The pet king of the city

Chapter 154 Blues

Chen Kai: "Do you know who is doing?"

Talking to the dog: "Capturing the Beilong Chamber of Beilong is a young man, immediately add people to investigate. But small inquiry, the Bei Rong Chamber of Commerce is not very small, the enemy is a lot, so there may be a lot of time "

Chen Kai Skye: "Check! Give me a dead time, even if you have three feet, you have to dig it out, otherwise you will give you yourself!"


Take a dog is full of fear.

A figure suddenly appeared on the side of Chen Kai, reminded: "Jiakai, you are all such a big person, you must understand how to converge angry, otherwise how to compete with your brother's brother,?"


Chen Kai saw the coming, and immediately rest.

The coming man is Chen Kai's master, Chen's first guest [blood chaff].

It is said that he is a secretion, no name, and after the failure of the mission, it has been chasing and betrayed. After being saved by Chen Kai, it will become a copy of Chen, for decades, such as one day, has always been the most respectable exist.

Blood chal reminded: "You must hit the eighth, you can't have a slightest. But you are now uncertain, not the best mentality, you now give me a quiet room, I don't help, I will not help You hit the eighth realm. "

Chen Kai painful: "Master, that is my father-in-law. Although he is a bad person, it is true, I have a rapid rise in recent years, and I have lost his strength."

Blood Colli Tao: "Ok, look in his credit, you will be able to revenge for the teacher. But you only have 10 days to handle this matter. If you don't have a breakthrough in 10 days, then give it to the bottom People go to handle. "

"Thank you, master."

Chen Kai is proud and dare not to with his own master.

The blood rouse disappeared.

Chen Kai thought, resolutely pick up a token will go out.

Perhaps others don't know what this token means, but if Chen Lie and Uncle are here, it will definitely be shocked.



Chishui Village, Chen.

Under the pressure more terrible than the death, Chen Lie's children started crazy cultivation and did not cultivate the night.

Although this far beyond their body load, but have to say that under the power of stress, they really have achieved the goals expected by Chen Lie:

All people feel the feelings, including the advancement of Ayi and Wang Wan Tian, ​​all of which are promoted.

Ayi's talent is not very good, but his mind is simple, and the cultivation is Chen's self-reliance, and the cultivation speed will not be slow.

The cultivation of Wang Wan Tian is the mysterious horror [Sky] The speed of evil, naturally and the speed is naturally an abnormal horror. At this time, the king of the king is plus a little sharpening, and it will definitely break through the third weight within one month. .

Everything is developing in a good direction.

"it is good!"

Chen Lie looked at the collective achievements and was very satisfied.

"Chen Shao!"

Lin asked Long came, but his face is not very good.

Chen Qian: "What is it?

Is Lin asked: "Chen Shao, I recently saw Chen's horses in the event, and it seems to be inquately inquiry. The Red Chamber will be targeted, I don't know when they will fight against the pressure. "

Chen Yan sighs: "It is really a soul."

Lin Yarong asked: "Chen Shao, is we going to avoid temporary?"

Chen Lie is laughing: "What should I do? We didn't do anything!"

Lin Jie Long instantly said.

Although he did not know the specific situation at the time, Chen Lie went out, and the news that brought back the bobbal injury, and the news that the Beilong Chamber of Commerce was killed, and I would like to ask Lin Jielong.

Chen Lie did not want Lin asked Long to think about it, affecting loyalty, directly said: "Lin asked dragon, I know that you are now in forging and teaching, but I hope that you can improve the repair, to deal with more and more dangerous, more The more difficult to ponder. "

Lin Jilong helplessly replied: "Chen Shao, not I have not motivated, but the cultivation of the practice I have only had four days, then I don't know how to practice."

Chen Lie's eyes were bright, and I laughed: "If I give you a meal to make you quickly cultivate?"

Lin asked Long immediately went down, swear: "The little person's life is Chen Shao."

Strictly speaking, Lin Jielong is not Chen Lie's heart, and even the people are not, it is not a close allies who are interesting.

However, Chen Lie is now giving the future of Lin asked dragons, as well as glory, instantly let him break the last one hesitial hesitation, willing to surrender under Chen Lie.

Another point, Lin Jilong is very optimistic about Chen Lie, I feel that he will be a big figure in the future.

So this is a bet, gambling the future.

"Let's talk about it."

Chen Lie did not hesitate to take Lin asked Long Dynasty.

This invitation makes everyone very envious.

In the study.

Chen Lie looked at Lin asked Long, and Lin Jielong also looked forward to Chen Lie.

I thought about it, Chen Lie asked: "Do you want to know why Wang Wan's cultivation speed is so fast?"

Lin He Long hurriedly nodded, his heart burned instantly.

The advancement of Wang Wan Tian is obvious to all.

Come from Wang Wan, then until the day after the day, how much time, even if Chen's genius has a strong resource, is it?

The previous forest asked dragon just thought that if you can have such a condition, what is better, I don't want Chen Lie to give him hope.

Chen Lie said: "I have a few ways of exercises. A set of cultural effects is very slow congenital practice. A set of Chen Gong law only after tomorrow, and the set of evil spirits in Wang Wan Tianzhi, you choose the same. "

Lin asked Long hesitated and asked: "Dare to ask Chen Shao, the congenital practice method is slow, what is slow to?"

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