
Xiao Ai made two interesting nasal sounds and proudly introduced the dried fruits that he had participated in the production of: "These dried fruits were picked from wild fruit trees in the mountains by my grandfather. They are the most sour and sweet, and the most suitable for making dried fruits."

At the end of the day, Xiao Ai added: "If you don't believe me, you can go outside and choose at will to ensure that they are all delicious. When there were many tourists in the past, they liked to bring a bag of dried fruits back."

Chen Lie asked again: "How about your business?"

"It's not good these days."

"The monkeys in the mountains are too noisy and there are too few tourists."

Xiao Ai lowered her head in disappointment.

She clearly knows the consequences of not selling mountain products.

"Hehe, it's okay, Xiao Ai."

Grandpa Xiao Ai quickly calmed down and said, "After a while, the uncles of the security will be able to scare away the cute monkeys, and the tourists will come back again."

"This is not the way to go."

Old Dao quietly calculated it just now.

Even when business is good, the entire income of Xiao Ai's family is at most 5,000 to 6,000 yuan.

But like now, it is estimated that even five or six hundred yuan a month cannot be earned, and life is a problem.

Lao Dao was even more puzzled, and asked: "These dried wild fruits are of such good quality. You can make a lot of money just by selling them in the market."

"We want to do it, and we tried it."

Grandpa Xiao Ai sighed: "But the market purchase price in the county is too low, so it's better to sell it on the mountain."

"Those profiteers!"

Old Dao scolded.

According to the quality of these dried fruits, it is not a problem at all to take a pack of them and sell them for ten to twenty yuan in Pengcheng.

The publicity is good, and many people are rushing to ask for it.

At this price, Xiao Ai's family can earn at least 5,000 yuan in stable income every month.

If the scale is expanded, it will not stop doubling.

But the profit here is so weak that it is not as good as direct sales, which shows how hard the middlemen have pressed prices.

"Dried fruits are delicious."

Chen Lie suddenly said something inexplicable.

"Thanks for your appreciation."

Grandpa Xiao Ai smiled slightly, but his smile was a bit bitter.

Chen Lie asked as usual: "Grandpa Xiao Ai, if I ordered a batch of dried fruits from you in Pengcheng, would you sell it to me?"

"of course."

Grandpa Xiao Ai replied generously: "Mr. Chen helped us today, it doesn't matter if you give it away for nothing."

He listened to Chen Lie's simple words, thinking that Chen Lie only needed very little.


"After I go back, I will transfer the money to you first, and then let the courier pick it up. What do you think?"

Chen Lie still had that tone.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your patronage."

Grandpa Xiaoai nodded without pretense.

He knew that Chen Lie was helping himself, and he didn't lack the money.

The most important thing is fair business, not the kind of charity that looks like a silly person, it is invisibly given the high respect of the Xiao Ai family.

"Who invited me?"

A burly middle-aged man with a strong build and carrying medical insurance came to the door.


Chen Lie raised his hand.

On the way here, Chen Lie was going to help Grandpa Xiao Ai to hire a doctor, but the security guard said that it was better to hire a boner.

So Chen Lie invited the famous Chinese bone-setting master in front of him.

"Master Zhao, why are you here?"

When Grandpa Xiaoai saw Master Zhao, his eyes were full of surprises.

Because Master Zhao is the most famous bone-setting master in several villages in Fangyuan. It is said that he used to practice boxing, but he has been practicing bone-setting for more than 30 years. The skillful skill in nearby people believes that he goes to the hospital more often.

Master Zhao was not polite, and came directly to Grandpa Xiao Ai.

Checked it out.

Master Zhao said: "No, I haven't completely injured the bones, but it will take more than a week to heal, and you have to continue to take medicine. It's just that your body is relatively old, even if the injury is healed, you have to do a little massage and you can't move at will. It will take at least a month to stop going up and down."


"Then what about my business?"

Grandpa Xiao Ai panicked immediately.

"Don't worry about other things."

Chen Lie said with an irresistible taste: "Master Zhao, please concentrate on helping Grandpa Xiao Ai. Grandpa Xiao Ai, you can dry the dried fruits at home with peace of mind. In short, you don't have to think too much about everything with me."

Master Zhao looked at Chen Lie a little and nodded.

When he heard that Grandpa Xiao Ai had fallen, he came with a semi-charitable purpose.

Seeing Chen Lie's posture now, all worries are gone.

a long time.

Chen Lie and the others left nothing, so they left Xiao Ai's home.

Embark on the way back to the hotel.

The old Dao was really puzzled and asked, "Alie, this is not like your style."

Chen Lie asked, "What is my style?"

"The thing about the Huicheng Orphanage is really impressive."

Old Dao smiled mysteriously, waiting for Chen Lie's answer.

Chen Lie knew that he couldn't hide from the old knife, so he simply said: "I plan to send Xiao Ai's dried fruits to Pengcheng to sell."

The old Dao asked: "How to sell? You are not in the mountain products business."

"If you don't talk far, just talk about my shop."

Chen Lie asked, "Do you know how much dried fruit preserves are consumed by Super Pet Shop in one month?"

Old Dao shook his head.

Chen Lie reminded: "This month, I have bought dried fruit preserves for no less than 8,000 yuan."

"So much consumption?"

Lao Dao instinctively looked at Chen Lie's Braun and asked, "Even if Braun likes to eat, it is impossible to eat so much, right? You know, this month is not over yet."

"How is it possible for a lark."

Chen Lie said with a bitter smile, "But the problem is, that guy Abao treats my dried fruit preserves as snacks, and he consumes more than 10 larks. The three women in the family also have this kind of stuff. For large consumers, 8,000 yuan is not much."

"What's more, I can also promote it in the live broadcast room, and the acquisition volume can easily double."

At the end of the day, Chen Lie added another sentence in his heart.

In fact, Lao Dao couldn't understand how delicious Chen Lie's exclusive dried fruit preserves are.

That thing is just like the tea processed by Chen Lie, which directly improves the ordinary quality to the level of super delicacy.

"Well, I believe in your ability to digest."

Having said that, they have reached the door of the hotel.

"It's them!"

"Yes, they are in the photo!"

Two burly men squatting near the entrance of the hotel, seeing Chen Lie, stood up immediately and walked quickly viciously.

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