The pet king of the city

Chapter 145 Fire Fox (3rd)

Like a biting beech, even the six-order warrior is not willing, it is definitely not the current Mie Mie.

However, Chen Lie is not willing to leave this: "Hey! It can't be mixed here, but other places do not represent can't make it, it is slightly tossing!"

He is now a strategic storage bag, which can stay in Tianshui longer.

Especially recently, it has repeatedly underworked the realm, so that he has made him more firm and improved.

Take a deep breath.

Chen Lie went to the edge of the edge.




With a crisp flesh, a fire is struggling, and the body is relaxing.

Chen Lie was excited to ran in the past and carefully remove the fire on the fire.

The fire fox is just a second-order spirit, but its fur is very precious, the water is not wet, and the extreme is extremely smooth. It is a lady who is famous for many famous people. The lady dreams of.

Even, in these people's circles, there is a fire fox.

Such an atmosphere leads to the fountain of fire fox to sell three or even four-level beast, and the end is a good dealer.

"Shu and the children of the children come!"

Chen Lie smahested something, and in all, you have a little bit proud.

Although this fire fox is not very strong, it is not weak, giving Chen Lie a 13-point soul force, plus his continuous hunting in the past half a month, and now the total soul of the soul has reached 38 points.

"First upgrade it again!"

No nonsense, Chen Lie swallowed 30 souls in the first time, and the realm has broken through the third weight of the day.

As long as he can span a step, he is a small master that can dominate.

After adapting to the improvement of the war, Chen Lie did not stop nonsense, and immediately spent all the remaining 8 souls.

The maximum feature of the sky is to practice the speed of cultivation, directly swallow the life of the spirit, so that the cultivator does not need to rely on the heaven and earth aura, and do not need other drug assistance, you can reach the congenital master's terrorist cultivation speed.

However, because the existence of "system", the maximum advantage of the condemnation becomes a bit of chicken.

However, Chen Lie decisively eliminated the priority of the priority of the priority, and there was natural to have its truth.

In addition to the convenient cultivation, the Sky is very fast, and there is also a great inductance of the cultivator to the demon.

What is the most needed by Chen Lie: Beast!

When he is sensitive to the spirit of the beast, it is not equal to the advantage of the prophet, and the hunting is enhanced.

The most important thing is that it is said that it is said that it is said that it is said that the cultivator quickly succumb to the weakness of the beast monster, this is the core of his pursue.


After a long time, Chen Lie came out of a taxi.

If Chen Lie crazy uses the blood of the beast, then he will definitely bring a demon now.

Fortunately, he basically rely on the soul of the soul, and the usual cultivation is purely hard to practice, avoiding the possibility of being a demon, which is easy to provoke.

"The congenital practice is really good ..."


Hey to the general, an angry beast roaring.

Chen Lie's face is slightly changed.

This is the roar of the drops, and the middle also mixed some weak humans call and screams, maybe some people are chasing four-order [dried cow].

Because a water can drink all the water in the water, you can use the water of the water. It is originally a gentle beast who likes to find a spirit.

As long as humans can't provoke them, they will not take the initiative to attack humanity.

Now that it is so violent, I am afraid the main responsibility is on the group being killed.

I remembered the previous experience, Chen Lie immediately packed everything, quickly sailed.

But I don't know if it is God, the group has chosen the direction of Chi Shui Village, which makes Chen Lie who run in front of Chen Lie.

The fourth-order dried cow's war is extremely powerful. Don't say that the legs have a little disabled Lin Jielong, even if the people in Chi Shui Village adds it to it.

With its current state, once it is killed in Chi Shui Village, it will definitely cause irreparable disasters.

"Run, as long as you stick to Chi Shui Village, we have to save!"

"There is a famous master in Chi Shui Village, there is still a lot of people, absolutely do our arrow!"

This group was in a poor intention, actually playing the purpose of the water.


Chen Lie has a murder's mind.


With a scream, there is a person who is killed.

Chen Lie was very clear, this unlucky guy was influenced by the leg injury, and the body law was influential. Finally, the four people fled, and the result was rushing into a buffalo, and directly used the beef hole. Can't die anymore.

There is only three people left.

Chen Lie struggled, biting his teeth, resolutely stopped.

"Front of friends ..."

Almost the three people who have desperate suddenly see someone is in front, thinking is life-saving, and immediately say it.

Their thoughts are very simple, just hope that Chen Lie can give them a little time for them, so that they escape.

As for the life and death of Chen Lie, it is definitely not what they are concerned.

Unfortunately, they are wrong.

The fastest running, the highest, the highest, mustaches half, I saw a cold and humid.


The beard is also a strong man. At the end of the last moment, the sudden shield is connected, and Chen Lie's sudden attack is given.

But how to successfully pick it up, how to be happy, the trend of the original army is suddenly stopped, but the fastest is the most backward.


Hu must-strong and he wants to die with Chen Lie, and there is a breath behind him, and it is possible to send all his escape possibilities.

At this time, Chen Lie was entangled with the swords of the swords who just ran in the middle.

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