The pet king of the city

Chapter 203 Three Magic Weapons

"I'll rub, what kind of battle is this?"

Chen Lie thought about many scenes, but didn't expect this to be the one to greet him.

The thick eyebrows were also stupid, he thought he would repeat the last ambush.

The scar is on the alert, the insurance has been opened, and the plastic bullets used for riot prevention have been filled, and they can give these weird monkeys an unforgettable pain at any time.

"Aren't these monkeys all drunk?"

Lao Dao asked weakly.

"I'm drunk."

"But the timing and quantity are wrong."

"At this point in time, it should be the time for the monkeys to go out foraging, and only some will stay behind."

Chen Lie made a rough estimate and said: "Look, the monkeys staying here are basically old monkeys and middle-aged monkeys. It is estimated that their status in the monkey group is not low, so they will enjoy the wine like this."

While talking, Chen Lie used the drone to search for a wider area.

But reality taught him a lesson.

"not good!"

I don't know it, but I know the horror at a glance.

A densely packed, terrifying number of monkeys gathered from all directions.

There were absolutely no less than a thousand monkeys forming a huge encirclement, and Chen Lie and his four people and four beasts were besieged in the middle.

They are not out for food at all, but out to find reinforcements.

From the original hundreds of heads, it directly increased to over a thousand heads.

A huge pressure was formed instantly.

"Be careful!"

"Too many monkeys, retreat!"

Bai Ling screamed and flew high.

In fact, Chen Lie regretted bringing Bailing over.

Because of the Mini Apache drone, the Braun, which was originally intended to be used for reconnaissance, is meaningless.

The most important thing is that the monkey will throw things away. If you accidentally throw the Bailing and hurt it, you won’t be able to make up for it even if you exterminate the monkey.

"Bailing, fly higher, help me see where the white monkey is!"

Chen Lie made an early excuse at will to let Bailing leave this dangerous zone.

Bailing quickly increased the height and searched nearby.

But that white monkey was too cunning.

It seemed to know that it had become a human target, so many ambushes, none of them appeared.

Even the Emeishan Tourism Bureau dispatched a helicopter to search, and after two days and nights, they did not find a single hair.

But the scene before him, if it wasn't for it to command the ambush, who would believe it?

For such a cunning monkey, Chen Lie is quite knowledgeable and must adopt the highest level of coping strategies.

"You drag it first."

"The white monkey must be nearby. I set the drone to search and track automatically."

Chen Lie immediately operated the Mini Apache, and joined Bailing to search nearby.

There are two eyes in the sky, and one area per person.

The efficiency is doubled.

The thick eyebrows retracted to Scar and asked: "Man, there are too many monkeys, how can I break it?"

"We have been ashamed once, and we can't have a second time."

Scar said affirmatively: "I believe Mr. Chen, he will definitely be able to find the nasty white monkey."

"adhere to!"

"Mr. Chen has never disappointed people!"

For thick eyebrows and scars, the combat literacy is at least one level lower than the old swords, but they are more determined.

He was covering Chen Lie with his body, otherwise the monkeys would interfere with Chen Lie's search.


Chen Lie was not only preparing a drone, it was more adequate than Lao Dao and others had imagined.

"Take out my travel bag."

Chen Lie suddenly yelled.

Lao Dao and their thoughts didn't turn around.

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense, and grabbed the oversized travel bag that he had just thrown aside, and then took out generations of vacuum-packed preserves from it.

Chen Lie brought three magic weapons this time.

The first magic weapon is naturally the fierce tigers.

And the role they played along the way was more positive than a ten-man elite army.

The second magic weapon is the pet tracking machine he bought, that is, the mini Apache drone. This weapon also played a vital role.

As for the third magic weapon, Chen Lie’s exclusive secret dried fruit preserves.

From Bailing, Blue Crown, and especially Abao, Chen Lie proved that his exclusive secret preserves are super attractive to animals.At home, Abao and the others can quarrel for the candied fruit, not to mention this group of wild monkeys who are not modest and disciplined.


"Give it to them!"

"These can attract the attention of monkeys and even make them fight!"

Chen Lie stuffed the candied fruit into Lao Dao's hand, and then continued to search for the white monkey.

"Candied fruit?"

"I understand."

After realizing it, the old knife was ashamed. Ashamed, he wanted to slap himself.

He can be regarded as an experienced old fritters, and he is actually confused at such a critical moment.

Without talking nonsense, he immediately grabbed a handful of candied fruit, and then shouted to the monkeys: "Come here and give you delicious food!"

After talking, throw all the candied fruit in your hand to the densest monkey group.

The old knife threw it hard this time, and some of the candied fruit directly hit the monkey's head, which had been forced more than ten meters away.

A monkey caught the candied fruit that fell from his head.

Instinctively want to throw it away.

But the unique sweetness attracts it.

Under the attention of other monkeys, he sniffed carefully, and then rejoiced.

Monkeys like sweets very much.

Just as humans have not yet produced sugar on a large scale, the opportunity to eat sugar is too rare.

Almost all monkeys like sweets.

After the monkey finished eating, his eyes almost glowed, and he did not hesitate to fly at the candied fruit that had fallen in front of him.

There is no harm without comparison.

When the other monkeys saw this, they took a bite, and then they followed suit.

Immediately afterwards, these monkeys from different ethnic groups, in order to compete for candied fruit, skipped the quarrel and eased, and were torn on the spot.

Because all the robbed monkeys ignored the filth on the preserves, they ate them in their stomachs immediately.


"Grab it! Fight!"

Lao Dao looked excited and swayed the candied fruit frantically.

Some monkeys who couldn't snatch the candied fruit were so anxious that they rushed over to grab all the candied fruit.


A crisp blast sounded out...

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