Chen Lie looked at Brother Gao Yin who dressed up quietly and sneered: "You can be jealous of even a bird, or even discredit, I still want to treat you as a human being?"

"I have watched today's video. I can only say: Brother Gao Yin, you are a scumbag."

"Brother Gao Yin, I used to be your fan, but now you are blinded by profit."

"It doesn't hurt to say something rough! Brother Gao Yin is really rubbish!"

Public opinion is completely downside.

Even the live broadcast of Brother Gao Yin was full of curses.

Brother Gao Yin didn't expect such a situation.

He had seen his soaring subscriptions before and thought he was about to usher in spring again, but he didn't expect to be greeted with infamy.

It's a pity that he is already riding a tiger, and has to bite the bullet.

"As long as I can prove that the lark is singing in lie, the situation can be reversed, and the status of my pet brother and I will be reversed."

"Hmph, the truth is always in the hands of a few people."

Brother Gao Yin hypnotized himself like this.

"Brother Pet, I'm not here to scold the street."

Gao Yin didn't want to have many dreams at night, so he said directly: "I just want to see, how do you prove that Bailing has no fake singing."

"Actually I don't want to prove."

Everyone was shocked when Chen Lie said this.

Brother Gao Yin is even more overjoyed.

But Chen Lie's words suddenly reversed: "However, in order to cooperate with someone's hype, to be considerate of someone's IQ, and to prevent Bailing from being wronged, I have to come out to clarify."


Brother Gao Yin seized the so-called opportunity and sarcastically said, "If you think that you can prove it with just two sentences, that would test my IQ too much, right?"

"Just to understand your IQ, I will talk nonsense with you here."

Chen Lie paused and went back.

Brother Gao Yin suddenly turned purple, red to purple.

This can drive the live broadcast room crazy:

"It turns out that my pet brother's hidden skill is [Bug Street], disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"My pet brother's confrontation skills are at full level."

"Brother Gao Yin is miserable. The pet brother has mastered the rhythm of the audience. The visual inspection is the rhythm of flying kites to death."

"What is the level of LOL upstairs?"

The chaotic pop-up window and the weird commentary messages wiped out the tit-for-tat atmosphere of the scene a lot.

Brother Gao Yin shouted: "Brother Pet, are you going to mess around tonight, want to fool you?"

"To be blinded is to blind you."

"But since you are so anxious to die, then I will let you die."

Chen Lie lazily loosened his neck, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Bailing flew down onto Chen Lie's palm as usual.

"Little Bailing."

"There is an idiot who says you sing in lie."

"Today you are reluctant to do it, and prove yourself for him!"

In this way, Chen Lie chatted with Bailing in front of more than two million online viewers.

And Bai Ling also nodded strangely.

There is a phrase in everyone's mind:

It's fine!

Chen Lie turned to Brother Gao Yin and asked, "Brother Gao Yin, you said that Bailing sang in lie. It's nothing more than because Bailing's songs are on-demand every other day, so you think it is a pre-recorded song, and you secretly cooperate when you sing it. False singing?"


Gao Yin said with certainty: "I have asked many experts, and they all said that there is no such thing as an IQ bird in this world. Even the smartest parrot in the world with the strongest ability to learn tongues can't achieve the level of Bailing."

"The expert is reliable, the sow will go up the tree."

"The experts are right, the iron tree will bloom."

"Experts are right, go out of the tower in the air."

"The experts are right..."

The formation is kept intact, which fully shows that the fans in the live broadcast room still have a lot of talent.

Chen Lie followed Gao Yin's topic and asked: "You mean, as long as Bailing can learn to sing now, that's iron proof."

"of course."

Brother Gao Yin took the opportunity to ask: "But I have to decide what to say and what to sing."


If Chen Lie agreed: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid you would say I cheated."

"It's fine if you have confidence."

The corners of Gao Yin's lips curled up, revealing a conspiracy.

Chen Lie didn't know the bad faith of Gao Yin.

But he was fearless at all.

The cards that Treble can use are nothing more than two types of songs that are extremely mouth-watering and extremely difficult to sing.

These are based on the premise that Bailing has insufficient wisdom and cannot be fluent in human language.

Brother Gao Yin would take the opportunity to shout: "Now I am collecting three sentences for Bailing to say, interesting fans leave messages in my live broadcast room."

For a time, tens of thousands of viewers flooded into Gao Yin's live broadcast room.

Countless barrages flew up.

Brother Gao Yin carefully selected the three most difficult sentences.

"Here, these are selected by the audience."

Brother Gao Yin sent three sentences to Chen Lie and said: "Three sentences are not long. If you can't remember this, what song should you sing?"

Chen Lie took a closer look and immediately frowned and cursed: "What kind of sentence is this! With so many comments, it's amazing that you can choose these. Forget it, your taste is just like your character."

Chen Lie typed out the three sentences and used the software to put them in a prominent place in the live broadcast room.

Now all fans can know the content.

Then Chen Lie said to Bailing, "Bailing, let me say something, you say something, understand?"

Braun nodded again.

"The scholar pretended to die for his confidant..."

"Senior, for, confidant, person, pretending to die..."

Bailing learns quickly and speaks accurately, but not coherently.


"have a look!"

Brother Gao Yin said with a sneer: "Even if you pause for a simple sentence, do you want to sing?"

No one responded to him.

Chen Lie looked at him with the eyes of an idiot.

The treble brother, who felt wrong, asked like an idiot, "Am I wrong?"

"Your IQ really has a problem."

"Idiot really didn't know that I was an idiot."

"It's okay to be stupid, but too stupid to know it is too stupid to cure."

The local tyrants are afraid that Brother Gao Yin will not see them, so they all use gifts to bring out the words.

"I know you still don't understand."

"I'm more kind, so I will try to explain it to you."

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