The pet king of the city

Chapter 162 Mutation

The effects of quenching Dan have a bit repeated and Zhuang Dan, but Zhuang Dan is only a bloody bones on the surface of the body, and there is not much significant for the organ.

Also, quenching, it is from the inside out, has a positive meaning of the overall quenching of the body, and can help Chen Lie.

It's no longer, quenching, you can also take it, at least you can change to a lot of Zhuang Dan materials.

"That's goodbye."

Chen Lie is not polite, turn around.

"Thunder is popular, I am more and curious about you."

Liu Qiuxiao sent Chen Lie to disappear in the roadway. When Chen Lie couldn't hear, she whispered: "I have seen the image of Tianshui City, but I have no impression on you. If you are not Be good at Inealed, it is the new rise, no matter where it is worth it. "

Chen Lie did not mind turning back to Liu Qiuyin's evaluation of his own, and took out the city gate.

Because he has got the thing you need.

Liu Qiyin just sent something with a piece of paper, a manuscript paper written to a full show.

Obviously, Liu Qiuyin is ready to trade.

Alternatively, Liu Qiuyin is ready to trade with people, but Chen Lie has made him temporarily changed his mind.

But Chen Lie does not need to pay these, he needs to hunt, take the monster to take it down.

"Good at night!"

"Especially the night without moonlight is most frequent."

Chen Lie looked at the sky with dark clouds, and the corner of the mouth was a bit cold.

Although the information has made many speculations in the murderous monsters, Chen Lie feels that he is actually, he is preferred to toss, personally come over and investigate, and do not want to pin all the tactics on a small piece of paper.


Chen Lie's sword light flashed and killed a trailing blackwo.

The black tail wolf is a six-order heavenly wolf's hybrid age, and it is basically two or third-order.

And they also inherited the characteristics of the Tianshi Wolf, I hope to come out to hunting fresh flesh, and human wealth is their favorite hunting object.

Unfortunately, this black-tailed wolf is not dead, and he actually chose Chen Lie as an opponent, which is simply a buzzard.


A sudden changed metal impact is stimulating Chen Lie.


Then, a female scream came.



The woman began to save, and the voice was very miserable.

The reality also confirmed Chen Lie's uneasiness.

When Chen Lie came to the incident, it was an extremely unbearable scene.

A group of people who are not like a good man is laughing. I don't know if I don't know whether my brother is still a husband and wife, and even a bald man is blessed from a bow to the ground. Naked female body smoke out, still It is intentionally when the young men and women are shaking a few times, laughing together.

A man with a red hooded is ridicling: "I said that old open, can you don't be nausea, this woman is killed by us, you still play the body, this hobbies are not good."

Old open evil: "Boss, don't you think there is still a warm body? Can you resist, you will not blame, play with you, any place, more comfortable, more enjoyment! "

The red-headed towel is unable to shook his head, look at the young men and women, and smiled and said: "Stinky boy, do you just do it? Now play us!"

Old is very proud to say: "How is your repair again? In our finishing powder, even if you have a high cultivation, you can't take a wind."

"That's right!"

"I don't know who said, the martial arts is also afraid of a knife!"

"There is still, it is also very strong and afraid of poison!"

"Boss, his inner armor is good, it is the right goods, I don't know if I can live the five-order spirit in the boss?"

The public is full of emotions to promote their own knowledge.

The red-headed towel is not nonsense, and the children have seen the young men and women, saying: "Although we don't know your identity, but the other party gives 10 thousand vibrates, and it is just to bring your seat belt back. Moreover. To be honest, your repair is not good, but you can't think of this money. "

Chen Lie heard the heart of God.

Potential powder, seven-level Ling Dan, can accelerate the consumption of celloa, the more the singular pollen, the faster, the old, the old martyr who is old, the blood, the weak, is more fatal.

The man didn't speak, and the woman was tempted to hide behind him.

To be honest, the man did not expect that they all avoided such a step or have been killed, and the precious trend is used.

Think of the remaining endless cells left, think of the terrible consequences they take back, the man will not help but look down.

The old open finally found the beauty of the woman behind the man, itchy, quietly followed the red hooded boss: "Boss, the adult just said that people will send it safely, but didn't say we can't move them. You see This beautiful girl's figure, there is the appearance of the sweet dead, can we come to a few times? I believe that her taste must be very good! "

So said by the old open, everyone found that the little girl in front of his eyes was really good, the body was not solely, and there were soap.

The red headscarf is obviously obviously a heart, saying: "As long as you don't violate the will of the adult, how do you?"


The little girl is open.

The red-headed towel is actually proud, actually exposed the color, said: "Little beauty, you don't worry. Think of the fine peel like you, we will be casual. You have seen it, we also take it. A bellows have taken you back. "


A scientific evacuation.


The red headed towel is a big one, and then I will send a flying knife while drinking.

Unfortunately, his flying knife can't hit a sudden figure, don't say that it is a hit, and the neighborhood does not rub at half.

A brunette sword light cut.

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