The pet king of the city

Chapter 129 Future Road

Although the pet big world is a winner, it is actually a loser, just because the battlefield is in the pet big world.

The final war did not open, and the result will have countless secrets, and the stars of the stars die.

Chen Lien sent a gradually leaving giants, and also looked at all people, nodded, and left.

He is not leaving the pet big world, but go home.

It is not that he is not having anything, but he has just been forced to promote, and one breath condenses three inner worlds, and there is no transparent between a time, so it takes time to consolidate.

Just just returning to a stadium, he actually pulled into a secret space by the Bawang Supreme.

All the core people in the pet big world are here.

Chen Lie saw the blister bone demon of his face, and he took a source of this source and then asked: "How do you feel now?"

Purgatory Bone Devils: "Very good. I thought at least for decades, I could restore the 9th level peak, but I have a mysterious source force, I only need to care for half a year."

Chen Lie has passed a few useful panmers.

The purgatory bones are not polite, and they will swallow up after they have passed.

And the Tiansheng is most direct, and the life of the purgatory bones is directly in the body, and his vitality is to increase his vitality and say: "No need for half a year, with these Ling Dan, match my life and death law, up to one month It can restore the previous peak state. "

The purgatory bones reply confidently: "In any case, this time my gain is quite abundant. Although the body is defeated, how can I get it? In the past ten years of fighting, and the last moment of life and death, let me have Absolute confidence impacts higher realm. "

"This is good ..."

Everyone is gratifying.

Glory stood up, respectfully gave birth, asked: "There is a pillar of the pet big world. I don't know what strategies when I don't know the future of the world. It is always fascinated."

Everyone is a bit touching the self-sufficiency of glory, but I don't dare to say anything.

However, everyone is very tacit in Chen Lie.

Chen Lie did not do it, and asked, "Do you like to kill?"

Everyone shook his head.

Chen Lie asked again: "Do you have a sense of accomplishment after you shoot the city?"

Everyone will continue to shake his head.

Chen Lie continued to ask: "Do you think it is still poor now, is there a lack of world?"

Everyone's shaking head is even more violent.

"Sill this!"

Chen Lie said: "Then our pet big world continues the previous strategy, and I will be ten times!"

Everyone will come in the place of the gods.

Glory is questioning: "But the next time in Wu God, although they have a heavy loss today, it is basically the grassroots, the senior giant hood is only injured, while the casualties of 8 and 9 can be ignored. Not counting. With the advantages they occupied, such losses need to be rolled up for ten years, and more brilliant, it is more difficult to deal with. "

Chen Lie asked: "What will I do in ten years?"

Everyone is speechless.

If it is someone else, even if it is the top of the Tsing Yi Building, or the first master Wu Dynasty opened such a Haikou. Everyone will definitely be with nasal, laugh, it is not self-strength.

Can I change to Chen Lie?

In less than 30 years old, Chen Lie, who is still 30 years old, is already the first world. It is only a few days before the death of the thrilling, the surprise.

If you give him ten years, I am afraid that the world can be distorted by him.

Seeing that everyone did not say, Chen Lie said: "Since we don't have a ambition, there is no need to plunder, but why bother to compete for so many unnecessary things?"

Everyone feels very reasonable, but always feels missing.

Chen Lie continued: "In fact, we have occupied the best resources, otherwise the Wu Zhen World will not peek at us. But so, so, it will only get more and more weak, so we have to go to other world development, fight, use The shortest time has developed themselves, strive for development and strategic buffering space, and can no longer make the pet big world to make such a war quagmire. "

I was explained by Chen Lie, everyone suddenly realized, and they will come in place.

"All right!"

Chen Lie stood up and said, "We don't like the plunder, you don't want to have a plunder."

Chen Lie who was prepared to leave suddenly thought of, and finally reminded: "The most important task of the present pet big world is to rebuild, it is best to plan it, don't be so confusing before. As for others, anyway, it is trying to strengthen intelligence The net, it is best to achieve the key message to achieve the enemy. It can reach the moment, so that our pet big world is to retreat, we have said it, we are almost invincible. "

The words are all here, Chen Lie is floating.

However, their topics have not ended yet.

After all, Chen Lie just gave a rough direction, specific, detailed allocation, needed to carefully ponder.

If you can't get good, a good plan will become a bad plan, and even a counter-effect.

When I returned home, Chen Lie did not lazy.

When he waved, he gave the park to imprisonment.

Then he took out the shocking knife.

Before he had to refine, the shocking knife was a top 5 treasure.

Unfortunately, with the battle of the company, especially the enemy of many senior giants, it is difficult to explode, and it is difficult to explode.

Now Chen Lie wants to refine, try breaking through its own refineries.

His goal is clear:


A siph of blood, all sprinkled on the shocking knife.

But the shock knife seems to withstand such a horrible chaotic power.

Or Chen Lie's blood implied power surpasses the end of the shocking knife.

Brakeing, the shocking knife crashed.

This is a broken broken, thoroughly broken, and there is no piece of scale exceeds the rice.

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