The pet king of the city

Chapter 112 Tiger Emperor

Chen Lie broke out, and several auxiliary recovered semi-Ling Dan connect to swallow up, with the high spirits of fighting, Chen Lie's war only wanted to soar to the most peak.

This is still, the ghosts stored in the inner body are all forced, accompanied by the full outbreak of the Thunder, Chen Lie is like the evil king, the breath is difficult to ponder.

At the next moment, Chen Lie's speed is full, the dragon snake will become floating in the limit state, and the body is like disappearing.

This speed is even more fast than the wind ghost king, but only this mysterious mourning, the moment of the death of the dead, beyond Chen Lie.

Tiger emperor!

Falling, the transient movement of the mourning king will let Chen Lie have once again lost the hunting direction.

Tiger Emperor!

It is still falling, and the mourning of the mourning, the death, the king, once again, once again.

"damn it!"

Chen Lie angry, but did not have a mess.

He suddenly became a move, turned and ran, with his speed, it ran in a blink of a long time.

If it is human, it will definitely be scared by this incredible speed, but mourning the death of the death, a mortuary, a tens of meters, tightly biting Chen Lie.

Is Chen Lie to be so weak?

He has been mistaken once, naturally it is impossible for the second time.

The embarrassment of Chen Lie covered through a keen spirit, and bitterly biting the dead spirits that is difficult to capture.


Chen Lie passed the silk killing and cold breath, finally grabbed the body of mourning the death of the dead, and went a knife.

This knife does not have any knife in the three knives, which is more vicious than these three knives, because Chen Lie is at the expense of the blood of the blood, and does not leave a knife.


The mourning of the mourning of the death of the dead, collapsed, and the body also collapsed, but did not condense again.

However, he didn't attack again, and he went to Chen Lie to disappear in the dark, because he obviously did not expect Chen Lie to reach such a step, and hit himself with self-disabling.

The mourning of the death of the Death is not as good as the mysterious sacrifice, but his [movie shift] is unparalleled, in addition to the existence of a suggestion, others cannot harm him, and human beings are even more.

If it is not a knife of Chen Lie, Otherwise, Chen Lie will be lived by him, even if Chen Lie has breaking through the breakthrough.

I don't know how far it run.

Tired, almost, Chen Lie, lying on the ground, lying directly.

a long time.

He returned to a sigh of relief, and sighed: "I used to listen to the evil king of the wind and commission team. I thought it was the limit in ghosts. I don't want to encounter two levels of the same level today. It seems that this world Still better than I imagined, and the eyes of the wind communist group is still too small, you must open it well. "

The appearance of mysterious sacrifices and mourning, especially the mysterious sacrifices of spells, is simply open, and Chen Lie encounters only done.

Chen Lie thought that the abilities seen before, smiled: "If the petrochemical skin abilities are also refined into the dry corpse of the copper-skinned iron, I am afraid it will be more horrible. If you need more than other mating 8 Level of abilities, I am afraid no one is the opponent of the mysterious sacrifice. "

"Bai Yu covers us several times, if there is no hundreds of outsmat, I have already finished the easter. However, because of this, the energy consumption of Bairi cover is a lot, and it must be added."

"Although it has been hunted to kill a lot of death killings, the ghosts in the last battle of Lunarware is forced, and now there is no way. There is still a madman in the shadow, and the knife of the style is peeking, not Calm! "

"Forget it, I can only find a soft persimmon after taking a break."

Chen Lie took a little to take a break away.

Then he saw the strange area depicted by Rhodes and the elf, and he also encountered a free dry corpse and I didn't know what to search for this.

However, these are not important. It is important that Chen Lie actually discovered the signs of the soul - double-eyed snake.

Meteor Tiger Emperor!

On all parts of the body, the fingers are definitely Chenie's weakness.

This is the case, Chen Lie's finger is very strong, and I don't dare to say the world, but it is definitely the first in the same level, the best in the world.

Matching the Sky, the power of Chen Lie has been used to deal with the general 8th level, let alone refers to the concentration, it is probably a small use of the eyes of the eyes of the eyes.

A point of view of ghosts is in the past, and the seven-inch part of the double-eyed snake is in a loss.

This means that there is no gorgeous color, and there is no fierce explosion, because everything is controlled by Chen Lie, because Chen Lie's environment is highly high.

Chen Lie looked at the dead end of the snake, sincerely admire: "Although it is not a snake king, it is also the 8th grade beast, a head jet super corrosion, a head jet can directly hurt the soul of the soul, dry corpse The dead spirit is restrained, no wnsonies can survive here. "

As a result, there is no nonsense, and Chen Lie who is not wasteless to waste this unlucky double-eyed snake is simply dismantled. If it is not completely dismalcular, it will receive the lake, and the fire leaves.

This is only one of Chen Lie here.

He wandered in the fourth stepped foot and did not find a new channel.

He also stored the power to try to shock the ladder, and the result was about to be awarded by two about the 7-level peak.

The most horrible thing is that Chen Lie's guess is true.

That kind of petrochemical skin is like a knot, but also strengthens a level on the basis of petrochemical skin, and ordinary laws are tickle at all.

Continue to wander and continue to hunt.

Chen Lie is hard to make a large group of black little flying insects, which is called by Rod to the soul of the soul of the soul, and more than 10,000 are all transformed into a pure soul in the hundreds of outdrops. Otherwise it is impossible to stick to the fourth step.

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