The pet king of the city

Chapter 118: Only 8 Left

Ren Qing today is a bit weird.

After looking at Chen Lie, he kept talking, and finally asked a very strange question: "Haven't you ever thought about settlement and other life issues?"


Chen Lie is very sure.

Chen Lie, two months ago, was still forced.

Recently, he didn't even have enough time to rest, so he didn't think so much.


Ren Qing gave a slander, then turned and walked out of the store.

Gu Xiaoyu snickered.

Although Chen Lie was a little puzzled, he didn't go to the bottom of his heart, and shouted to the voice and shadow of Ren Qingyuan: "Qingqing, make your favorite dish in the afternoon, you remember to come back early."

Ren Qing paused and smiled leisurely.

"Do not worry."

"It's just to help you negotiate a contract, and you can go back and forth in two hours."

Ren Qing left these two sentences and left.

Gu Xiaoyu came with another report: "Brother Boss, these are 4 songs selected by the live broadcast room. Among them are 1 pop song, 2 classic old songs, and 1 English song."

"Let Bailing try English songs first."

"Oh by the way, the name of the boss brother is a bit obedient, you either call my name or change it."

Today Chen Lie intends to let Gu Xiaoyu play.

Anyway, just keep playing songs to Braun so that Braun can remember the lyrics and rhythm, which is not difficult.

Gu Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "Brother Boss, oh no, Brother Lie, you really don't plan to add another auction song? Look at the price of this campaign song, the auction price of 300 rockets!"

300 rockets, that is 150,000 yuan.

A song is 150,000 yuan.

At this value, it is estimated that those singing singers are no more than that.

Naturally, Bailing became popular overnight. Now many portal websites are pushing news about the emergence of Bailing. They all want to interview Chen Lie and get sensational exclusive news.

"I know what you think."

Chen Lie still shook his head.

Gu Xiaoyu insisted: "We are not going to cut the audition songs, just add a bidding song. I believe fans will have no objection; besides, as long as Braun has enough rest, it can sing 10 songs in a live broadcast."

"I know."

"I like money too."

Chen Lie patted Gu Xiaoyu on the shoulder and said, "But there are things that are not as many as possible. You can wait and see, you will understand in a few days."


Gu Xiaoyu still doesn't understand what hunger marketing is.

The song Bailing sings is natural.

But even if it sounds nice, you will get tired after listening for a long time, right?

How to keep the heat and topic?


Hunger marketing.

Anyway, Chen Lie was marketed by hunger, so he can play now.

Moreover, this can also protect Bailing's voice.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not do it.

"Let me see who is so trenched!"

Chen Lie took a look at it, revealing such an expression as expected:

It's okay to put the rocket.

Gu Xiaoyu sighed and said: "What is the background of this okay rocket? Listening to a song of 150,000 is too outrageous. I have never contacted live broadcast before, and I didn't expect this circle to be so crazy."

Chen Lie shook his head and replied: "The live broadcast circle is crazy, but there are not many gods like the Rockets. Now the live broadcast platforms are in the stage of burning money, and the routines are so deep that you doubt life."

Chen Lie has 3 million followers, which is at least equal to tens of millions of others.

But even Chen Lie only had three veritable gods, the Queen, who had nothing to do with the Rockets and the Old King of Greentown. It would be good for other anchors to meet one.

As for those who are okay to play with.

Either alternative advertising on the live broadcast platform or hype.

Those are all routines.

After all, even if it is Shenhao, money is not blown by the wind.


Gu Xiaoyu now has nothing else but nodding.

If she hadn't followed Ren Qingqing out of campus, how could she know so many secrets as a schoolmaster.

"Then I will help Bailing to sing."

Gu Xiaoyu was very good and left with Bailing.

Chen Lie also rushed into the preparatory work before opening the store.

It's just that the business is worse than Chen Lie expected.

One morning, there were only a few aunts and old men who came to see giant pandas and tigers under various banners.

And chat with a few guests.

But these customers have no desire to buy.

Either too expensive or provoked, none of the successful transactions.

Until noon, only a high school girl bought a pudding hamster.

The price of pudding hamsters is very cheap.

The expensive one is a hundred yuan, and the cheap one can be bought for 10 yuan.

At this time Ren Qing also came back.

"what happened?"


Ren Qing looked at Chen Lie and Liu Yifeng strangely, wondering in his heart.


Chen Lie reluctantly cleared up his mood and prepared to cook.

"Ding, congratulations to the customer for successfully finding a suitable owner for a pet. At present, there are only 8 pets left before the third [Super Pet] lottery event. Please continue your efforts."

"The pudding hamster can actually be considered complete!"

"It was definitely picked up."

Chen Lie suddenly received a system message, and his originally a little depressed mood became extremely blue, and his smile brightened.

He doesn't need to check which customer and pet have reached a tacit understanding to know who contributed the number of tasks.

8 pieces.

There are only 8 left.

He is not in the mood to cook at all, he just wants to sell a few more pets.


A Bao seemed to have a heart with Chen Lie, and instantly saw that Chen Lie didn't mean to cook, and he immediately arched him.

And it's not an ordinary arch.

A Bao violently arched Chen Lie towards the kitchen.

"I wipe!"

"You are really refined, and you even know what I want."

Chen Lie was speechless, but he still cheered up: "Come on, everyone! I'll cook you a good dish, and everyone will try to sell more pets in the afternoon."

At this moment, Chen Lie is full of fighting spirit.

"What's wrong with Brother Lie?"

Gu Xiaoyu also came to help.

She is a good boy, often cooks herself, and her cooking skills are pretty good.

Ren Qing shook his head and said: "I guess something good is in my mind. Anyway, you are now an all-purpose temporary worker. Please help me in the past and learn a little by the way."


Gu Xiaoyu nodded in agreement.

The super pet shop is bathed in this inexplicable fighting spirit...

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