if he can't kill Chen Lie as the captain, other knights are more impossible.

Two Death Knights have a long-spendling of two o'clock, and the blue cold light is straightforward, and Chen Lie's eyebrows and abdomen.

Their attacks don't have so many flowers, all of which are the battle tricks that have accumulated for thousands of years.


Pentium's death camel suddenly suffered a violent shock, and the pace of flying flying was confusing, and the body suddenly lost balance.

Tiger emperor!

Difference of the Tiger Emperor.

Pure ghost explosions.

Thunder felt died in the whole effort to ghost, and staged a silence.

Chen Lie suddenly broke out a lot of Lingxiao, and the king of the mandah, and I suddenly shocked two dead karries, and after they were taken away by the power.

at the same time.

Chen Lie grabbed a hinder of a bone texture as a weapon.

When the dead knights in two consecutive encounters were killed, the Bai Ling giant snake's blood pot was swallowed in an instant.

Although it is impossible to instantly transform, such combat efficiency is also extremely exaggerated, equal to Chen Lie instantly kill two level 7 seconds.

But the battle has not ended yet.

The Death Knight Captain is coming, his attack is very fast, soon, when he just killed Chen Lie, this speed has been complete.


Chen Lie, who was unsatisfactory, was hit, but it was fine.

The Death Knight Captain or underestimates the defensive power of the Balanced cover. This baby who can resist the peak of the building is hard to eat a shot of the 2nd level. Yes.

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