The pet king of the city

Chapter 108 Impact

The sky is spit out of the soul of the horror of the power of terror, the heart is clear, and all the strength is infused into Chen Lie's body.

The soul of this soul is crystallized by her basement. After countless years of refining, it has become the purest soul power.

She is ready to go to the main world to swallow the refining, quickly recover, and then slowly cannon. Chen Lie.

But now, she doesn't want so much. I just want to go out, leave this damn prison, returning to the outside, more exciting, a broader world.

In order to go out, the sky is the last bottom card, and assist Chen Lie broke through.

Chen Lie repair, who supported the bodily supported returns, blood expansion, and actually broke through the threshold of senior giants, continued to move with the realm of the 9-level giant peak.

"No, you can't continue to be grinded."

"Come out!"

I have already experienced Chen Lie, who has been in nine days, and the stars, I don't want to taste the taste, the world's exquisite Pagoda's light is full of body, even only feeling that the martial arts of the martial arts is also sacrificed.

But he recently crops a lot of practice, because it is not enough to understand, so there is no power from the discussion, waste, precious and limited.

He directly sacrifice the two inner world of the body of the body, ruthless Xiaosheng, let it replace itself.

Like this kind of thing is still not integrated, it is necessary to prevent itself from time to time, and take the top disaster.

The two inner worlds just come out have never been separated from Chen Lie to the pressure of the heavens and earth, and immediately turmoil.

But this is equal to the source of others, and the inner world under the 9-stage artifact is also violent, and it is directly broken and the star is shining.


Chen Lie is almost rushing in two inner worlds.


Two inner worlds are very powerful.

But it is impossible to withstand the endless nine-day hurricane and stars.

Only for more than a dozen breathing, they began to collapse.

Two before the world's martial arts giant, the world was cut by nine-day hurricane, and the stars were shine in the washing method crazy cutting two inner rules system.

"The world is in front of you!"

"Waiting for me to control the two inner world to do the last fight!"

"Qiankun is extreme!"

With Chen Lie's scream, the sky is really unique.

This magic weapon is a ring, which looks a bit weird ring magic weapon.

However, it is its appearance, Chen Wei can feel suffocating, so the power can only feel when the world is not controlled.


Chen Lie, who has no time, feels in front of the world's barrier.

If you don't say, directly control the world's Linglong Pagoda, even if you want to collect it, the two inner worlds that continue to collect, and there is no trend that does not collapse.

The two inner worlds began to collapse.

Extremely unsolved two inner world erupted dramatic turmoil.

It is even more inside the world to shoot a rumor, and take the lead in breaking the sky of the sky.

At the same time, a blood is risking, , focus, but it is so violent.


The world's wall barrier is shaking in the two inner worlds of self-explosion, and the endless star of the heavens actually appear like a wave.

So, this is the same, the Star River is still not broken, equal to a 9-level giant self-insurance destruction force, actually did not break the world's barrier.

It seems that this treasure hall world has been completely awakened.

Never compromise.

"I can not be reconciled!"

The sky is full of eyes, with the last splendid magic treasure, hit the world's barrier.

Chen Lie felt that the world's barriers were cracking, but they were also restored.

At this time, the sky is really human.

She just broke all the power, but even the final card was also used, but she still did not completely break the world's barrier. The treasure world still wants to imprison the sky.

Life and death!

What burning talents, what red blood, what martial arts, creation of gold.

All fiss this knife, this hit.

If the previous attacks before Chen Lie are scope level 9 senior level, then this time attack is just a 9-level peak.

The gap is entirely two yards.

However, Chen Lie has instilled all the strength at a point of shocking knife, and the crack of the world's barrier is still not recovered.


After all, it was shocking knife, and a sword passed through.


Chen Lie and Tianzhi really broke the world barrier with the final use, and finally did not in the sky of the sky.

On a mountain range of the Huahai Shengdi, with two "" sounds, Chen Lie and the sky have fallen.


"here it is……"

"Haha ..."

Chen Lie knows that he hurts, but the sky is really hesitant, and then smiles.

Chen Lie bite his teeth, and he looked at the sky.

At this time, the corner of the mouth also overflows blood, pale, but also more sigh of breath, the true man is in turn, "Don't be nervous, I will not do the stupid thing in the river."

Chen Lie smiled slightly, it looked at the knife, but it was actually more guarded.

The sky is looking at the shocking knife in Chen Lie, sigh: "You really have a difference, actually hiding such a terrible magic weapon. If I originally active, I am afraid that I will suffer, will it be me?"

Chen Lie laughed.

The sky is really sighing, saying: "You can rest assured. Here is the world of Wu Shen, you have no difference, you need to support each other in the last paragraph. And you I also took something I shouldn't take, if Without you, my mort is covered, I am afraid that it is difficult to survive. "


Chen Lie took a shocking knife and swallowed the next Ling Dan.

And the sky is still in the image, leisurely sitting, opposite Chen Lie.

Chen Qi: "How do you plan?"

"Remote, healing!"

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