The pet king of the city

Chapter 125: The Overestimated Bao

Chen Lie still overestimated A Bao.

Bao wants to learn how to skateboard teenagers he saw before, sliding around freely, and even performing all kinds of cheering and exciting moves.

As a result, it fell severely as soon as it stood up.

The skateboards fly more than ten meters.

A Bao, who had a pain in his butt from the fall, was not angry, and ran over quickly, wanting to do it again.


The result was naturally another fall.

Old Li felt distressed and asked, "Aren't you going to help?"

"Abao has been too moisturized lately, too smoothly."

"It's time to give it a little frustration."

Chen Lie did what he said.

He just stood and watched, watching Abao fall down again and again, calling pain again and again, but he was determined not to play.

"You kid, your heart is so cruel."

Lao Li sighed as he watched: "But if Abao can persist, he will not lose sight of good quality."

"good quality?"

"Hehe, you overestimate it too much."

Chen Lie's words were immediately verified. A Bao fell for the 9th or 10th time. He was really angry. He slapped the skateboard that made his butt sore and ran towards the children's car.


Old Li was a little embarrassed.

"Abao, let's go."

Chen Lie shouted.

But Abao was sitting in the crowded children's car and kept shaking his head.

Chen Lie could only tempted him: "Well, I promise you, as long as you follow me back obediently, I will buy you the most comfortable car for you to drive, right?"

With a cheer, A Bao quickly climbed out of the children's car, ran to Chen Lie with that stupid footwork, acting like a baby, and kept rubbing Chen Lie's trousers.

"Don't make trouble."

"You fell so dirty just now, don't wipe my pants too."

Chen Lie couldn't help but get a headache when he saw the dirty pants.

The trousers that are not very dark in color are black in the east and gray in the west. People will misunderstand that they just came out of the field when they go out.

Abbott yelled aggrievedly.

"I promised you, don't be cute."

Chen Lie looked at A Bao silently.

A Bao actually compares his hands greatly, as if saying: I want the biggest one.

"Definitely buy something you can sit down."

Chen Lie squeezed A Bao's face and said, "Okay, I know."

A Bao is not yet satisfied.

It then pointed at Old Li's car and made a funny running action.

Chen Lie asked tentatively: "You mean to be fast?"

A Bao couldn't help nodding, and followed Ren Qing to give Chen Lie a thumbs up.


"Promise you!"

Chen Lie promised: "I will find you the fastest and safest child car that you can still drive!"

Abao happily picked up Chen Lie again.

This time Chen Lie was unable to respond.

"Let's go."

"It's too early."

Old Li suddenly envied Chen Lie's life.

It is not only easy, but also joy.

It's just that an animal with IQ like A Bao is really hard to find, so I can only do whatever it takes.

There will be no other delays.

Carrying the blue-throated macaw standing on the shelf, Chen Lie took Li's car and went back together at the fastest speed.

"Hey, why did you bring a parrot back."

Ren Qing saw the parrot standing by Chen Lie and asked, "Isn't there a Bailing at home? Do you want to find a combination for Bailing?"

"This is just an ordinary bird."

"No! It's not ordinary at all!"

Chen Lie explained embarrassingly: "It is a rare and endangered parrot. It can also learn to speak from humans, but it is far less abnormal than Bailing."

Liu Yifeng handed Chen Lie boiled water and asked with a smile: "Boss, it can't be rarer than the animals in the family?"


"It's really endangered."

Chen Lie briefly explained the number of blue-throated macaws.

Ren Qing's third daughter stared at the blue-throated macaw in shock.

"Blue crown."

"Say hello to everyone."

This name was not given by Chen Lie.

Originally, Chen Lie wanted to call the blue-throated macaw the Hualian, but Lao Li felt that the name was too unorthodox, so he changed his name to Blue Crown.

Anyway, the feathers on the top of the blue crown are very powerful, and they move like a certain blue crown.

"Hello everyone!"


Chen Lie taught him this greeting on the road, but he did not expect to learn it in a few strokes.

It's just that the blue crown's intelligence is obviously insufficient, and he doesn't know how to distinguish the meaning in the words.

Fortunately, it is said separately, otherwise it is really easy to cause misunderstanding.

"Very cute parrot."

If it were before meeting Bailing, everyone would be curious about the blue crown.

But now.

It just feels cute, nothing else.

"Oh yes, it's still catching a cold."

"Then what to do?"

Ren Qing saw Chen Lie looking for medicine, and immediately looked at this parrot, which was rarer than the giant panda.

Avian flu from birds is very scary.

"It's just a small matter."

Chen Lie calmly said: "Blue crown is just a small cold, just take a few pills. As for the problem of taking care of it, just like Bailing, you can take care of it carefully, not too deliberately. Moreover, Abao is also good at it. Heart, so it won’t occupy too much of our energy."

Blue Crown's cold doesn't even need to be used in the system mall.

"That's good."

Ren Qing comforted a little.

What she fears most is to invite a master back.

You know that the super pet shop is so busy now, if you come to a troublesome pet that requires a lot of energy, it will really be a toss.

"Is Mr. Chen there?"

"We are from the customs shelter."

A small truck parked at the entrance of the super store, and two young customs officers walked over.

"it's me."

"Your efficiency is really high."

Chen Lie greeted him with a smile, and then helped lift a steel cage covered with black cloth to the back alley.

Immediately afterwards, the customs staff brought all the nest of golden silk bears over.

They seemed to have received some special order, and they did not take a sip of the water, and left directly.

"What happened to them?"

Ren Qing became more puzzled as he watched.

Why did Chen Lie go out and bring back strange animals.

"Let me reveal the answer."

Chen Lie came to the steel cage and grabbed a corner of the black cloth...

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