The pet king of the city

Chapter 196 The Little Girl Picking Up Apples

"I just want to know now, what are you going to do with that white monkey?"

Chen Lie is more direct than the old knife.

Open the door and cut directly to the subject.

Director Liu of the Emeishan Tourism Bureau was taken aback.

He has been in officialdom for so long and has never met such a direct person.

But he is an old fried dough stick after all, and he immediately replied positively: "According to our meaning, it is natural to kill the monkey. It is best to have a simple monkey killer. But the group of animal protectors and a group of zoologists are clamoring for it. Protecting that animal that may be rare has created a lot of trouble for our work."

"After talking for a long time, there is no answer."

"Really an official."

Chen Lie muttered a few words in his heart dissatisfied.

Director Liu continued: "Therefore, we take the approach of looking at opportunities. If there is a chance, we will catch it alive; if there is no chance, we will shoot it directly and remotely, so as to save nights and dreams."

The hotel boss took the opportunity to say: "In fact, we have decided that if there is no good news in these two days, we will launch a reward in two days. A reward of up to one million yuan, and regardless of life or death, I believe that many people will be moved. ."

Director Liu still has a sentence in his heart: outsiders do not do it, not our tourism bureau, those animal protectors and zoologists want to make trouble for me without excuses.

"Fortunately, the decision has come."

Chen Lie was terrified after hearing this.

If he comes a little slower, it is estimated that his super pet will have to face a large group of poachers who see money.

Thinking of poachers all over the mountains.

Chen Lie's heart was anxious to set off, so he said, "Everyone, what if I can catch that white monkey alive?"

"give you."

Director Liu said readily: "You can catch it, if you want to kill it, you will follow you."

Chen Lie asked: "Assuming I succeed in capturing alive, then I want the right to keep that monkey. Can you go through all the procedures for me?"


"We've settled this over the phone early."

Director Liu simply sweared: "As long as Mr. Chen can catch the monkey alive, I will use my life to ensure that all the procedures will be done smoothly, and all procedures will be completed within 12 hours."

Director Liu has to be lost to his official position by the monkeys, so how can he feel sorry for the monkeys?

Not to mention a few documents.

Even if he was asked to kowtow, he would follow suit.

"Okay, then it's settled."

The old knife saw Chen Lie's eagerness and immediately proceeded according to the plan stated in advance: "If this is the case, please arrange for us to enter the mountain as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

Director Liu liked this kind of refreshment and asked: "The protection staff has been arranged, and will we gather here early in the morning?"

"no problem."

Chen Lie is already eager to try.

This is how things are negotiated.

Director Liu and other officials from the Tourism Bureau left hurriedly, probably to make arrangements.

The boss of the hotel received Chen Lie with the highest standards.

Outside the hotel.

The sun has begun to set west.

Chen Lie and the fierce Jiaohu, Xiao Hei, Bai Ling, and Yin Leopard who had been restrained for a long time came to the outside of the hotel for activities.

Why not bring the sticky Po?

With Abao's weight and speed, let alone climbing, even if he ran a little farther, he would look for Chen Lie to carry him.

Bringing it over is pure toss.

So in order to take care of A Bao, Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu are staying in the super pet shop.

This time, Chen Lie brought the three most powerful pets: the fierce tiger, the black and the silver leopard. As long as they were not ambushed by the monkeys, they were definitely safe.


Xiao Hei happily played a frisbee game with Chen Lie.

The fierce tiger jumped around, evaporating excess energy.

The silver leopard walked around like a patrol, moving his muscles and bones while looking for small animals to bully.

As for Bailing, it stood on Chen Lie's shoulders from beginning to end.

At this time, a group of people gradually walked down the mountain.

This is a group of villagers who sell all kinds of convenient food, drinks, souvenirs and mountain products.

They all rely on Mount Emei to eat.

If the tourism industry of Mount Emei is good, their lives will be nourished.

But now...

Not to mention it.

The sparse crowd came down the mountain carrying almost full commodities.

"I sold a bottle of mineral water today, so I have to drink northwest wind if I continue this way."

"Hey, when is the end of this day!"

The villagers passed by Chen Lie with long sighs and short sighs.

Some people saw the fierce tiger.

But they all thought it was a tabby cat who had made jokes several times before, so they didn't care much.

On the contrary, it was the silver leopard with extremely beautiful hair, which made them pay more attention to it a few times.

However, they are in an extremely bad mood now, that is, they just looked around, didn't care much, and walked up and down to a more even level.

"Grandpa, be careful!"

A tender voice attracted Chen Lie's eyes.

What caught the eye was an old grandfather carrying two baskets of wild goods slipping, his whole person tilted to one side, and the two big baskets of wild goods rolled down towards Chen Lie.


What exclaimed was a cute little girl in plain clothes.

She hurried over to help.

But Grandpa said, "Apple, Xiao Ai, go pick up the apple."

Xiao Ai immediately turned around with the bamboo basket.

"Apple! Apple!"

"Bailing wants to eat an apple!"

These mountain products have apples and many dried mountain products, which are very attractive.

Chen Lie went to help immediately.

He picked up some apples and handed them to the little Ai who helped grandpa pick up the apples.

Without speaking, Chen Lie continued to pick up apples.

Fortunately, Chen Lie's side is a flat slope. The apple rolled here and didn't continue to move it, otherwise it might not be possible to pick it up tomorrow morning.

Seeing Chen Lie's actions, the pets also helped.

With the help of so many people and pets, the half-frame apples were picked up.

"Thank you big brother!"

"Also, thank you very much!"

Xiao Ai thanked Chen Lie again and again, and finally gave the pets a sweet smile.

"Apples, Bailing wants to eat apples."

But Bailing is still willing.

It is estimated that he has not eaten fresh food in a day, and he is greedy.


"Today is indeed depressing you a bit."

Chen Lie looked over.

Xiao Ai is pulling the bamboo basket with difficulty and moving towards her grandfather.

Looking at this cute little girl who should still be in kindergarten, Chen Lie somehow felt sad.

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