
Fierce Jiaohu was dissatisfied.

It looked at Bai Ling coldly, as if asking: "My dignified Thunder Tiger, even the giant tree in the Emei Mountain can climb as long as it can be said. This Bodhi tree doesn't even count as a hair."

The Silver Leopard also stood up.

It stretched lazily, and its eyes flicked over Lark and Blue Crown as if inadvertently.

Bai Ling and Blue Crown shivered as if they had encountered natural enemies.

"The wind is tight, cheer!"

Bai Ling screamed, not even the fruit, and flew high.

The Blue Crown learned everything, discarding the beloved fruit and ran away.

"I'll go, where did it learn the underworld secret words?"

Chen Lie looked around angrily.

Ren Qing spread his hands, Gu Xiaoyu and Liu Yifeng shook their heads blankly.

No one can give Chen Lie an answer.



Chen Lie's side became a sea of ​​joy.

The Internet is also making trouble, but the atmosphere is a bit weird.

Because the emperor of Ramen took the loss of the national treasure-"Landscape and Rare Birds" as a bet, and challenged Chen Lie's news, he quickly occupied the front page of major Internet portals and media under the impetus of interested people.

Ever since.

Chen Lie is on fire again.

Many people are wondering:

Isn't Chen Lie an expert in pet shop and pet domestication?When did you become a hidden chef?

Then a certain portal website specifically addressed this doubt and opened a topic.

Without him.

It's just a report on Chen Lie's grievances with the Emperor Ramen.

Ever since, all those who don't know the truth on the Internet all understand.

Immediately afterwards, they watched the theater with great expectation. They all hoped that Chen Lie could come out to suppress the imposing emperor of Ramen, and give the oriental food world a good breath.

"Little ones come big."

Ren Qing looked at the news and applauded: "Yes, this idiom is used extremely vividly, this website has depth."

Chen Lie didn't care.

He brought the food, saw Xiaolan and Abao's movements, immediately shouted: "Wash your hands before eating."

Xiaolan and Abao's hands were ready to grab the dim sum, and then they ran to the bathroom in a desperate manner.


Ren Qing ignored it.

While dialing the tablet, he picked up a snack and took a bite:

Crunch and crisp.

Rao Ren Qing had no time and had to applaud: "It's crispy and crunchy, Lie, you even make dim sum so well. You can open a brand chain with this craftsmanship alone."

"Eat more if you like."

Chen Lie started to make tea.

Ren Qing is very serious at work and never gets distracted to make tea.

For Chen Lie, refreshments.

Since medicine eats snacks and doesn't make good tea, how can I be worthy of this atmosphere.

This is a small hand and a fat, furry hand reaching out.


Xiaolan and Abao only took a bite, their eyes brightened.

"good to eat!"

"too delicious!"

Xiaolan could hardly control her emotions and shouted: "This is ten times more delicious than the cookies given to us by the aunt who visited before."

"Eat more if it is delicious."

Chen Lie wouldn't have too many restrictions on such small issues.

He looked at Ren Qing and asked, "What is worth noting today?"

"A lot, but many are unnecessary."

Ren Qing pointed out some invitations and said: "For example, after the Emperor Ramen challenged you, many radio stations invited you to participate in their programs."


Chen Lie was a little dazed.

Ren Qing explained: “There are talk shows, cooking competitions, and talent types.”


"No time."

Chen Lie said: "I don't know if I have time to participate in the charity auction at the customs, let alone participate in these show-like programs."

The customs containment center seizes that many things every year.

Can't it keep building up?

Can't it all be destroyed?

Some valuable things will be digested through donations, charity auctions, etc.

Among them, charity auctions are the customs' favorite way.

Because the proceeds from the charity auction, after deducting the operating expenses of the auction, the remaining part will be donated directly to the charitable organization of the institution, and the rest will become the customs benefit.

And because of the huge operating space, the level of welfare of the customs has always been the first level among the major government departments, and the year-end bonus has stimulated countless people's nerves.

right now.

Because of Li Lao's relationship, because of the last cooperation.

Director Hua specially sent an invitation to Chen Lie.

And also quietly told Chen Lie that there was something he liked in it, so don't miss it.


Ren Qing thought about it for a while and stopped worrying about this question, saying: "Now Mr. Li has determined that the Emperor Ramen's "Landscape and Rare Birds" is the original picture, and the next game is just for the competition."

Chen Lie asked: "The question is how to compare this time?"

"It is said to be in accordance with international conventions."

Ren Qing didn't know much either.

After all, the game is still being negotiated and has not been finalized.

"It doesn't matter."

"It's not me who is in a hurry anyway."

Chen Lie was very open-minded.

He instinctively probed his hand for a snack, but it was empty.

He looked over, there was no snack on the plate.

Chen Lie looked over angrily.

It was found that Xiaolan and Abao were biting a piece in their mouths, holding a piece in each hand.

Knowing that Chen Lie had discovered him, he drove off quickly.

"These two live treasures!"

Chen Lie had a headache.

He knew that the snacks he made were delicious, and he also knew that he would be eaten up soon.

It's just that he can't estimate how hot Xiaolan and Abao are, and even eating rolls will not leave him as a creator.

"Forget it, just a kid."

After having eaten it, Ren Qing was more discerning and calmed down: "Xiaolan and Abao are so greedy, which indirectly proves that your dim sum is delicious."

"But no matter how delicious it is, at least it has to give me a mouthful, right?"

Chen Lie answered weakly.

Ren Qing couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay, let's get back to business."

After sorting out his thoughts, Ren Qing said: "Now fans have to wait for the opportunity to listen to your song. It doesn't matter a few times, but if the backlog continues for a long time, it will cause boredom."

Chen Lie nodded.

He didn't know this truth.

"Charities that are not trustworthy can be commissioned."

"It's thankless for us to organize ourselves."

Ren Qing finally said: "Why don't you just..."

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