The pet king of the city

Chapter 116 Control

An obvious 8-level death spirit that has extraordinary wisdom must not only devour Chen Lie's soul, but also occupy the body of Chen Lie, so it is just attacking the soul, not hurting the slightest body.

But so it will be given to Chen Lie.


Or Chen Lie is ready.

"is it?"

Chen Lie's dull expression suddenly calm down.

The 8-level dead spirit instantly felt a fear. Decisive all reserved resentment power into the past, and also entered his own soul, intended to further achieve control.

But Chen Lie is indifferent, just like the clown, I usually look at the 8th-level death.

The 8-level dead spirit of sacrificing many of the soul of the soul is a drop, and finally knows that Chen Lie is not afraid of his interference. After the interference: "It is impossible! Why are you not afraid of ghost and resentment? You are just How can little 8-level abilities? How can I resist such soul power? "

Chen Lie lane: "It is very simple, because I feel more terrible soul!"

I don't say that Chen Lie has passed through the soul of this world, saying that his body has to pass through.

That is 9th.

More terrible than this world.

What did this small soul impact in the area of ​​the district?


"What is your soul?"

I have found that all the 8-level death spirit of futile is like recovering the soul of the source, but I found that my strength is not controlled at all, I was crazy by Chen Lie like pumping machine, and immediately screed: "Don't!" I beg you! "

Unfortunately Chen Lie is indifferent.

He is a dream.

Even if it is not a ghost body.

So he is born is not afraid of any ghost.

The 8-level dead spirit infused his evil, and did not send the sheep into the tiger?

For the enthusiasm of the magnitude 8, Chen Lie is naturally nothing.

"I can convince you!"

"Ah! Only the strength of the 8th level is! Don't swallow my own soul!"

"Master! I can be your dog, ask you to give me a living road!"

The 8-level death spirit began to fight, began to struggle, but under Chen Lie's suppression, especially the higher level of soul power suppressed.

The 8-level dead spirit is not moving, and it is only desperate to look at his own soul, and it is constantly extracted by Chen Lie.

Chen Lie had a cold, cold and cold, and you dare to hit my idea, naturally staying, I don't have a habit of raising tiger. "

Seeing the 8th-level death spirit, he had to sieve, Chen Lie broke: "Don't talk nonsense, now I have some mastery! I can only blame you! If you don't let your source, you 8 Level first-class repair, how can I not plunder your origin? After all, you will run away even if you don't play. "

"Unfortunately, you have sent it to the door, now this door is open, you want to close it, it is not easy."

When it comes to the end, Chen Lie is full of teenagers.

This is also true.

Regardless of how the 8-level dead spirit struggle, he transported the past, the soul of the past is like a pipe, constantly deprived his repair, everything.

The unsatisfactory level 8 dead spirit is stimulating: "You have no chance! Your body can't help but I am strong, you will swallow it, you will explode! Let go, I can do your ghosts! "

"no need!"

Chen Lie is cloudy and yin, a mouth, a drop of this blood, then takes a breath of the 8th-level dead spirit in the face of the 8-level dead spirit.

This breath has become more and more condensed, and it will eventually become another 8-level dead spirit.

The 8th-level death spirit can be roaring: "It's impossible! How can you split the soul? This is the special of our temple! How can you master your human beings?"

Chen Lie said: "Human beings are the most good at learning races. Once they are cracked by humans, the unique secrets are naturally no longer unique! Moreover, who tells you that I am human."

At this time, Chen Lie is a dream, it is indeed not an amount of human beings.

"Do not……"

The 8th-level death seems to be desperate.

"Don't struggle!"

Chen Lie's smile is more surprising, because his dream has strengthened to a limit, and the soul of the classification is almost the limit.

The more and more weak 8-level death is asked: "What do you want this twilight 8th soul? Do you want him to make a group, or integrate into your artifact?"

Chen Lien said: "You guess it. I want him to become a hobwe of hunger, this is a simple, but effective array of law to help me break through this dead strange ancient temple."

"It's amazing, the separators who have no self-consciousness can use this!"

The more the 8th-level death spirit is, the more weakened, the more it is, the more confused.


"Loss it to you!"

Along with the final crushing, the 8-level death spirit finally left a sentence, completely broken.

This time the crush is to lose the break of the source, and it is also a broken crushing.

Chen Lie looked at the 8-level dead spirit that thoroughly cigarettes, sigh.

What is said that the 8-level death spirit is the existence of the , so, this is, which is ourselves to the dislocation, and "Chen Lie is a bit awkward.

Because this 8-level death spirit is a large-scale military commander who transforms.

The army is also famous, fire will, the guns, they mentioned this guy, the top of the top of the top 7.

The result is falling here, which is forcibly converted to the dead spirit.

But he retains quite strong wisdom because of some unknown factors, because there is such a scene.

"Next is ..."

Chen Lie is cloudy and smiling, starting on the grain pattern of the 8th level dead.

Finally, it is incorporated into a hundred outslocks and lifts the hundreds of hoods.



After the fourth day of "closed door upgrade", Chen Lie has been closed.

He swallowed a million emeraptic beetle in the surrounding, and turned into a pure soul of the soul and stored in Bairing.

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