The pet king of the city

Chapter 192-A Bao Who Knows How to Share

"I have to say, they are smart."

After reading it briefly, Chen Lie finally understood the causes and consequences of the sudden invitation.

Ren Qing questioned: "A Lie, although the Emeishan Tourism Bureau issued an online consultation, but you didn't contact them, why would they take the initiative to ask you?"

"Because Abao."

Chen Lie didn't sell Guanzi this time, and took the initiative to explain to everyone: "The Emeishan Tourism Bureau was obviously inspired by the Abao hunger strike and learned from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Then Tian Lao and the others introduced me."

"No wonder."

The three daughters of Ren Qing suddenly came over.

"Hey, Mount Emei is too far."

Ren Qing likes this carefree life very much, and persuades: "And this time the monkey is too fierce, you still don't make trouble."


"I said I will have to wait for a while. Naturally, I won't be eagerly sent to the door now."

Under normal circumstances, Chen Lie is more casual and easy to talk.

But for the super pet, he can only continue to endure this time.

Only until the white monkey is noticed, and then the Emeishan Tourism Bureau will be overwhelmed. He will show up and bring the white monkey back perfectly as an overall arrangement.

"lets change a topic."

Chen Lie quickly finished the short second invitation and asked: "What do you think about this movie role invitation?"

Chen Lie has received many movie invitations.

But either came for the fierce tiger, or for A Bao, none of them were sincere.

But this one is different.

Inviting Chen Lie to be the leading actor, starring in a desolate ranger, telling his warm story with many animals in the forest.

This is an animal drama that requires considerable acting skills.

It was also the most sincere film invitation that Chen Lie received after he became famous.

"The plot is very sincere."

"Make many changes for you."

Ren Qing pointed out: "For example, here, the plot of birds has been specially added, which is obviously designed for Bailing."

"Because of this, I am not willing."

Chen Lie sighed: "First, I really don't have time. I can't just watch the live broadcast and the pet shop. Go and make a movie?"

Gu Xiaoyu persuaded: "Time can be squeezed out, not to mention we still have us in the store."

Chen Lie shook his head, compared a second finger, and said, "Secondly, I am not an actor, and I don't have a solid foundation in acting skills. It is very likely that I will mess with a good story."

Ren Qing explained, "This is a true performance. Regardless of the profession or the character of the protagonist, it is all designed with you as a template. No acting skills are required."

Chen Lie didn't respond, but smiled bitterly: "The last and most critical point is that many of the plots in it need Jiaojiao, Xiaohei, Bailing, and even Abao to cooperate, but all the shooting is on location shooting, which can easily cause accidents."

Ren Qing and the others have no solution to this.

Ren Qing sighed sadly: "Hey, don't we just miss such a good script?"

"decide as things go."

Chen Lie put the shaved fruit in the fruit bowl and handed it to the third woman.

But Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu are not in the mood now.


A Bao, who was eating grapes just now, saw the cut fruit and moved over immediately.

But no one moved.

A Bao glanced at Ren Qing curiously, and Ren Qing shook his head.

It looked at Gu Xiaoyu again.

Gu Xiaoyu said, "Abao, eat it if you like."


A Bao was so happy.

It instinctively grabbed a piece and was about to put it in its mouth, but it stopped a second before the entrance.


A Bao divided a piece and sent it to Blue Crown.

It had a good relationship with the Blue Crown. It was when it found the sick Blue Crown in the customs containment center, and finally Chen Lie had the chance to accept it and become a part of it.

Then A Bao gave a piece to Bailing.

I also said a few words.

"Not angry anymore."

"I'm not angry anymore."

Bailing yelled happily and savoured the fruit.

Ren Qing looked at the distressed baby curiously.

Gu Xiaoyu was puzzled and asked, "Brother Lie, do you know what they are communicating with?"

"It's probably related to the fact that Abao pitted half of Bailing's candied fruit before."

"Now 80% of them are making peace."

Chen Lie couldn't help shaking his head as he spoke.

This Abao, the spirits and spirits are fine, but he still knows how to use flowers to present the Buddha, and I really don't know how to describe its wisdom.

Hearing this, Gu Xiaoyu asked quickly: "Abao, then why don't you give Jiaojiao, Yinbao, and Xiaohei to them?"

A Bao glanced at them, then pointed at the fruit and shook his head. Then he pinched the fat on his stomach and nodded.

Gu Xiaoyu understood quickly this time, and nodded.

Liu Yifeng was confused and asked, "What do you mean? It looks a little complicated."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly and replied: "It means Jiaojiao doesn't eat fruit, but only meat."

"Abao is too smart."

"Can make such a complicated explanation."

Liu Yifeng sighed and looked at Chen Lie, and said, "The boss is smarter, so he can understand such complicated gestures."


Chen Lie smiled triumphantly.

He and Abao's friendship is 100 points.

With a full score of favorability, there is naturally a tacit understanding in my heart, so Chen Lie can easily understand the meaning of pets such as A Bao.

At this time.

Ren Qing's cell phone rang.

She quickly took it aside to answer.


"Sell so well?"

"Well, I know it will be delivered tomorrow."

I don't know what Ren Qing heard, she was very excited and spoke very loudly.

She quickly ended Tonghua and ran back quickly.

"Alie! It's a success!"

"We made it!"

Ren Qing held Chen Lie's hand excitedly, too excited to know how to express it.

"What did you succeed, you can make it clear."

Instead, Chen Lie was puzzled.

He doesn't seem to be doing great things recently, right?

And the reward activities in the live broadcast room have just begun, no matter how fast the Shark live broadcast is, it is impossible to produce results now.

"What else is there to succeed?"

"of course……"

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