Uncle Mo knows how much blessings can be taken like this, immediately worshiped: "How many young master is full!"

"Mu Shu, help me ask Lin asked dragons to come over."

Chen Lie put his hand, and he ordered it to leave.

Lin Jielong is the first to send a color crown before, and he was called the first person in Chi Shui Village, which is a master master.

Although his right leg is slightly odor, the four weeks have made him become a well-deserved guardian here, and the status is extremely super.

The efficiency of Mo Shu is extremely high.

Not much time, Lin asked Long was invited to study.

The so-called study, just a simple bias, put a few old books.

But even this, Lin Jielong still shows a certain respect.

Lin asked Long Jing is not Chen Lie, but Chen Lie's surname, Chen Chen behind Chen.

Lin Jielong is a person who has seen world, and anyone in the village is clear about the terrorist power of Chenshui County.

"I have seen Chen Lie!"

Lin Jie Long respects a gift, then stop this, and did not press his identity too much.

Chen Lie also did not count the gesture of Lin asked dragons, directly took out the thumb of Mo Shu, asked: "Lin Da Master, all the weapons in the village are created, I don't know if I can help me with a short gun. ? "

Lin asked Long frowned questions: "Qin Shao has played bad guns?"

A "play" word, chapter suddenly the position of Lin asked Dragon to Chen Lie.

Chen Lie is not an easy to be angry, will come out of the broken bone gun, lightly repayment: "Well, encounter a second-order thorn wild boar, damage is serious, have to re-forge."

Before Chen Lie, the combined bone gun, which as a blast of the gun is Lin Jielong, and even the toughness of the gun is also searching.


Lin Jie Long heard his voice.

It is important to know that the parenarium is not the owner, but what is the cultivation of Chen Lie, there is no Chen Shaoye, actually ran to provoke, and it is a death.

He thought that Chen Lie was gave to everyone's pork pork was to buy in the county city, giving Chen Lie as a means of face, completely did not expect the porch wild pig to kill Chen Lie.


Lin Jilong is still unresponsive.

At the next moment, his face brushed the white, the reason is very simple, he actually watched the specific realm of Chen Lie.

In the secular, only two explanations that do not break the other side:

The first is that the other party's realm is higher than yourself.

The second is that the other party masters a hidden secret.

The instinct, Lin asked Long wants to be the first.

As Chen Lie's poor cultivation is naturally unimaginable, he cultivates a simple secret that is easier to get started as a prevention, but does not want to cause such a misunderstanding.

It is this bias, almost let Lin asked Long squat down.

Fortunately, his will is firm. At the end, I suddenly bite my tongue, let myself awake, and then continue to stand in absolutely solemn gestures, like a general waiting for Wang Order.

Chen Lie flew to Lin asked Long, said: "This is a front and iron, the essence is the most sharp, you don't have to open anything, you can forge a blade. So I hope Lin Daigang can borrow this Help me forging a standard gun, help me. "

"Qin Sha is too lifted to forest."

Lin asked Long smiled, helplessly fell: "Feng Mang is a third-order material, and it is extremely difficult to finish. It is not a stupid that Lin has never eligible."

Chen Lie replied: "Wonderful, I will pass a special refiner process, the materials below the day can basically melt!"

Lin Jilong suddenly stupid.

No need to condense the gathering of the armor, you can refine any materials below the innate, such crafts, don't have seen it, even if you have heard it.

Even if there is, it is also the unique secret of the large family like Chen. Chen Lie actually taught himself like this, this is really a day.

Lin Jielong was scorched by this sudden pie.

This world has a special mineral called [Constimation], as long as it knows the tip of the urgency, it can exude the firepower comparable to the spirits.

Only because of the surrounding areas of Nanshan County, even the huge Quanzhou did not produce this strategic mineral, naturally, the whole of Quanzhou did not know the existence of the forest.

If there is [Constimation], don't say that Chen Lie, even if Mo Shu can refine.

The problem is that Chen Lie has not been so much time, while Shu is more suitable for foreign affairs.

Calculating the end, Chen Lie can only give this inexpensively to the forest.

After understanding the secrets, Lin asked Long Ma rushed to Tianshui City without stopping.

Although the small towns around the surroundings have a chamber of commerce, it is necessary to have a large, not the Tianshui City.

Tianshui City is not only the first city of Tianshui County, but also the rich resources of the day, the commercial trade is extremely developed, and the family, the number of gangs, the number of gangs, and the chamber of commerce, big and small, not 100 It is naturally not difficult to acquire to acquire the ground.

This is a time-consuming effort, but the task of Mo Shu is also won't go.

Uncle's task belongs to the confidential confidentiality, can't fake others at all.

With the departure of Mu Shu, Chen Lie returned to single.

The next day, Chen Lie did not waste.

He took Zhuang Dan to strengthen the body and drilled the "system" other functions.

Three days later, Lin asked Long and Mu have not come back.

However, Chen Lie uses [Zhuang Dan] to strengthen the flesh to the second heavy martial arts, if he wants to continue to strengthen, you must hunt more demon souls and put the realm.

After seven days, Lin asked Long and Me did not return.

However, Chen Lie has a new discovery.

In an accidental situation, Chen Lie has been in the original soul, but also can be used to improve the repair, but also to assist in repairing practice and martial arts.

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