The pet king of the city

Chapter 229 Chen Lie also has a story

Now Chen Lie has more than 6 million subscribers, and the number of people online at his peak can reach 3 million.

But Gu Xiaoyu's ravages directly expelled more than 600,000 online.

Ren Qing's later was not much better, and he scared away nearly 400,000 online fans.

The two women scared away millions of online fans. Such power is enough to make most of the top anchors instantly become cannon fodder, and they are counted together with the fake number of people they brushed.

So when Chen Lie was broadcast live, there were only 2 million irons left.

right now.

These 2 million irons are all dumbfounded.

I was shocked by Chen Lie's shocking "Men's Self-Strengthening".

Even if Chen Lie ended, the music stopped.

More than 2 million people have never recovered.

The barrage in the live broadcast room hardly scrolls.


It's a backlog explosion.

The whole live broadcast room is crazy:

"I'll go, I'll go! I'm going crazy!"

"Ahhhhh, I'm going crazy! Auntie is going to leak test!"

"Brother Pet, why did you make a big move suddenly?"


Chen Lie ignored the completely exploded live broadcast room.

He felt several scorching eyes focusing on himself, and when he looked over, it was Ren Qing and the others.

On the other hand, Wen Lan and Xiaolan covered their mouths with their hands, trying to prevent themselves from screaming.

"Well, the live broadcast tonight ends here."

Although the time is not up, Chen Lie plans to end the live broadcast ahead of schedule.

"Don't worry about it! Pet brother, I was wrong."

"Brother Pet, you have conquered me with a song, please try another one."

The queen drove even more directly: "My pet, how about 100 rockets?"

"Are you humiliating. Pet brother?"

It’s okay to let the rockets increase the price and say: "I will add another 100 rockets, and I will spare it tonight."

"Ha ha."

"I will sing before, you won't give it."

Chen Lie deliberately said: "If you say a good one, then I will only sing one. Your buying of people's hearts is useless."

"Brother Pet, don't be so arrogant!"

"Only then did I know that Pet Brother also has the attributes of Tsundere."

The queen drove there and set off the rocket, dumbfounding.

The words of the two great gods are also the words of the fans. The word "tiaojiao" almost blew up the screen.

The old Wang of Greentown sighed: "I reminded you already, why bother?"

For a time.

The old king of Greentown has almost become synonymous with a prophet.

But there are really smart people in the live broadcast room.

For example, nothing works.

He suddenly asked: "Brother Pet, you said you want to sing only one song before, but don't forget that the nine on-demand songs that were broadcast live in the live broadcast room are only one song short."


Chen Lie was stunned.

This is indeed the case.

"OK then."

Chen Lie opened the last song, sighed, and said, "I will close the live broadcast after singing."

With just this sentence, the music begins.

Because the name of this song is "Betrayal".

A song that reminds Chen Lie of many things and has many personal feelings.

Because of his unique feelings, Chen Lie didn't perform according to the original rhythm, and sang completely with his own feelings.

Pure emotional investment.

The light, gentle, undulating voice, blended with hidden anger, makes all fans seem to be in an incomprehensible right or wrong.

And this time.

Chen Lie really left after singing.

Leave the final farewell and finishing work to Gu Xiaoyu.

Does not give fans a chance to stay.

Such thoroughness made it difficult for Gu Xiaoyu to do it.

She looked at the screen full of retention, but she was helpless.

"Sister, what should I do?"

Looking at the gift offensive of the local tyrants, Gu Xiaoyu couldn't stand it.

Ren Qing shook his head and said, "Don't let him sing such songs in the future."

Others don't know Chen Lie's story, but Ren Qing knows it perfectly.

At the beginning, Chen Lie regarded people as brothers, but this brother almost killed him.

With such a shameless backboard, Ren Qing still has lingering fears.

Until now, Ren Qing didn't know how Chen Lie slowed down, even rising against the sky.


Only then did Gu Xiaoyu realize that Chen Lie, who was happily all day long, was also a person with a story.

So she modified Ren Qing's remarks and posted it to the live broadcast room as today's farewell.

The hustle and bustle of the live broadcast room calmed down with the appearance of the farewell.

"So Pet Brother also has a story."

"It seems that this song stung his scars."

"I suddenly feel a bit asshole!"

Unfortunately, whether the fans blamed themselves or was upset, Chen Lie didn't see it.

but no matter.

Two songs of Chen Lie exploded.

With a terrifying speed, driven by 2 million fans, it swept across the entire music world at a plague-like speed, causing Eastern Music to tremble twice.



Cantonese Dog Competition.

This opportunity forgotten by Chen Lie finally arrived.

The entire pet industry in Guangdong Province is actively preparing for this competition.

Especially Chen Lie's opponent.

What kind of pets, what Beihua base, in order to show the limelight in the game and suppress Chen Lie, but it took a lot of thought.

such as.

The pharaoh dog they found before.

"Oh, that pharaoh dog is more powerful than thought."

Chen Lie calmly looked at that particularly mighty, king-like Pharaoh dog, without a smile or the slightest nervousness.

Boss Qi wiped his sweat and said, "This time it's not right, it's really wrong."

"take it easy."

"Wrong Jin is like this, right Jin is also like this."

Chen Lie calmed down and said, "You treat it as an exchange meeting with more pets, don't worry about it."

"How could I not take it to heart."

Boss Qi said nervously: "If you win this time, you will not only win honor, but honor can also bring me a lot of money. It can be said that I will rely on this wave of porridge and dinner in the future."

"It sounds like you are having a miserable life now."

Chen Lie stabbed back.

Boss Qi smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, this is not the famous pet brother."

The boss of Beihua is here.

Each of his left and right hands is holding a bulldog. On the left is the Pharaoh Dog, and on the right is a Tibetan Mastiff.

The boss of Beihua braggingly asked: "Mr. Chen, is my dog ​​good?"

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