The pet king of the city

Chapter 174 The Forgotten Promise

Since the monkey is to receive it remotely, and like Abao, it can be received within a month.

Chen Lie is not in a hurry.

He still has a few things to deal with recently.

For example, take Abao to a food festival.

For example, taking Xiao Hei to participate in the Cantonese Dog Competition.

Another example is looking for a falcon for the old king of Greentown.

It's just that the plan will never keep up with the changes. No, because Chen Lie forgot one thing that caused A Bao to get into trouble.

"Alie, are you ready?"

Ren Qing, dressed in a refreshing outfit, appeared in front of Chen Lie with a smile.

Say yes today.

I am going to go to the food city and participate in the food festival that seems to be very lively.

"It's alright."

Chen Lie pointed to A Bao and said, "But A Bao is still lying there basking in the sun, so he can't call him."

Ren Qing immediately became angry when he saw A Bao, and cursed, "He is getting fatter, but he is still unwilling to do more exercise. It's unbearable."

After the talk, Ren Qing will move to Abao.

Needless to say the result.

Naturally it is in vain.

The unhappy Ren Qing shouted to Chen Lie: "A Lie, come and help."

"This is futile!"

Chen Lie sighed and came to A Bao, shaking his head to express helplessness.

Ren Qing asked: "How can it be in vain? Haven't you moved it many times?"

Chen Lie asked back: "But you want me to carry it to the food festival?"


Ren Qing was stunned.

Embarrassed, she slightly concealed her stupidity, and asked, "Is there any way to solve it? It listens to you the most, you should be able to direct it?"

"Look at me."

Without even thinking about it, Chen Lie took a deep breath, and then yelled at A Bao: "It's eating..."

A Bao sat up suddenly.

Its eyes searched around, completely in the shining stage.

Chen Lie took out the invitation letter, showed A Bao's favorite side, and asked: "A Bao, do you want to eat it?"

A Bao nodded repeatedly.

"Want to eat?"

"Then prepare!"

Chen Lie pointed to his room.

Chen Lie's room is also A Bao's room.

A Bao rushed into the room.

"you are awesome."

Ren Qing chased after him quickly.

With Abao's obese figure, it was a wishful thinking to want to dress himself.

Without Ren Qing's help, it won't work well until tomorrow.

Not long.

A Bao appeared in children's clothing.

Such a Bao not only has a soaring cuteness, but also has a lively spirit. Everyone wants to catch it and love it.

This is not.

Ren Qing helped A Bao wear it while tormenting him. Only after he was satisfied did he let A Bao appear.

"set off!"

As soon as Chen Lie called out, the fierce Jiaohu rushed over.

Chen Lie looked at Yan Jiaohu's eagerness, and Chen Lie asked, "Jiaojiao, you can't go. We are just two people and can't take care of too much. You didn't watch Bailing, and I didn't let it follow?"

Fierce Jiaohu lowered his head in disappointment.

"Jiaojiao, good."

Ren Qing hurt the fierce tiger well, and comforted him: "When we come back, we will definitely bring you delicious food."

Fierce Jiaohu thought for a while and nodded happily.

It really doesn't like crowded places.

Haughty, it doesn't like to touch it to other humans except Chen Lie.

Now that you can avoid this environment and eat delicious food, what better choice than this.

It jumped back to the rock happily and continued its laziness.

"Hurry up."

"Wait for other animals to follow, that's troublesome."

Ren Qing urged to open.

Chen Lie took A Bao and quickly walked out of the super pet shop.


"Hahahaha, so fast! So fast!"

"Mom, hurry up and chase you!"

A children's car drove on the opposite sidewalk.

This child's car, which is definitely not 15 mph, flaunted past A Bao at the speed of human walking.

The forgotten memory in A Bao's mind surfaced and stood on the spot.

"Baby, don't drive too fast!"

A young mother chased after hard.

Their goal is the nearby park.

There is plenty of open space, as well as venues for activities, so that children can drive children's cars happily.

"Hurry up!"

"Now the food festival has started."

Ren Qing didn't know about A Bao's abnormality, so he urged to get out.


Chen Lie looked at A Bao in a daze.

He has forgotten his original promise in the customs shelter.


Abao took Chen Lie, pointed at the children's car that was going away, and made the cry of the child just now.

"what happened?"

"Wait, do you want a children's car?"

Chen Lie finally realized his negligence.

Although this is a bit of hindsight, it is not too late.

A Bao nodded vigorously.

Chen Lie recalled: "I seemed to be at the customs detention center. I promised to buy the most comfortable car for you to drive, right?"

Abao nodded like a woodpecker.

This stupid appearance made Chen Lie unable to excuse him.

Chen Lie said: "Then let's visit the food festival and buy it when we come back, how about it?"

A Bao shook his head firmly.

It was afraid that Chen Lie would have forgotten like the last time.

"You have a lot of grudges."

"No, this is not a grudge, but a memorial."

Chen Lie shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he was good at dealing with A Bao, and asked: "Then we walk over and buy it when we see it on the road, right?"


A Bao nodded first, then shook his head, obviously he bought the car first.

"You are stubborn this time!"

"Hey, don't be cute, I..."

Chen Lie was a little bit magical, but A Bao shamelessly rubbed Chen Lie's stomach with those fat paws.

A Bao ate too much before, but he was too full.

That's how Chen Lie rubbed his stomach.

It is estimated that it felt comfortable at the beginning, thinking it was a kind of comfortable gesture of goodwill.

"you really are……"

Chen Lie looked at Ren Qing helplessly.

"Hey, forget it."

Ren Qing already basically knows what happened. Although it is a pity, he still changed his plan: "Anyway, the food festival will last for a few days. It doesn't matter if we go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"I'm going to help Abao buy a children's car to save him from making noise."

"and many more……"

Chen Lie thought of a very interesting toy in the mall.

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