The pet king of the city

Chapter 160 Spike (3rd)

The Golden Gang did not expect Chen Lie so high-profile, and he couldn't help but praise.

In fact, he was scared by Chen Lie.

Chen Lie is not like a fool, but his posture and language are simply a madman, the only explanation is that Chen Lie has no fear.

Because of such a psychology, his spirit has a wonderful flaw.


So chance, if Chen Lie is missed, he will spend his last life, and the body is immediately turned into a residual shadow.

A sword stab, straightforward and weak, it looks like a child is playing well.

But the golden gang owner seems to be very good as Chen Lie's movements, and also meets with a simple fist.


As a result, Chen Lie and the golden gangmen used to move with each other, but the spirit of the Golden Helper was light, the expression did not have any waves.

It is necessary to know that Chen Lie has just blows all the best, it can be seen that he is a jealous of the Golden Golden Lord.

I don't want to have a heart, Chen Lie is still inferior.

"No wonder can become a boss."

Chen Lie's heart sighed and began to treat it seriously.

Just now, he is full, but the day after the four challenges in his district, there is indeed the result of such a result.

Chen Lie's response is very simple:


When the arrow is average, the terrible speed is multiplied, Chen Lie's boxing is in a fierce air wave, and the gesture is extremely sharp.

Golden Help will want to pay a little, let Chen Lie are difficult to retreat, but Chen Lie is really too fast, and there is no way to apply martial arts between rushing, and can only use pure endless cells.


The second degree confrontation, the result is the blood of Chen Lie slightly, and the golden gangster sprayed a big blood, and the body flew behind the body.

The result is unexpected, the breathing of the audience suddenly stopped.

Even if the white scholar who only drinks do not eat vegetables is also a shocking stand.

Everyone thinks this will be a battle that is one side, of course, the golden gang owner rushes to Chen Lie.

I don't want to reverse it, if it is not a golden master's spirit, otherwise I have to lose my family now.

"You ungrateful animal!"

The Golden Gang is anger. The body is like inflatable, and the eruption of the burst of the cell is shaking throughout the building.

But he is wrong, he should not say so much nonsense, his endlessness just broke out, a horrible death sword light came, and did not give a breather.


Simple and pure, no compromise.

After all, the golden helper is an old fox, no horror, both hands began to strangle, and a lucky airflow is so air, and the body of Chen Lie will go in.


Just when everyone thought that Chen Lie was to be stranded on the spot, the sword of sword suddenly improved a level under impossible situation. When I cut the golden roll of golden ganglo, I finally scored in the neck of the Golden Golden Lord. :

Thunder buffer + blast!

The movement of the Golden Gang is solidified.

Chen Lie looked at the Golden Hold Lord disdain, so I walked through the body of the golden ganglo, and Xu Xi was downstairs.

"what happened?"

This is a common idea.


Just at all onlookers, why did Chen Lie and the golden gang owner suddenly stopped, and the golden helper was so simple that Chen Lie was leaving, the golden gang's body of the body was poured, and she was back, and they were dead.

It is estimated that the golden gangsters can't think of Chen Lie's sword will be so horrible. It is clear to the desperate situation. It is clear that he is about to be smashed by his six-order martial arts. How do you suddenly cut his dragon rolls such as tofu?

a long time.

Scream, calm, sway.

The white side of the book was surprised to watch Chen Lie, hesitated, and finally sat back.

However, the white-faced books choose to retreat, but others don't want to miss this opportunity.

I suddenly came out of a figure in a corner of the restaurant, and then trickled the small two, and I went quietly with Chen Lie to follow the pace of inexplicably.

Chen Lie left the restaurant, but did not directly leave the city.

He first came to the victims of chambers, and then ask more detailed information to the survivors who escaped back.

Such a toss, the sun is in the west, he should find a guest rest as soon as possible.

But he didn't, but the emperor continued to pursue the truth of things.

Although Chen Lie is a bit sensitive, he is very proud, dismissed, even if he knew that the so-called money helped quickly, he would look back to find him trouble and no exception.

Not much time.

Perhaps because of the relationship of time, maybe because some people's special movements, the people around Chen Lie are getting less and less.

And Chen Lie is a relatively remote direction and walks towards those who are more complex.

How fast is Chen Lie?

Just look at him in the alleyway, there is no breathing, you can see a few bends.

"Not good, let him run!"

"What is the stupid standing? Chasing!"

The two secretly trackful people lost Chen Lie, and they were anxious to find.


But when a person has just disappeared in the alleyway, there is a cold light to shuttle, and behind one of the gray clothes.

Chen Lie asked: "You only have a chance. Tell me, who you are?"

The gray clothes tracker looked at the sword in front of the neck, swallows the waters, A: "I am Liu Jia's Gu Qing!"

"You are lying!"

Chen Lie put the sword, the gray clothes tracker instantly, the throat entered the wind, and the blood was in direct blood, even if he worked hard, he couldn't penetrate.

Not much time, the gray clothes can only convulsted on the ground as a dying mice.

Chen Lie disdainfully took out a token from the gray clothes, looked at the words of "money" on the top of the "money", and the irony point of the mouth is more strong, but I can't help but laugh: "Although Tiger Tiger is just a small county town Moreover, but the city owner does not need to fall into the tennis grunge after the employment. "

"one left."

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