
The earth trembled and the birds flew.

The scene of the 30 wild boars charging together is a tremor of the earth, and even giant bears and tigers have to avoid as far as possible, not to mention humans.


"Quick! Disperse all!"

"Look for a large shield nearby!"

The captain roared, dragged his thick eyebrows that were still silly, and violently ran to the big tree that must be fully embraced by adults.



The swarms of wild boars rushed past like a torrent.

They are as hard as armor's fur that hits and rubs on the trunk. It is not their fur but the bark that is damaged.

Some of the more fragile trees have even been ground off.

a long time.

The big wild boars have gone far away, and they can't even be seen.

But the soldiers haven't recovered.

The scene just now was too thrilling.

Look at their things that fell to the ground.

The military kettle made of stainless steel was completely crushed, and many supplies were crushed.

If it's a human being, I'm afraid it's muddy flesh now, right?

Although they are soldiers, although the elite of the soldiers, they are human after all. After all, this is not the age of war, and they have not received the slightest baptism of war.

Having just experienced the front line of life and death, my mind naturally did not stabilize so quickly.

"Quickly, leave here with usable supplies."

The captain gritted his teeth and said: "The group of wild boars was obviously lured out. We can't stay in this place."


The soldiers immediately woke up, packed their things and prepared to evacuate.

The captain shouted: "Rough eyebrows, give me a hand."

"team leader!"

This was when everyone discovered that a bloody mouth appeared on the captain's thigh at some point, and the blood was flowing.

Thick eyebrows decisively shouted: "Captain, I will take you down the mountain now."

"No need to."

The captain resolutely refused: "Slightly injured can't get below the line of fire, give me a tactical bandage."

Rough eyebrow checked the captain’s wound and persuaded: “Captain, your wound is deep, and the wild boar is full of germs. You can easily get infected if you continue like this.”

"Disinfect, bandage!"

The captain does not want to talk nonsense on this issue.

Under the insistence of the captain, the team swiftly advanced into deeper mountains and old forests.

"Captain, this seems to be our destination."

Scar looked at the map and questioned: "The armed police said that this is probably the habitat of monkeys. Why can't even a monkey be seen?"

"It's leeward, dry, and there are water and food nearby, so it's a good habitat."

"Look, there are still a lot of fruit pits and animal carcasses."

"There is also a throne-like high platform over there, that's right here."


The captain checked it and was sure of Scar's judgment.

Monkeys occasionally eat meat, but with their combat power and ground movement speed, at most they can catch some unlucky animals.

There are fruit pits and carcasses, it is probably the habitat of monkeys, or hunting places for monkeys.

"Hey, the wild boars seem to have been here."

Thick eyebrows checked and found more abnormalities.

"Wild boar? Monkey..."

"No, this is a trap, go!"

The captain paused, as if catching the clue, startled.

But it was too late.

A monkey appeared in each shot down.

In the crown of the tree, on the branches, on the edge of the cliff, on the wall, etc., all monkeys.

At a glance, there are at least a few hundred.

If the captain looked closely, they could still notice the mischievous or playful smiles on the monkeys' faces.


I don't know who is swallowing.

Roughbrow held a gun and asked weakly, "Captain, what should I do now?"



The captain dared not shoot.

The previous example of the armed police was still bloody.


They don't want to offend the monkey, but the monkey wants to punish them.

One after another monkeys took out their weapons:

Stones, fruits, pits, rough wood, bones, etc.

The weird weapons were completely exposed under the nose of this team of elite soldiers.


The captain gave an order, and everyone turned and ran.

At the same time, countless debris fell like raindrops.

"Ah! My head!"

The unfortunate scar was smashed to his head by a sharp stone.

"Damn, I'll...Ouch..."

The thick eyebrows are no better.

He also wanted to play sideways, but as soon as he turned his head, he ate a few long-range attacks of fruits, and his eyes were hit by a fruit core.

Fortunately, it was a little monkey who smashed the core of the fruit, otherwise he would have hurt his eyes for a few days.

The most excessive thing is that the group of monkeys are still chasing after them.

From the deep mountains to the outer mountains.


Very embarrassed.

The event fermented on the same day.

Because a group of well-armed elite soldiers entered the mountain arrogantly, and then escaped like a bereaved dog.

The image of such a gap was photographed by scattered travelers and locals.

Then upload.


Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu hug each other with laughter.

Liu Yifeng also laughed painfully, but she could still speak: "This army soldier is so miserable. He has a bag on his forehead and his eyes are still black. It's just...Oh, I can't help it anymore, ah ha ha..."

She couldn't help laughing in the end.

"They are unlucky enough."

Chen Lie shook his head and swept across the news pictures, his smile never faded.

no way.

The producers of news are evil.

I deliberately compared the photos taken before entering the mountain and when I came out of the mountain. The sharp drop made everyone want to laugh.

However, what Chen Lie paid attention to was the plot behind it: "The white monkey was finally discovered, and the trouble is getting bigger and bigger. Am I going to set off?"

After all the trouble is out of control, the country will not sit idly by.

By the time.

Even if the white monkey is a hundred times smarter, it can't hold the state machinery.

Although Chen Lie had to toss, he didn't want to toss to the point of irreversibility.

Thought of this.

Chen Lie made a decision.

So he said: "I have decided to go to Mount Emei and solve the white monkey."


Ren Qing and other women couldn't laugh anymore, and looked at Chen Lie in surprise.

"Aren't you kidding me? You know, even the elite soldiers who are heavily armed..."

(Recommend "The Strongest Gourmet in Entertainment", which was once the number one in the ranking list, a good quality book, and the word count is guaranteed)

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