The pet king of the city

Chapter 151, strong

Although in the past two months, the children learned a lot of murder skills, but the murderous jobs really challenge them.

But after all, Wang Wan is not a general person, just a hesitation, and immediately grab the brain of the megadownload, it is obviously to follow Chen Lie's order.

"A Yun stayed, others are going."

Chen Lie briefly commanded a sentence, and he thought about it.

[Bei Rong Chamber of Commerce] is just a unimplemented small business meeting in Tianshui County.

This so-called chamber of commerce is only a history of more than ten years, and the word of mouth is not very good. Basically, it belongs to the nose that lives in major organizations, drinking some soup from the fingertips.

But even if there is such garbage, there are also five days after tomorrow, and the four masters of four days after the day, the strength is completely exceeded by Chen Lie.

The most important thing is that behind the five-day chamber of commerce, there is a relationship chain that cannot be ignored:

His son-in-law is actually Chen Jia's direct heir.


After the finished Wang Wan returned to the room, replaced Chen Lie to the door, quietly stood opposite Ayi, like the left and right gods, generally guarded by Chen Lie.

Chen Lie suddenly asked: "Wang Wan Tian, ​​Ayi, how do you see?"

Ayi Tao: "Young master needs Ayi, what to do."

Wang Wan did not read Ayiyi, simply replied: "If we are just a Bei Rong Chamber of Commerce, we can also handle, but add that Chen Kai, we have to rush."

For their answer, Chen Lie is very disappointed.

Although their experiences have not yet, Ayi is not the kind of person who is good at considering, and Wang Wan Tian's answer is equal to nothing.

Seeing a micro-knowledge, Chen Lie has a little foresee of their future, knowing they can get into the plane, but they can't sit in the town of the town.

Asked unknown, I was still asked: "Young Master, how are we do now?"

"How to do it?"

Chen Lie took out his own most proud weapon, while wiped the gun, while whispered: "This world is thousands of change, the only true truth is: strong is honored!"

Ayi and Wang Wan's breathing stopped.

As if there is room, they feel that Chen Lie's breath seems to have improved a level without signs.

In the past, Chen Lie realized a truth:

The fist speaks.

This truth is simple, but it is the most simple and organistic.

Therefore, Chen Lie did not bring any one, and even the initiative of Lin asked dragons refused, unpausedly, and went to the place agreed by the Beiyang Chamber of Commerce.

He is not a fever, rushing to send death.

He once again selected breakthrough, successfully promoted the third day.

Moreover, he still costs 15 souls, fix your own body, let yourself meet the challenge in the most peak state.

Originally Chen Lie repaired the body required 20 souls, but in the past month, he continued to recover, the body has restored a lot, and therefore saved 5 points of soul, but unexpected harvest.

At the remaining 25 points, you can do a lot of things, but Chen Lie is arranged.



A marginal town of Tianshui County.

The headquarters of the North Rong Chamber of Commerce is based on the most prosperous streets in this small county.

At this time, there were three masters in the headquarters hall of the Beiyang Chamber of Commerce, and the atmosphere seems to be a hot stir, and there is actually trying.

An old man carrying the long sword loudly: "The president, you are a fault", we have delay for so many days, if the kid takes the opportunity to escape, then we have a waste of all! "

"Go to you yourself!"

A man with a skin black, a man, whispered: "You don't want to think about it in your head? Previously, we were a stupid behavior. Now, if the brigade is dispatched, not to put it, tell others, we have big Action? "

The old sword is roaring: "You are gallbladder! When you grab, how can you not refuse, why not let us go? Now, it is stared at other gangs. It actually wants to shirk responsibility. It is a shameless person. ! "


Sitting in the middle suddenly shot, the earthquake is closed: "The old woman in the [Red Chamber of Commerce] today will give us people today, but also to give us 3 hours of consideration, if we don't pay people Just fight! Now we are from the string arrow, you can't get back, you still have a thought here, it is stupid to come home! If it is not a trick, no one, otherwise I have already taken you here. "

The two major legislative masters of the Beilong Chamber of Commerce are all gloomy.

They all know what the fat president is a person who is virtue, and it dares to worry.

The fat president doesn't seem to know that his own words are hurt and the gas is hurt, and continue to be cold: "The old name of the name is not willing to confess, now there is only half of the life, you can help me optimistic. If He has a problem, I only ask! "


The two major laws should be weak.

The chief of the fat man does not seem to be very high, it is even more dissatisfied: "You have a few locusts, seeing the benefits are diligent than anyone, now I have encountered a little thing. I will tell you, as long as I can The Dan party of Ten Dan mastered in his hand, don't say that it is a red conference of the district, even ... "


The roof suddenly exploded, and a black pressure of the object suddenly smashed.

It is a boulder.

A piece of cut is very positive, at least tons of heavy boulders.

The fat president did not think about it. The top will suddenly appear such a boulder, suddenly a shock, a transverse movement is swearing.


The boulder smashed the exquisite marble ground, splashing countless smoke, almost brought the whole hall to live.

"not good!"

The fat man will not be high, but the battle wisdom is not low.

General boulder, even if it is a solidified lime, it is impossible to bother so much smoke.

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