The pet king of the city

Chapter 121 Silver Leopard

When the officials heard that Mr. Hua was not here for a surprise inspection, he was relieved, looked at Chen Lie, and asked modestly: "I don't know what this gentleman is called? Ah, panda!"

The officials finally found A Bao hiding behind Chen Lie.

"You can travel with a giant panda privately, you are pet brother Chen Lie!"

Through A Bao, officials gained insight into Chen Lie's identity.

"it's me."

Chen Lie did not deny it either.

"Xiaohua is the director here."

"If you have any needs in the future, just contact him directly."

After a brief introduction, Mr. Li said to Director Hua: "Xiaohua, lead the way, don't tell me there is not even a confiscated pet here."


Xiaohua put away all his thoughts and led the way obediently.

In the East, there are definitely not many people who are qualified to be picked up by Mr. Li in person.

In Pengcheng, such people are almost extinct.

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, Chen Lie was regarded as the second generation of a certain super official and he did not dare to offend him.

As for Chen Lie's public identity on the Internet, he chose to ignore it.

"Thank you, Director Hua."

Chen Lie didn't know that a wonderful misunderstanding had occurred, so he answered neither humble nor humble.

Not long.

Director Hua took Lao Li and Chen Lie to a huge asylum center.

Before Chen Lie and the others arrived, they heard a violent bark.




A violent impact came from inside, accompanied by a roar of wild beasts.

Li Lao immediately entered a state of alert.

Because judging from the intensity of the sound, the size of this beast is not small.

"Old Li, don't worry about it."

Director Hua saw Lao Li's performance and immediately explained: "Recently we confiscated a smuggled beast. Our ambition is untamable, so it's very noisy these days!"

"What animal is so powerful?"

Old Li curiously said: "I've seen wild boar hit a wall before, and I didn't have such prestige back then."

"Lao Li knows when he sees it."

Director Hua walked into the door after passing the identity verification with a hint of helplessness.

The customs animal shelter is a gym-style building.

It is said that not only there are three floors on the ground, there are also buildings underground, and there are electronic checkpoints that require identity verification to pass, and there are security guards 24 hours a day, so the safety factor is not low.

And inside.

Chen Lie finally knew why it was just an animal shelter and how it was made like a military base.


A white rhino, which is bigger than an ordinary bull, is madly crashing into the thick iron cage.

Old Li asked: "Who would dare to smuggle white rhinos?"

Director Hua shook his head.

Old Li asked dissatisfiedly: "Are you not going to say it or are you afraid to say it?"

"Old Li, I really dare not lie to you."

"We really don't know who the buyer is."

Director Hua replied with a trace of panic: "The two smugglers we caught, no matter how intimidated and lured we are, they just didn't confess."


As long as the national treasure is not smuggled out, Lao Li is too lazy to pursue it.


Chen Lie saw a new pet that has become more popular recently:

Fennec fox.

Since the "Crazy Zoo" went viral, the original animal version has become hot.

There are two foxes in the movie, one is a very ordinary red fox, and the other is a rare fennec fox.

Fennec fox is one of the smallest canines in the world, the size of a kitten, plus the pair of big windy ears, and finally matched with a cute image, quickly becoming an upstart in the pet market.

Because fennec foxes only live in Africa and need long-distance transportation, and because they are rare, they are very expensive. Even the most common one can be comparable to racing dogs.

The price is as high as 5W or even higher for the better product.

In this way, there are considerable profits, and because it is too difficult for wild animals to pass customs and import documents, some people choose to take the risk.

"Mr. Chen is interested in this fox?"

Director Hua intends to use fennec fox as a favor.

"It's just interesting."

It feels interesting, but it may not be taken down.

Chen Lie is not that possessive.

He was also interested in the white rhino just now. Does he want to take the white rhino down too?

"Huh? Where's Abao?"

Chen Lie suddenly realized that A Bao, who had been with him, had disappeared.

But before Chen Lie was nervous, he saw a black and white body in the front left corner.

Isn't that Abao?

He seems to be looking at something.

"Abao, what are you doing?"

Chen Lie hurriedly yelled and walked away.

Seeing Chen Lie, A Bao unexpectedly ran towards Chen Lie at a high speed, and then pulled Chen Lie to the original position, making strange noises from time to time.

This time Chen Lie couldn't hear what A Bao was talking about.

But when he saw what Abao was looking at just now, he immediately understood:

This is a disabled leopard cat.

It is also a rare Bengal Silver Leopard, which can also be called Bengal Silver Leopard.

Leopard cats, as their name suggests, are cats with leopard-like skin patterns. Legend has it that they were a mixed breed of cats and leopards bred by ancient people.

The image of this cat is particularly vivid, and when seen from a distance, it is simply a little leopard.

"The half black, silver-white hair, only black and white."

"No wonder Abao cares about it so much."

Chen Lie touched Abao's head and said, "Abao, I know what you mean. But the color is pure to this point, it must be extraordinary, and it won't be easily taken away by us."

"It turned out to be this leopard cat."

Director Hua and Mr. Li came over.

Director Hua introduced: "This leopard cat is also pitiful. It is said to be of first-rate appearance, but was injured when caught. The criminal smuggled it to the east without treatment, and we caught it."

Chen Lie asked: "This leopard cat is not an ordinary Bengal silver leopard. Have you traced its owner?"


"It's wild."

Director Hua shook his head.

Chen Lie questioned: "How do you know that it is wild?"

Director Hua replied: "It has been kept in our place for nearly four months. We were afraid that it is a rare species, so we contacted Bangladesh specially. It turned out that it is..."

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