The pet king of the city

Chapter 121, a sword (third)

"You don't forget! Here is a pet big world, you are invaders!"

Chen Lie's breath, the strength of the power of the west.

If specific use, use a silky world of origin to bring together the body, which can greatly enhance the integration of Chen Lie and the pet world.

If you use a silky world, you will slowly fusion, it is to slowly improve the combat power of Chen Lie.

And this is also the most common approach to the world's strength.

But Chen Lie is now a giant.

He doesn't have a silk, but a group.

Almost massive heavens and earth in the earth.


Chen Lie became the dominance of this world.

The surrounding Wushen World will be expelled.

A sword!

This sword not only contains the emulsion of the elegant and light, but also the unsatisfactory feelings of the world, it seems like a snapped master's kind of disdain, and there is no descending of a thoughts of the world. Pale.

Such a sword has surpassed the original category of life and death.

It is this sword.

The Buddha Madron of the World of Wushen Capi collapsed.


"You actually cut it out of the year!"

"I will return!"

Buddha is anger.

A sword, just a sword.

The Buddha is injured and the origin is not a thousand years.

This is simply bloody.

"It's very fast!"

Chen Lie saw the people of the entire Buddha's door to be transferred, and naturally know what is going on.

"Received Buddha?"

"In the previous collection, the Buddha gates of Wu Shen World seem to have a large-scale transmission to treasure, it is estimated that this is."

Chen Lie is also ignored.

After the slaughter just sailed, the Yuanyuan of the Buddha was hit hard, and there was no millennium.

But as a super power with a million-year-old world, Chen Lie knows that it is just the corner of the iceberg, and will certainly have a more serious challenge.

"As long as it is not a level 10 enemy, play with you."

"Now go back and look."

"If you can grab the desert world, it makes sense than killing 10 military giants."

Chen Lie's body is ready to leave.

"Please wait."

Dynasty appears.

Bawen is a 9-level giant of the Iron Blood Leep, and the giants in the giants are also the head of the general army of the pet.

Chen Lie saw this most recent 9-level giant, respectfully greessing: "See the Tiansheng."

The Bawkianshen invited: "Chen Xiao Brothers in the paradise, this is my projection, our world we need your war."


Chen Lie received a series of information.

Large area fall.

The pet big world actually has a large amount of land being captured, and is a bonfire everywhere.

Chen Lie asked excitedly: "What is going on? I just left the pet big world for a while, how to fall like this?"

"The chaotic world and the martial art world don't play with us."

"They directly form a coalition, together to attack us."

Bawen said: "At present, there are more than 20 battlefields in the world. The biggest pressure is the world's world. It is estimated that more than 100 giants are compressed. So we are mobilizing all needs resources, your war is Urgent."

Chen Qian: "Is it chaotic world?"

"They attack on the other side."

Bawen Taoist replies: "If they are not sharing the fight against us 10 giants, otherwise the front line will not be tight."

"Okay, I have been rushing here."

Chen Lie had to go.

Infancy, the They are all in front.

Hundreds of giants.

What a horrible force.

Even if he typically and the , under such a war, it is only cannon.

The situation is very urgent.

Chen Lie didn't have time to rest.






The army of Wu Shen, began to enter the world, and gradually went to the hinterland of people.

Previously, for a few months, the transfer of the transfer of the hinterland, the defense of the defense, everything is waiting today.

It is just that the army of Wu Shen, the army of the world is too spectacular.

Millions of army, Million martial arts masters, directly vibrating the world, the power is not weak than any senior giant full of power.

There are thousands of people in the endless starry sky, and these people are at least 8 levels, and they have this strong, even if the heart of the iron is slightly color.

At least four thousand level 8, 300 9 levels.

Single lineup is enough to destroy any medium world in Wanjie, even a little weak, a little, a little bit, has to be spiked.

If you want to bring you such a force, I am afraid that there is only the Wushen World, who is only talented, can be assembled.

"The pet is over the world."

Those who quietly peegically, they have seen their faces and retreat.


Finally, the big army is a step, stopping on the venue of the world.

And the horror army on the sky will stop, waiting for the highest level of people.

Guanghua masterpiece.

25 senior giants came.

The martial arts emperor!

Legend has it in charge of the hinterland of Wu Zhen, the territory is more than 10 secondary worlds, the world's first empire.

He was known as the Emperor of the Wudao.

It is the martial author of the world's most close to the realm.

No. 10 saints below the first.

High high, like the magic god of the military, although the emperor is just a handsome young man, but no one dares to look at him, and even see that he is like a mouse who sees the cat, there is no desire to do.

A senior senior giant of the voice: "The pet big world, I will take Chen Lie and surrendered to us. Our emperor promises you, let you keep your own interests, Yongsu Changsheng."

A sword is coming.

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