"Who said you can't make a super pet shop?"

The chairman of Pengcheng Pet Association smiled evilly.

"Chairman, just say it straight, don't sell it."

"You don't know how uncomfortable I am now."

The boss of the Beihua Pet Breeding Base said viciously: “Now that I know that I can go to the super pet shop, let alone make me out of my head, even if it makes me bleed.”

"That's what you said."

The chairman of the association was waiting for this sentence, saying: "Doesn’t the Cantonese dog contest begin? Then we will challenge the super pet shop publicly. If they don’t come, it proves that they have no confidence. We can publicize and let everyone They all thought they were vain."

"Then they won't come?"

The boss of Beihua has bright eyes, but he is much more cautious than before.

The chairman of the association laughed and said: "If they come, we are not afraid, because we can select the best dogs from our homes to suppress the super pet shop. It is impossible for us to have hundreds of them, and we cannot beat a super pet shop. Pet shop?"

"Yes, I don't believe that you can't beat Super Pet Shop even this way."

"The super pet shop is just famous for pandas and tigers. Other pets are really average."

"In the field of pet dogs, our association is the strongest in Guangdong Province. Even Yangcheng has to stand aside."

The emotions of other people were mobilized by the chairman of the association.

The turbulent public sentiment made the boss of Beihua seem to have seen the unlucky appearance of the super pet shop.


The truth is funny.

Because Chen Lie almost forgot the existence of the Abao Association.

If the Pengcheng Pet Association were to know, Chen Lie didn't take them to heart at all, he would probably vomit blood with anger.

At this time, Chen Lie was doing his own thing wholeheartedly.

Customers who came to buy pets seem to be a little more generous than before, and their popularity has recovered a little.

There are basically 3 or 4 transactions every day.

Such a turnover is already an excellent sales for ordinary super pet shops.

After all, the pet industry is a highly profitable industry. If you sell one that looks better, you can make a lot of profits. If you make 3 or 4 transactions a month, you can basically maintain basic expenses.

But for Chen Lie, this result is just average.

The more pets sold, the easier it is for pets to find a suitable owner.

But in recent days, it is difficult to reach the level of selling 20 pieces before, and you can get nearly 10 tasks. Basically, it is 1 per day, sometimes not.

Fortunately, Chen Lie is not very concerned about the number of tasks now.

His life is very peaceful.

Calm enough to look for trouble.

At this time, Chen Lie fixed the video recorder and pointed it at the profanity parrot.

On the stump in front of the swear word parrot, there are several high-grade future pet food.

Chen Lie looked at the swearing parrot and said, "I say one thing, you say one thing!"

The fierce tiger's might can shock the birds.

It can also scare them.

That is not training at all, but torture.

Therefore, Chen Lie can only rely on the experience of future pet masters to do simple training.

"Ah, let me say something, you say something!"

The swear word parrot is like a mischievous child who speaks by classmates, copying what Chen Lie said.


"The next words are not allowed to be repeated."

Chen Lie looked at the swearing parrot.

The swearing parrot replied: "Eat! For a delicious meal!"

Compared with the past, its intelligence has indeed improved a lot, and it can organize sentences by itself.

"Next I look at my gestures!"

"What gestures I make and what I say, you repeat them to me."

"Be good, you can eat delicious food, you know?"

Chen Lie deliberately spoke slowly, just to give it room to understand.

It's just that Chen Lie still overestimated the IQ of the dirty parrot.

Chen Lie repeated this sentence several times and explained it for a few minutes before the parrot understood the profanity.


The training begins.

Chen Lie made a gesture and said, "Idiot."


This is a very simple phrase, and it is still an swear word, which the parrot grasps instantly.

"I know that swear words are especially easy to remember."

Chen Lie sighed in his heart and continued to work hard.

I taught 3 phrases one after another, and finally made gestures to make the parrot react to swear words.

After a few minutes of training, the parrot finally understood the dirty words.

"Very good, reward you."

Chen Lie took a premium pet food and handed it to the Dirty Parrot.

The swear word parrot happily eats.

"Bailing too."


Bailing and Languan rushed to see the high-end pet food.

"Don't make trouble."

Chen Lie warned: "This is training, I have no time to mess with you."

Bai Ling was clever, and the Blue Crown was terrified of Chen Lie, and all calmed down.

But Bao, they are here.

After smelling the irresistible scent of high-end pet food, Abao's bulky body exploded with a cheetah-like speed and quickly came over.

But faster is the fierce Jiaohu and Xiaohei.

But they are very clever, sitting obediently on the side, constantly pleasing.

Po sits recently and can almost steal high-end pet food with his hand.

"Don't interrupt."

"If I mess up my training, I will call you a good baby later."

Chen Lie pretended to be ferocious, and after a few threats, he continued to train the swear word parrot.

"The next thing is for me to gesture, and you do things."

"Do things!"


Chen Lie patiently reminded.

A Bao coveted the high-quality pet food on the stump, and his saliva could not be restrained.

Unknowingly, its fat paws stretched out.


A fly swatter hit the fat paw perfectly.

Who else but Chen Lie.

A Bao, who was photographed in pain, did not dare to call, looking at Chen Lie with aggrieved expression.

Chen Lie was too lazy to pay attention and continued to train.

He did basic training yesterday, and today's training is more complicated, and he must pay a lot of patience and time.


Hearing Chen Lie's order, the parrot took a leaf back in the past.

"be good!"

Chen Lie gave another premium pet food.

"good to eat!"

The expletive parrot is satisfied.

But it irritated them, Bao.

Abao screamed, but the lesson just now still hurts. He didn't dare to make trouble.

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