The pet king of the city

Chapter 200: Giant Beast in the Forest

Rough eyebrow saw the big bag of sensitive weapons he had brought over, and said, "Mr. Chen, how do you deal with these guns and ammunition? We wanted to go in to find you before, but when the low-profile security guards saw them, they were scared to us. Treated as a criminal and blocked the door."

"They won't stop you this time."

Chen Lie smiled confidently.

Bring everyone in.

As he said, this time thick eyebrows and scars were warmly welcomed.

Chen Lie was not polite, and ordered a large table of delicious food in accordance with the wishes of thick eyebrows and scars.

Makes everyone very happy to eat.


When the hotel boss heard about the incident, he personally came down to apologize, not only accompany the whole city to toast, but also said good things, and finally gave Chen Lie and the others waivers.

It makes the thick eyebrows and the scars have a sense of vanity as the master of turning over.

But because I need to get up early the next day.

So although everyone ate happily, the wine was moderate and not excessive.

After the banquet, everyone went back to their rooms.

Chen Lie's suite.

The fierce and contented tiger started to sleep in laziness.

While Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard, who were equally full, looked at the door half asleep and half awake.

The most funny thing is Bailing. It has eaten too much food, its belly is almost round, it can't fly, and it doesn't even know if it can be digested by tomorrow morning.

As for Chen Lie.

He is installing the machine sent from the system mall.

Make the most adequate preparations for tomorrow's mountain entry.

"It's very simple."

Chen Lie installed the last one, looked at the masterpiece in front of him, and said in surprise: "I thought it was complicated at first, but I didn't expect it to be just a few small parts."

"Hey, what kind of monkey."

"I hope you won't be too surprised tomorrow."

Chen Lie is very confident in his heart with the extremely perfect mechanical craftsmanship.

And on the other side.

The thick eyebrows and scars, who were super-satisfied, lived in a high-end double room.

One big bed per person.

Both of them lay lazily on the bed, not wanting to move.

Scar was concerned and asked: "Rough eyebrows, your hands will not affect tomorrow's task, right?"


The rough eyebrow smiled and said: "Today's meal, I have made up everything."


Scar has nothing to say to his long-time comrade-in-arms.

Thick eyebrow then said: "We ate so hard today, I don't know if that boss will feel bad."

The thought of eating at least 5 mountain treasures today, and many valuable delicacies, made my heart a little unstable.

They had previously inquired about this high-end hotel, which is famous for all kinds of mountain and game, and it costs at least a few thousand for a meal.

And for their meal tonight, it is impossible to check out without 10,000 pieces.

Such a sum of money is not something they can afford.

"It will definitely not be distressed."

Scars are all insightful, saying: "Today the hotel boss is so polite, all because of Mr. Chen's face. Didn't you see that before and after we met Mr. Chen, the group of security guards had a completely different attitude?"

Rough eyebrows asked, "Isn't Mr. Chen just a martial arts internet celebrity? Why does the hotel boss sell him so much?"

"I heard the captain say."

"Mr. Chen has huge energy behind it, this is from Pengcheng."

Scar made his own analysis: "Don't you think, can ordinary people keep tigers and giant pandas as pets?"

"That's true."

"I think Mr. Chen is full of mysteries."

Thick eyebrows are not good at overly complicated things, so I thought about it, but didn't think about it.

With this mentality, he fell asleep quickly.

I haven't heard the scar from the thick eyebrows for a long time, and heard a slight snoring. He couldn't laugh or cry immediately, but out of professional habits, he quickly fell asleep for tomorrow's task.

There is nothing to say this night.

Mount Emei.

Mount Emei is not just a single mountain or a few mountains, but a whole mountain range.

Sichuan has a standard basin topography. The basin is surrounded by mountains except for the Chengdu plain in the middle.

To the north is the Qinling Mountains and to the southwest is the Emei Mountains.

Therefore, the interior of Mount Emei is called the real deep mountain old forest.

What tourists usually play is just the tip of the iceberg.

at this time.

A small team of only 4 people is advancing rapidly in the old forest.

This team is naturally Chen Lie and the others.

It was such a small team of only 4 people, but at a speed far surpassing that of the armed police, and even faster than elite soldiers, it took only 3 hours to come to the place where they encountered the wild boar before.

"It went well."

Rough eyebrows looked at the traces left by the wild boars' charge a few days ago, and his mind was a little startled.

The last time they came here, it took more than 5 hours back and forth.

The efficiency increased by nearly half in one go.

This gap is simply crushing.

"It's gone too smoothly, well."

Scar was tempered and replied, quickly entering a state of alert.

He didn't want to make the same mistake.

Thick eyebrows looked at Fierce Jiaohu, Xiaohei and Silver Leopard, and sighed: "Isn't it just three more animals? Why is the efficiency improved so much."

They came last time.

It took a lot of time to avoid the monkeys and various beasts.

But this time.

Whether it was a group of monkeys or wild beasts, when they smelled Chen Lie's three pets, they were so scared that they turned around and ran away with their tails between them.

They even saw a silly dumb rabbit, rushing to the front of the team, and immediately paralyzed after seeing the fierce tiger.

If it is not to hurry.

This silly rabbit is the game most delivered to the door.


Chen Lie raised his hand immediately when he saw the extremely active fierce tiger.

When the fierce tiger came here, it was truly a tiger entering the forest, and the king returned.

Whether it is a beast or a natural danger here, nothing can stop it.

Even it is vigilant.

That's no ordinary thing.

The thick eyebrows and scars were shot into the chamber for the first time.

Lao Dao also took out his standard weapon.

Shu Shuo...

A huge object quickly moved towards Chen Lie and the others from a distance.

The bush was moved easily by the huge object.

The pine tree with the thick mouth of the bowl is like dead wood.

What kind of beast is this?

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