The pet king of the city

Chapter 129-Let Him Be Red To Turn Over

What is Ren Qing's character?

The surface is elegant, but the reality is fierce.

The attitude towards strangers is neither warm nor cold, which can be regarded as moderate.

But for friends, it is a feeling of gold. When a friend is frustrated, she will silently support her, and she will do her best to maintain a brilliant friend.

So Gu Xiaoyu, who is familiar with Ren Qing, knew that she didn't chant slogans at will when she heard Ren Qing's words.

So I asked: "Sister, what are you going to do? I support you unconditionally."

Ren Qing replied: "Then it depends on what A Lie intends to achieve."

So they ran to tell Chen Lie the bad news.

He also actively asked Chen Lie's response attitude.

"What attitude?"

"Still need to say."

Chen Lie cooked the porridge and tried the taste, before he replied: "Aren't they planning to use my heat to make a hype? Then I will fulfill them and make them so red that it is hard to turn over."


Gu Xiaoyu didn't expect Chen Lie, who usually talks well, to have such a side.

Ren Qing was not surprised.

Chen Lie's name has the word "Lie", which is not for fun.

In his nature, there is a sense of no anger, and an anger will burst.

Before that the so-called famous brand brother, and then the nine brothers, all ended up with no good results.

Ren Qing, who had already planned, asked with a smile: "Alie, how do you plan to respond to them?"

"It's very simple, forcing them to bet."

Chen Lie said: "These people are born with red-eye patients. Since they care so much about names and money, let them pay for both."

"How do you do it?"

Ren Qing became more curious.

Chen Lie whispered to everyone...

Early morning the next day.

This time is basically the coldest moment of the day in the live broadcast industry.

Even in the middle of the night, there are a large number of night owls who can't sleep at night watching the live broadcast.

But in the morning.

The audience either went to work or class or went to bed in a hurry, and almost no one had the intention of watching the live broadcast.

But at such a cold time, Shark broadcasted an announcement that directly provoked the war between platforms:

The Gao Yin brother of Shark Live is restricted to produce evidence within 24 hours, otherwise Shark Live will take legal measures to protect the reputation of Shark Live, Pet Brother Chen Lie, and [Animal Song God] Bailing.

Once investigated, the amount of compensation will exceed 10 million yuan.

Simply open.

The first half is very official, almost formal.

But the simple sentence in the second half scared away many people who followed suit.

Only then did they realize that it was Shark Live, a large company with a market value of more than $1 billion, not a foreskin company made by a cat or dog.

Claim 10 million yuan.

This is the rhythm to make Gao Yin brother lose his entire worth.

Countless people smelled the smell of war, immediately bought soda and melon seeds, set up stools, and prepared to watch the show.

"Has Shark Live?"

"The efficiency is faster than I thought."

Chen Lie smiled leisurely when he saw the announcement.

Ren Qing replied leisurely: "You are now the last pillar of the shark live broadcast. There must be no accidents. If they don't show efficiency, they will be unable to get along with themselves."

Chen Lie asked with a smile: "10 million yuan, how long do you think the Gao Yin brother will respond?"

With a tenor and good singing skills, Gao Yin broke out among countless anchors and eventually became the ten most popular anchors in Shark Live.

But since he followed Jiu Ge to jump to Shark Live, his popularity has dropped sharply.

No matter how hard he performs on Shark Live, his popularity is not dead or alive.

It is estimated that this time the hype is to refocus the audience back on him.

It's a pity that he chose the wrong person.

"Within today."

Liu Yifeng doesn't understand the live broadcast circle very well.

"Before dinner."

Gu Xiaoyu has a relatively high estimate of Gao Yin.

"Don't guess, it must be before lunch."

Ren Qing directly explained: "I know Brother Gao Yin. He is a technically capable anchor. It's just that he has lost too much popularity due to job-hopping, so he has become unknown recently. But also because he is a strong fan and a fan. The viscosity is much higher than that of the idol type, so it has the most hype value. Once he gets up, it can bring a lot of stable popularity to Shark Live."

Gu Xiaoyu and Liu Yifeng nodded straightly.

But sometimes the truth is so interesting.

The response speed of Shark Live did not exceed Ren Qing's estimation, but Shark Live was different.

"You all guessed wrong."

Chen Lie showed the prompt he had just received.

The clarification announcement of Shark Live:

While we express our indignation for the falsification of Shark Live, we also express our regret for the pioneers in this industry.Because they are deceiving and discrediting, it will have a negative impact on the entire live broadcast industry.

But for the sake of the fans and the majestic justice, we must stand up and expose this shame.

The video link below is a technical analysis video of the so-called animal song god pretend singing.

"Oh, I'm completely torn apart."

Ren Qing looked at this undisguised targeted announcement in surprise.

After all, they are in the same circle, and you can see when you look up and see when you lower your head. This kind of targeting is a completely endless posture.

Chen Lie replied: "Since Shark Live has openly cut off the popular anchor of Shark Live, it is endless. Do you want to have a chance?"

"That's true."

Ren Qing stopped talking nonsense and clicked on the video link in the announcement.

Before reading it, Ren Qing disdainfully said: "The roughest sound lag adjustment."

There is an error between the video image and the sound, even if it is only 01 seconds, there will be uncomfortable scenes.

The shark live broadcast method is to maliciously stop the 01 second.

This technique is extremely rough.

That's why Ren Qing was so disdainful.

Gu Xiaoyu said eagerly: "Then we can issue a statement to clarify."

"No, we don't even need to shoot."

Chen Lie said: "Qin Tiancheng said, so that we can rest assured, it must make Shark Live even more embarrassing."

The fact is as Qin Tiancheng said.

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