The pet king of the city

Chapter 148 Talent does not represent everything (3 more)

"Uncle, let's help"

If you don't want the group, the children who should fall asleep have woken up, and they will help.

This group of kids still have a business spirit, and Chen Lie can take a break.

Continue to drag the ton of heavy things for a long time, you can take Chen Lie to get enough.

The skin of the shoulder is gone, and the rope prepared by the rattan is dyed.

If you continue to consume it, I am afraid that Chen Lie's shoulder is disabled.


Chen Lie was surprised to find that there were two people in this group to comprehend the feeling.

You know that this is only a month, from the nocturacy of the company to comprehend, such martial arts talent is probably only the seeds that are trickally cultivated?

Miss uncle knows what the bonnium is baby, and the first time is closed in the first time after resettlement of the bullrelle, and assigns patrol and guarding tasks.

After all, the uncle's uncle will return to Chen Lie.


At this time, Chen Lie has taken off the clothes and is cleans the wound, preparing the medicine.

"Young master, I am coming."

Soume is looked at Chen Lie, and the heart is a thorn, so I will help the medicine.

I don't know if I don't care, I know that Chen Lie is the most hurt is not shoulder, but the chest part, that is obviously the traces of recesses, I really don't know how Chen Lie is back.

I remembered the efforts of their own young masters, and Shu is almost crying.

Chen Lie did not put your mind here.

His injury is very heavy, but it is not yet saved.

His reasonable is so calm, because he has a strategy of dealing with.

Chen Lie did not hang his injury and asked: "Shu, what is the two little guys who comprehend?"

On one side of Moon, he gave Chen Lie to clean the wound, and cheered carefully: "A name called Ayi, it is a place, no surname, this year is only 12 years old but the talented high, basically as long as the old servant explains it, the demonstration can comprehend Out of the seven, eight points; another name is called Wang Wan Tian, ​​I was originally a small landlord's master brother, there is a certain martial arts foundation, I don't want to be hired by the soldiers, and everyone is slaughtered. So, so I want to practice. After returning, go back and revenge, very crazy. "

"Not bad!"

Chen Lienni nodded and said: "A hope of seeing hope, a good background in order to revenge. These two people can focus on cultivating, waiting for tomorrow, I will take a strong bone Dan, take the lead to take them, I hope they Don't live up to my expectation. "

Shu Shu thought, asked carefully: "Young master, do you have to kill?"


Chen Lie coldly replied: "There is a talent that does not represent everything."

Uncle Moon is desperate.

A group of children go to a group of thieves, it is not different.

For more than a month, Mu Shu has established a good feeling with this group of children, and even asks them as their own children and taught themselves.

Which father will take a look at your own consumption to send death, but still indifferent?

However, Chen Lie has seen the hope of Monshe: "The Qi Ma Pirace must face it anyway, this is the most basic test I gave them. Of course, in view of their performance, I can Give them more time, more solid development, do not need to follow the previous rush plan. "

"Thank you Master!"

When Mu Shu heard, when he wants to talk, Chen Lie is more than a banned gesture.

Chen Lie was told that: "Shu, helping me call Ayi and Wang battle day."

"Yes it is!"

Mo Shuong went back.

With his understanding of Chen Lie, he knew that Chen Lie has begun to bet on the two martial arts of Ayi and Wang Wan.

And the fact is just as the estimation of Moqu.

Ah Yixin, who was born, was very simple, and secretly made Chen as a half father, and regards Chen Lie as a master, so he got Chen's cultural practice.

And the heart of the heart only wants to revenge is more simple, Chen Lie directly rewards him [Tian Tianqi] The top three cheats, and also put the previous collected beast, and directly let Wang Wan Tian as regeneration. Parents, listening courses.

The next day is very simple, Chen Lie is still careless, while the Mu Shu and the children are boiled, and they teach them to kill the skills.

And Shu is two positions, while guiding the children to cultivate, while helping Chen Lie is going to run, not the acquisition of materials and living spirit beasts, is the sale of a relatively precious material, constantly enriching this small family.

In short, everything is developing in a good direction.

It is a pity that God seems to be unlucky, always give him something.

Just when Chen Lie has just studied a little new use of the soul, Lin Jielong brought a bad care:

There is a strange master in the village in the village, it seems to be searching.

The soul can actually treat any injuries, regardless of the body or the soul.

It hasn't been used in the past, but Chen Lie who focused on the study actually joked her body.

Directly burned the soul to nourish the flesh, but surprised to find the body that was bullied by the dry buffe, and actually a little bit.

Although the cost of repair is extremely heavy, such as Chen Lie has to completely repair all the injuries of this Tianshui trip, at least 20 points of soul, which makes it constant.

It can be hesitant, Lin asked dragons.

In the study, Lin asked Long face his face is a little pale, respectfully, respectfully: "Chen Shao, recently there was a thousand militors in the village, and couldn't inquire about Chen Shao's news."

Chen Lie's heart is tight, his most worrying thing is still coming.

However, he didn't show his nervousness, but asked in a light: "Ask the dragon, I don't know if someone else can't get the temptation of others, leak my news?"

Lin Jilong replied: "Some, the village collected people's silver, not only tells each other, but even the address of the young master, and the layout of the family."

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