Fierce Jiaohu didn't know when he came behind Gu Xiaoyu. It didn't have any extra movements, so it looked straight at Gu Xiaoyu.

It's just that those eyes are cold, without any emotion.

At this time, Yin Leopard was also watching Xiaoyu, and even A Bao looked at Gu Xiaoyu with his mouth pouting.

The scene seems to be developing towards an uncontrollable trend.

"Why is it a little creepy."

"Is the air conditioner turned on too much?"

Gu Xiaoyu hadn't noticed that he had said the wrong thing, let alone the fierce tiger behind him, thinking it was an air conditioner problem.

"Just unintentional words."

Chen Lie made a downward pressing motion with his hand, and the fierce Jiaohu did not leave, but just lay on the table to sleep at home.

Silver Leopard changed to a more comfortable lying position and continued to sleep.

Xiao Hei sat down quietly.

Everything seems to have never happened.

But Abao quit.

It took the juice that belonged to Gu Xiaoyu like revenge, and then slipped away.


"Forget it."

Gu Xiaoyu saw her juice being stolen and instinctively wanted to chase it. As a result, A Bao ran so fast this time, she could only stare.

"If you have enough trouble, return to normal."

"Continue with the previous topic."

Chen Lie didn’t have time to sort out the thought pattern that hadn’t emerged for Gu Xiaoyu. He said, “There are old knives and their special care nearby. It seems unnecessary to ask the security guard. Besides, you are all women, and there is suddenly an unfamiliar man here. , I don’t accept either."

Ren Qing reminded: "There are many female bodyguards in this world."

Gu Xiaoyu added: "Their professionalism is higher than that of ordinary male bodyguards."

"Ha ha."

"How high is it than pets?"

Chen Lie said disdainfully: "I know that because Xiao Hei's sudden barking caused Yifeng to sprain, your perception of pet security has declined. But you don't want to think, if it weren't for Xiao Hei's reminder, we now know that we were caught by a criminal group. Staring?"

Ren Qing was speechless, Gu Xiaoyu was embarrassed, and Liu Yifeng was ashamed.

"I'll do it myself."

Seeing the state of these three women, Chen Lie couldn't help shaking his head.

He got up and walked towards the back alley.

The back door is tightly closed, but through the door you can clearly see that it has completely changed.

Do not.

It should be said that it has changed the world.

The concrete floor has become the world's top sports grassland. The barbed wire fence that used to be used as an isolation is completely absent. Instead, it has two sides with a sense of layering, which at first glance looks like a small mountain wall.

And a bunch of fresh bamboos are planted in front of the wall, and there is a winding stream across the middle. It is natural and looks like a small bamboo forest.

If so, that's all.

However, the warehouse where Chen Lie and Ren Qing lived was also demolished in half and turned into bamboo forests and grasslands, while the remaining half was not let go and became a paradise for pets.

The most overwhelming thing is that the back warehouse that Chen Lie rented before did not escape the poisonous hands (the developer's warehouse is the first three and the last three).

Although it is only a small change, what the hell is the super long slide that slides down from 4 meters?What's the thing about the building that looks like a landslide and rock by the door?

As for swings and children's wooden rollers, Chen Lie even ignored them.

"It's a lot bigger."

"And it has become an animal paradise."

Chen Lie had a headache.

But I have to say that the feeling of stepping on the grass is really comfortable.

Since this is his home, Chen Lie can only accept it.

He slowly realized the changes here.

"It's really solid wood."

Chen Lie squeezed the rolling log and found that it was really a children's toy made of solid wood.

"Oh, this is a real stone."

"There is also this kind of material, if I remember correctly, it seems that it can only be bought from South America."

Chen Lie turned for a while, and finally sighed: "It's all top-notch materials. It's really impossible to get such a small renovation without spending millions of dollars."

"Old Tian, ​​old Tian, ​​your present is a bit heavy this time."

Sorry go to sigh.

Chen Lie hasn't forgotten the business.

He quickly converged his mind and asked the system: "System, I want the information of the owner of the pet beauty salon company surnamed Jia. How many fan points are needed to be directly deducted."

Not long.

There is a lot of information in Chen Lie's computer.

"I'll go, they are really professional."

Chen Lie stared blankly at Jia Mei's identity, and wondered: "I really started a pet grooming company. It's just a pet grooming opportunity to inquire about famous pets."

"People who are willing to groom their pets are basically rich people, and pets are basically expensive pets."

"Doing beauty treatment with them is like sending them information."

"The organization is divided into three parts, one to collect intelligence, one to do it, and the last to sell stolen goods, with a clear division of labor and no interference with each other.

"They can come up with such a wild idea. It's no wonder that the Oriental police have been tossing for half a year and haven't caught their tail yet."

Chen Lie was sighed.

This beauty named Jia Jia has a more powerful background than everyone thought:

Her identity is real.

She is indeed the boss of a pet grooming company, and at the same time she is the boss behind this criminal group.

Interestingly, she is still a model.

As for how to embark on such a road in the end, that is not what Chen Lie needs to care about.

There is only one thing Chen Lie wants to do:

Contact Old Dao.

However, Chen Lie didn't give all such complete information to Lao Dao.

He picked out some key materials that were enough to send Jia Jia to prison, and kept the others just in case.

Sometimes it is too complete, but it is suspicious.

"The next step is our own defense."

"I can't always wait for something to happen before remedying it."

"It's the best way to buy super pets with strong fighting power directly. Unfortunately, this road is too expensive."

"It's a shortcut to reinforce a normal super pet by myself, but I have a shortcut."

Chen Lie did not hesitate to open the system mall and quickly found out the pet supporting facilities...

(Digression: Some people may ask why they didn’t use the system to find out the information in the first time, and give the information to the old knife, so as to save back and forth? But Chen Lie just found the problem, he can dig out the head of the criminal group. , Is that too unreal, right?)

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