The pet king of the city

Chapter 132 Conquering Desert World

The sky is changing, the earth is trembling, everything in the world, whether it is a hill, or a flowers and trees, or a bird-going beast, under the dragon of the dragon in the world, as if it is a prominent, everything They are all lambs, which can only be trembled under its majesty, with desperation, suffering everything.

The sky is like a heavy stone, and the earth began to crack.

Star explosion!

The power of the mystery of the star explosion, this punch can make the universe, can destroy everything in the world.

When Chen Lie is also a level 9 trial person, he also has a senior giant to fall.

Now, Chen Lie has reached a senior 9-level giant, standing with a single mind, and it is enough to explore the existence of everything below 9.

There is no whit reservation, the sky has changed, the space is rushing, and there is a possibility of collapse at any time.

It seems that the world will not keep it.

It's so key, a huge mysterious gas is far away, and the space is quickly stabilized.


Chen Lie saw the sky.

The previous golden dragon disappeared, evolved into something similar to Xuanhuang.

And this thing is crazy to infuse into the body of the undead.

The repair of the Undead Dijun rose straight.

It turns out that the world will know that a person cannot defeat Chen Lie.

With this.

It is better to become a whole dead.

At least the Undead is a person.

No matter how the descending emperor is changed, the soul of the descendant monarch has the brand of the desert world.

"Haha ..."

"You finally appreciate me."

"I didn't expect me to destroy the world, but I actually became a savior!"

"Haha, so powerful power, even if the energetic people in the ancient times are not so powerful!"

Magic flashes!

Perfect split!

Countless undead Dijun appeared in front of Chen Lie.

Every undead of the monarch has mastered the killing power of 8 levels.

Several undead of the Denmine mastered the rules of the wind, water, and fire three different attributes.

There are also several undead of death, all the martial arts fighting skills, respectively, the world's most powerful killings.

There are also a few Undeading Jun Shi's attacks similar to the world's own level.

The rest of the remaining Dawn is a combination of various banners, and the power of the world is ruthless.

Every death is warmly entertaining the past.


Chen Lie's mouth smiled coldly.

There is no breathing throughout the process.

All Undead Dijun is in a sight of a bit of star.

The flesh collapse, only the most essential soul slowly incorporates Chen Lie's hands, integrates into the source of the soul, and starts compensation before the compensation.


Denmines could not accept the strongest history of his history, even the senior level 9 trials can also instantly obliterate the power of the other party.

When the heart god disappeared, Chen Lie has come to him.

Chen Lie's index finger finger gently in the eyebrows of the Undead.

If the body of the undead, the body of the undead, all the black rays suddenly dissipated, and the hips immediately spilled like a bloody world of this object.

Everything with the same thing as the Undead of the Denmine also collapsed in an instant, and turned into a bit of a sideway.


Chen Lie will take the time and immediately collect all the world's natives, and it is not wasteful at all.

"I will give you a chance."

Numerous people see Chen Lie's terrorist means and know that this world is over.

I don't want Chen Lie, but suddenly gave them a hopes.

"Suited in me."

"I will take you to a broader world."

"Otherwise, the whole world is refining!"

Chen Lie issued a declaration.

The world is dull in the ground, I don't know how it is good.

Chen Lie showed the world and said: "This three world integrations are the same as all of the gods are returned to this source. If you want this, I can fulfill you."

"you win."

Numerous strong people squat down.

Even the world will bless, the realm of the 10th level of the Undead of the 10th level was also swicked between the instant, and everyone did not resist the meaning of resistance.

It is to resist with many people.

But they really can't face Chen Lie so powerful enemies.

Chen Lie's power has made them playing from the bottom of the heart, so that he can't move his though thought.

The world will again evolve.

It is still a golden dragon.

The world of incarnation of golden dragons respectfully worshiped Dynasty.

at the same time.

A brand also engraved into the world's source.

Since then.

The world of deserts has become Chen Lie's world.


"You have made a very correct choice."

Chen Lie opened his hands and donated a larger world.

Summon is open.

Countless aircraft wear calls.

"They bring a world's own source."

"I am responsible for pulling you to the pet big world, shortening the cost of shuttle so you can learn from the free home of the world, transform into heaven and earth."

"And these machinery can transform your world, let you become a spiritual world."

"I believe me, you will be glad today."

Chen Lie's voice landed, the body is also integrated into the source.

He made a big hair this time.

A medium-oriented body, low-class world of world, enough for him to cultivate a few giants.

However, these are secondary.

The most important thing is that he can accelerate cultivate the world of desert.

When he is waiting, he can take it out of light.

Using the desert world to cover a larger globe world.

And there are many civilizations and routes that can be taken in the desert world.

For example, the route of the Undead, use the origins and entities to quickly transform the undead, which is equal to the rapid mass manufacture.

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