The pet king of the city

Chapter 135 Killing and deprived

Giggle ...

The colorful crowns seem to be aware of the threat of life, wake up from the serious injured coma, crazy struggle. Unfortunately, how can it be a small moon opponent after the day after tomorrow, quickly being uniform.

As long as the inquiry is slightly used, you can reverse the neck of the colorful chicken.

"and many more!"

Chen Lie felt that a group of chest is hot and immediately shouted.

Although Mu Shu has doubts, it is still honest.

Chen Lie said: "Give me a crown chicken."

"Yes, young master!"

Shu quickly saw that the beauty of the young master temperament to respect it, and quickly took the colorful chicken.

"This feels ... it is killing, deprived feeling ..."

Although Chen Lie's thinking model has not been completely replaced in this world, he has clearly distinguished this feeling called "Killing hunger", just like the hungry beast to see the arrest of the prey.


Chen Lie finally felt his own, so that the neck of the colorful crowns.

Suddenly, Chen Lie felt a mysterious power to light into his chest part from the body of the colorful crowns.

At the next moment, he clearly felt that his body has a lot of shares, not the end of the day, and it is not the mysterious power of the innate gas to hide the chest.

"The demon soul absorbs?"

"No, it is the transformation of the soul."

With the past experience, Chen Lie quickly distinguished the essence of this force.

Devouring the demon soul, this is the means of top-level first heaven, or the means of masters, I can't think that Chen Lie actually has such increasing skills.

If you pass it, Chen will definitely take him as the first seed culture, while it will also suffer from other hostile families.

After the shock, Chen Lie strongly pressed the feelings of the heart, told: "Shu, I am tired, you should take it first!"

After the words, the head did not leave, leaving only a fascinating ink.

Back to the room.

The first time Chen Lie closed all the doors and windows, and the rudely torn open their clothes and looked at their own heart: a group of wonderful patterns appeared in the center of the heart.

This is not a text, nor the graphics of the animals, but is like a weird mark.

The park is imprisoned.

The tag of the paradise army.


How can Chen Lie may forget about this familiarity?

It is because the emergence of the system, let his life have the essential transformation.

It can be said that even if he reborn 100 times, he will not forget.

Chen Lie was helplessly smiled: "I didn't expect my pile of piles to pay my heart, blending my countless law, the congenital spirit of the mystery, did not follow, but you accidentally rise, put the system's source of this source to integrate chaos, As a result, wear a soul, produced a slight variation. I really don't know how to move, or is it? "


Chen Lie took the chest and remembered the past generation. He suddenly became unparalleled. He said in the endless night: "I am practicing to the peak, but the endless resources, but what is this identity?"


"Moreover, the rules system of the pet big world, does not necessarily adapt to the power of this world."

Chen Lie firmly said: "In this case, then I can't repeat the old road in the past. This is the case. Since I have to practice, it is still a fear of the fear, anything. The conspiracy is trick, morality can't be binding to my absolute road. "

Take a deep breath.

Chen Lie abandoned all the thoughts of all messy, resolutely chose a taboo, forciting the previously absorbed colorful souls to swallow up.


This is the gas, which is the power of the cell.

Chen Lie instantly realized the feeling of breath, condensed the first silk, completed the transformation of ordinary people to the military.

Others have to complete this process, completely condensed the first silk, even if the first day of Chen, I have to have a time, and the exchange is an ordinary person, it can condensed out in one day, even if it is good.

Relatively speaking, Chen Lie has a velocity of condensing speed.

Such a horrible cultivation speed, so a relaxed realm breaks, if you pass it, I really don't know how many people will scare.

But Chen Lie is indifferent, he is the peak of a world, and now he is too small from the peak status, and you can ignore the ground.

"The first step!"

Chen Lie's thoughts are floating, as if integrated into the night, integrating into the world.

Original Chen Lie's plan is secretly cultivating, accumulating a little money that is the most likely to get rich in the Dancon.

But now, his plan has to change it.



Tianshui Mountain.

The largest mountain range in the Tianshui Mountain is more than a thousand miles away. The legend not only has a large number of horrible senior spirit beasts, but there are many equestronomy of the congenital level.

Even, the legend of the highest peak in Tianshui, there is still a brutal black.

Chi Shui Village is on the edge of Tianshui, not only away from human civilization, but even dangerous is very dangerous. It will be ignored from which corner to kill from which corner will be killed.

Chen Lie has been sent here if he has been sent here. It can be seen that he does not stay in the family.

Fortunately, he is not the previous Chen Lie, which is not rare.

Just on the most edge of Tianshui, there is only one mountain forest in Chi Shui Village, a confused thorn wild boar is straight from the bush bus, all the shrubs in front of it have been hit by its talents. Pour or squeeze.

Suddenly, the thorn wild pork spiritual nose moved, and carefully turned into a direction, followed the smell to come to a small wind place in a small valley.

When the thorny wild boar saw the milk grass growing on a silence of a boulder, breathing suddenly heavy.

The milk grass, as the name is to grow, and the grass is hidden in the grass.

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