Chen Lie really didn't expect A Bao to come to this trick, his expression stopped instantly.

"It knows how to bribe!"

"It used to be said that A Bao became a fine, I didn't believe it, now I have to believe it."

"A Bao is already cute and smart. No wonder he is so popular on the Internet."

The hotel guests, staff and chefs all saw this scene and were amazed.

"Hey, Bao, I think your trouble is coming."

Chen Lie wanted to take it, but suddenly changed his mind and sighed.

Po was puzzled.


This is the call from the bear child.

A Bao gave a shock all over his body and rushed out in the opposite direction at the fastest speed in his life.

"Abao, don't run!"

"We brought your favorite toy!"

"Uncles and aunts sent us a lot of new toys. Let's play together."

But the more the bear children shouted, the faster Abao ran.

The open lounge area of ​​the hotel staged such a funny farce.

Although Ren Qing was angry with A Bao, he was worried about it running around, and couldn't help asking: "A Lie, why don't you go after it?"


"Someone is more anxious than me."

Chen Lie saw the old knife who had rushed to A Bao, and then looked at the group of bear children, and said, "The group of bear children are not invincible. One person can suppress them.


Lan Wen is here.

Running sweaty, she was furious when she saw the funny scene just now.

As the only teacher and the only elder of the bear children, no matter how mischievous, the bear children dare not challenge the dignity of the only teacher.

Be honest one by one immediately.

At this time, A Bao was already out of breath.

no way.

It is a few kilograms fatter than half a month ago.

Without Chen Lie and Ren Qing's instructions, Gu Xiaoyu had already chased him.

Then she took A Bao, who was terrified, into the elevator together with the dumbfounding old knife, and she was probably going to go back to the room to rest.

"Look at you guys!"

"Scared Abao to see you and ran away!"

Lan Wen angrily blamed.

The children were very wronged and all bowed their heads.

"Don't blame them."

"It's all Abao's fault."

Chen Lie explained: "A Bao's mouth was too sloppy, and a lot of wasted eating. As a result, the children became angry and choked A Bao, which caused the current situation."

"But you can't pinch either."

Wen Lan said the last two words, her voice was as low as a mosquito.

The living conditions in the orphanage are not good.

Although there will be no shortage of the most basic materials, there will not be too much extra food. Don't think about cakes and drinks. Even meat must be picked up by them and sold in a few days.

Under such an environment, the cultivated children naturally regard food as life.

Seeing Abao wasting food so much, he couldn't control his instinct, so he gave Abao a good meal.

"It's okay."

"The children are all fine."

Chen Lie praised: "At least he is more obedient than Abao."

The children all laughed.

Lan Wen just remembered the purpose and asked, "Brother Pet, are you leaving?"


Chen Lie nodded and said, "I heard that the reconstruction speed is ideal and it can be completed today. I can also go back and prepare in advance."

Lan Wen wanted to speak, but finally reached her throat and retracted it.

"Wen Lan, just say anything."

Chen Lie smiled and said, "Our relationship shouldn't be so strange, right?"

Last night, at Wen Lan's strong request, Chen Lie could not add the word teacher when calling her.

Lan Wen asked: "Can I take my children to visit you in the future?"

"of course can."

Chen Lie asked, "But can you walk away?"


"Now that many enthusiastic netizens come to volunteer in the orphanage, my pressure is much less."

Wen Lan was happier as she spoke, and finally showed a straight smile.

She is a little innocent, a little silly woman.

Otherwise, he would not foolishly bear the burden of the orphanage in this grade.

"Nothing welcome."

Chen Lie invited: "If you come to me, I will cook and treat you personally, then you will know why Abao only eats my meals."

Lan Wen nodded with excitement.

"By the way, this is a gift from my children and me."

Wen Lan saw her handbag and immediately sent the contents to Chen Lie.

"No need to be so polite?"

Chen Lie did not take over.

He was afraid of something valuable.

Even if it is a little more expensive for ordinary people, it is a burden on the orphanage.

"This is what we did."

Lan Wen said embarrassingly: "We have nothing valuable, only the handicrafts that my children and I used to make and sell. I hope you don't dislike it.

"so beautiful!"

"The house has been decorated a little bit. I just need these things. I'm not welcome."

Chen Lie was overjoyed when he saw all Chinese knots, beads, auspicious characters, etc.

These are handicrafts made with great care, and they are more exquisite than those on the street.The most important thing is that these things are not the same, many things are full of characteristics, for example, the Chinese knot has a variety of colors and combinations of ornaments, which are very interesting.

"as long as you are happy."

Wen Lan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Chen Lie's sincere smile.

What she fears most is that Chen Lie reluctantly accepts gifts from her in order to take care of her own face.

Chen Lie was afraid of the embarrassment and took the initiative to find a topic: "By the way, are you sure you want to live broadcast that late? You should know that 8 to 10 in the evening is the prime time for live broadcast, and the popularity will be much more popular than other times."


"Small children can't afford to go to kindergarten, so they have to teach them during the day and take care of their lives. Time is tight."

"At night, you have to teach the older kids homework, and you have to do a lot of housework, and finally you can avoid avoiding your live broadcast time."

Lan Wen counted one by one.

But every time she counted, Chen Lie felt more busy and stressed.

Chen Lie has nothing to say about Wen Lan's strength.


This is Ren Qing exclaiming on the side.

She exclaimed so loudly that even the waiter who was more than 20 meters away was shocked.

"Alie, something went wrong in the store! We have to go back soon!"

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