The pet king of the city

Chapter 123 Battle of the World

The martial arts emperor hated and praised: "You are worthy of creating a super organization's super-organized person, and three words will make us distracted. But this great did not mind with you, this is your burial place!"


There is a good light, and the white clouds on the sky are digested.

"and many more!"

The Tsing Yi Towers suddenly drink, so that everyone will inevitably hysterect.

At this time, a huge large print has no signs from the martial arts world army, and all people in the range of at least 100 miles in an instant are meat.


This is very similar to the ?

When did you appear?

How to avoid watching the vision of 25 senior giant homes in Wuoao Emperor?

But this is just the beginning.

This will turn down.

Whenever he flipped, at least dozens of miles round the army was pressed into a meat, there was no chance to survive; and every turned, the whole world had to collapse.

You know here is an abandoned starry battlefield.

It is a secret of a heaven or earth.

"court death!"

The martial arts emperor took one hand and actually shocked directly like the mountains.

At the same time as the Qingyi landlord, the sky is like it, and it will disappear, so that the Emperor of the Wudao is empty.


A group of green winds appeared.

This group is very big, but it is not very violent, just a pure radiation range.

It can be such a blue wind blowing, the Wu Shen Big World Army is like the wheat grass, and almost every one has become a corpse, there is no ruthless body.

It is the life of glory.

You know that this is the wind, covering the wind of nearly 100 miles directly.

That is, there is such a pass without the purpose of the purpose, the slaughter of the martial arts world is even more fierce than the previous rumor.

Brakeing, the martial arts of Wu Shen, who was originally confident, Ma Ma, lack two big mouth, one of which is particularly , at least nearly 200,000.

Slaughter, red. Naked slaughter.


One unknown is from forgetting or from the senior giants from the Buddha to a horrible light ball.

This is not a demon, it is not blood, but a pure soul of the condense body. Once the explosion can be born to destroy the death shock, I will have what hidden in the hinterland of the pet big world, I am afraid I will be shocking. The soul is broken.

The power of this level is no longer any attack of the ordinary giants.

Sword is stab!

The golden sword of the Tsing Yi Tower is hit.

The golden golden sword actually defeated mysterious soul, although Jin Guang's sword was broken, but mysterious soul is also collapsed.

Although the two are the same realm, the soul of the Tsing Yi Tower is absolutely stronger than the other party.

If the Tsing Yi Tower is dispatched with the sword of the dusk, I am afraid I will attack the enemy's body directly.

If you are the sword of the sword, what kind of disaster will happen is an unknown number.


The senior giants of the World of Wushen spurted blood, and the face brushed it.

You must know that it is soul, almost the extension of the soul, just like this, and the soul will naturally suffer.


The Tsing Yi landlord also feels a little shock, but it is nothing.

It's just that the mood of the military emperor is getting more and more unhappy, and the face is sinking that he has detected that the body of the Tsing Yi landlord has a mysterious world.

Obviously, he got the blessings of the world.

At this time, the Tsing Yi landlord is definitely 9th, which is only a dangerous signal.

If you let him keep it, I am afraid that he is also impossible to fight.


A cyan dragon out.

This Qinglong is extremely large, like the nine-level god dragon, a sprint, or a sweep, actually cleaned the big military world army, even a slag, no left.

Blue water Qinglong appeared.

This blue Qinglong is like a dragon that has been exploited from the deep sea, with a heil-rich hydraulic swept.

And the location it appeared is very vicious, which is actually the rear of the Wu Shen Big World Army, a swee, a swallowed, instantaneous countless people disappear, collective in the blue water into a bone.

This is Blue Water Dragon, it is a sulfate.

However, the cyan and blue dragons are just beginning, and the fire is red, silver white, and the yellow and ink black dragons appear, roaring from four directions to the Wu Shen Big World Army.

When you are out, those masters on the top are no longer fostered.

Although these six gods have no sign, even if the Emperor of the Wudao is not detected, it will prevent it.

But after all, the master is a master, all the strong people have sacrificed the proud school, especially the 25 senior giants, have sacrificed the world spirit, and encircle the six gods.

The military emperor did not move, looked at the Lord of the Tsing Yi, and asked coldly: "Is your ghost?"

"I know a little late!"

The Lantel is a cold and smile, and he fleszes dozens of giants in a starland behind him. It is not what the famous giants of the Pets of the Bawen are still what is the famous giants.

The martial arts emperor praised: "Yes, it is the first person to kill it. It actually hides so mystery, secretly transfers the surrounding space to avoid our attention, and the three-time sneak attack allows us to have no defense. It's really too I am great. "

It turns out that everyone is hidden in the world.

Don't think that there are not many people in the pet big world to snipe the enemy, and in fact, all giants are hidden in the world of the Lord of Tsing Yi.

There is a protection in the world, and the attacks of the Tiansheng will be so causing.

Unless there is a senior giant to search, it is impossible to perceive their ambush.

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