The pet king of the city

Chapter 110 of the mourning of the dead spirit (third more)

Because the bone knife just refined, it was not completely mature; and Chen Lie found that this weapon belonging to the Death Knights, contained strong resentment.

This resentment can not be divided into me.

Although Chen Lie has been refined, after all, it is too short, and there is no refining the flaming, if the battle is interference, it will have a certain impact on him.

So in order to avoid encountering strong enemies and not fully play.

Chen Lie had to temporarily seal the bone knife, and swallow the soul power to strengthen and refine, then take other people's knives to temporarily replace.

"More refining points have replenished physical strength and condense the spirit of the town."

"Even if there is only a docking effect, it is better than nothing."

Naturally, it is naturally not a valuable spiritan, but a baby that can fix the spirit and understanding.

These Half-Dan's medicinal materials are from various vibrators.

Although the Death Knight Captain is strong, he can't hurt Chen Lie, but instead, he let Chen Lie have been created on some grievances.

Fortunately, I have a little preparation before Chen Lie, otherwise this time is really bad.


Chen Lie chased their escape direction along the fire.

But the more you chase, you will not be right.

The hand can catch up with his speed.

But he didn't find a shadow in a few hours now, but a lot of monsters.

The previous corpse is only one of them. Chen Lie has also encountered a dozen sacred powerful death, a glasses of the glasses with two heads, more than 15 meters long, all have been smashed by him.


Chen Lie saw a broken hand and is Rod.

Chen Lie now remembers Rod's body and clothes, but did not expect to find such an uneasiness.

But Chen Lie didn't hesitate, and checked a chance of changing in the future.

If the previous Dawn Knight chases the fire, the fire will be a situation where he is dead, Chen Lie should prepare for them, but now Chen Lie is too superficial.



The mourning of the dead spirit!

Chen Lie was stimulated by this sudden death, and the whole person had a hysteresis that should not appear.

At the next moment, Chen Lie Zhou knife broke out, the splendid knife was representative of Chen Lie's efforts, the result is Chen Lie's body to play.

A different kind of death is coming.

This kind of death is not enough, and it is mourning, and the voice of mourning is like the legendary death, and people are hurt.

And they are also immune to physical attacks, and they can also directly attack human souls, but their paws are extremely sharp, and they can directly cut meat.

When Chen Lie was shocked to, they had killed Chen Lie.


Chen Lie can only passively defense, block the enemy's fierce claw with a fast knife.

Chen Lie's calm and calm rescued his life, and the bright Thunder stepped and the speed of the war was retired.

There is no use of martial arts, but Chen Lie's defense defense is not leaking, but mourning the death of Chen Lie in a short period of time, can only follow Chen Lie's rhythm.

Tiger emperor!

The rules of Thunder fist again, and a knife broke the mourning of the death.

The scene of Chen Lie crash appeared, and those mourning deaths have not been swallowed by Chen Lie, they will swallow their companions, and the mourning of death after swallowing is turned to climb a realm, from the original level 7 instant to 8 level.

This sudden change is indeed that Chen Lie can't change, let Chen Lie have changed, and turn it around.

But greeted Chen Lie is an overbearing, and there is a burning breath.


Chen Lie's Balance covered himself.

It is a person, and there is still someone at this time, there is still a ridiculous.

But it is more absurd behind, this sneak attack is ignored the mourning of Chen Lili, but launched him with him.

Chen Lie stood against a stable and spicy knife, although the other's knife was spiritually overbearing, but also with flames, it was uncomfortable, but Chen Lie was tangled with him, not to give him a comprehensive outbreak. opportunity.


Chen Lie once again harded the burning knife.

However, the burning breath makes his breathing increasingly uncomfortable, each time you consume the truth, and this feel is getting more and more realistic.

"No, I will go on like this!"

However, the other party did not give Chen Lie any astholic opportunity, and the "sweeping Huashan", a reminder of Huashan, shocked, and the rhythm was completely lost.

The mysterious knife is blowing a cold light, and the energy is completely broke out!

The tragic knife is covered with Chen Lie to cover Chen Lie, and Chen Lie is hung.

The burning breath began to evolve the flame, let Chen Lie are like the fire.

Just as the knife is to calm the middle line of Chen Lie, when the knife is broken, Chen Lie's eyes flashed a killing, the third knife of killing, and the violent road will shine the number of underground citys. In the range of 100 meters, all the breath of the mysterious knife was covered.


A knife that endless and hatefully condensed.

Representing Chen Lie's survival will also condensed Chen Lie to these disgusting things absolutely dissatisfaction.


The mysterious knife passed a blood, and the wolf fled.

In the final space, he still left him unwilling: "Chen Lie, I will bring the strongest God military group!"

" ?"

"Wait, there is also islandes in this world?"

Chen Lie came over.

The style of the mission seems to be the cultivation of hell double stars.

And Chen Lie came over, it seems to kill this organization.

It is no wonder that they will hate Chen Lie to so, actually in such a harsh environment.

Chen Lie who didn't want to have more than night dreams, still evacuated.

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