The pet king of the city

Chapter 254: Shameless You

"It's a miracle that people are shameless to this point."

Whether it was live or watching the live broadcast, everyone was blown up.

All the audience realize how shameless this person is, and realize that this person will do something to refresh the three views next.

Sure enough.

Meng Jiajia asked dissatisfiedly: "Then I don't know what Mr. Yin Chuan gave this dish?"

6 points!

He actually gave such a shameless score.

The Ramen Emperor smiled.

His smile can't be restrained, and it is completely exposed to the eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers.

"I'm going to your M! Can you be more shameless?"

"This guy doesn't even need his face! As expected of a JP countryman!"

"The teasers who just said they want demeanor and standpoint, what's going on now? Talking about demeanor with a dog makes you become a doggie now!"

"I can't help it! The brothers on the scene kept that guy for me, I'll pass now!"

"Count me, I'm very close to the radio station."

Chen Lie’s hardcore mass explosions, and some even wanted to go directly to the radio to teach Yin Chuan.

The atmosphere at the scene changed from an uproar to a commotion.

There is an uncontrollable trend.


Old Li shook his head as he watched, quietly picked up his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said, "This Yin Chuan is listed as an unpopular person and will be deported permanently."

"Remember, I only give you 10 minutes."

Old Li's words didn't have the slightest dirty words, but they carried bloody killing intent.

Ren Qing's parents glanced at each other, suppressed the anger just now, and watched the situation change.


Steve stood up, looked at Yin Chuan coldly, and asked, "Mr. Yin Chuan, do you mean that my comment is very wrong?"


"No, no, Mr. Steve, I didn't mean that."

Yin Chuan hurriedly explained: "I just don't like Mr. Chen's food, nothing more."

Yin Chuan had just forgotten Steve's position just to help the emperor of Ramen.

Steve gave full marks, and he just gave a super low score. Isn't this accusing Steve of being wrong, and that he was wrong?

"In order to win, you islanders can abandon even the most basic chef ethics."

"Well, I can fulfill you."

Steve said seriously: "After the exchange competition is over, I will submit an application report to the International Chefs Association, and I will disclose what happened today to the world, so that the whole world can see that this is the country of JP. Chef spirit."

"Do not!"

"you can not do that!"

Yin Chuan panicked, so too.

Maybe Steve is not able to completely block him, but the island nation can.

Steve can put pressure on the island country’s gastronomy through the International Chefs Association. At that time, the island country’s gastronomy community will naturally not go to war with the International Chefs Association for Yin Chuan alone. The final result must be to sacrifice Yin Chuan as an end.


Steve returned to his seat.

"Mr. Steve, please listen to my explanation."

Yin Chuan begged in despair.

At this moment, two policemen rushed in, broke into the live broadcast, and walked directly to Yin Chuan in the face of the dumbfounded eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers.

"Mr. Yin Chuan, we found that you have acted impolitely to our organization and you are a person on our organization's unpopular list."

"So please come with us and we will arrange for you to return home as soon as possible."

The two police officers said each sentence, deciding what happened quickly.

No one thought that things would turn so quickly, and the audience was dull.

Even the live broadcast room with more than 5 million people online suddenly fell silent.

"Do not!"

"You can't do this to me!"

"I was invited by you. How could I be an unwelcome person? There must be some misunderstanding!"

Yin Chuan tried his best to grasp the chair, but didn't leave.

He knew that once he left today, his future would be completely ruined.

He wanted to ask Steve's men to be merciful, and he wanted the emperor to help.

I don't want Steve to be extremely disgusting to him, saying: "This kind of person is not worthy of the role of a judge in such a sacred game. Being a judge with him is a blasphemy to me."

"If he doesn't leave, then I will leave."

Steve's words were simply the last fatal blow, completely breaking Yin Chuan's fluke.

"Ramen Emperor, you can help me say something!"

Yin Chuan asked for medical treatment indiscriminately, and begged the emperor of Ramen: "I am helping you to belittle your opponent, you can't ignore me!"

"I don't know what you said."

The emperor of Ramen directly turned away.

"Do not……"

"You can't do this to me."

The two policemen did not give Yin Chuan another chance to talk nonsense, and directly hooked his arm and dragged away.

The remaining three JP judges, look at me, I look at you, and they made a decision in an instant.

With Yin Chuan's precedent, they didn't dare to mess around, and were even more cold towards the emperor's merciless expression of the Ramen Emperor.

8 points.

They collectively gave 8 points, but unfortunately their scores cannot change the fact that Chen Lie reversed and the emperor of Ramen hated him.

97 points.

This is Chen Lie's final score.

Seeing this delightful scene, everyone's anger disappeared.

"Please wait a minute."

The emperor of the hypocrite Ramen came to Chen Lie and asked, "Can you let me taste it and know where I am losing?"

"You can't feed him, he is stealing the teacher!"

"We have seen through your true hypocrite, Emperor Ramen."

Countless iron rods are warning, hope Chen Lie will treat it with caution.


But Chen Lie was confident.

In this way, the emperor of Ramen took over Chen Lie's bowl in front of countless irons.

"It really smells good."

"Your fragrance is not the kind of mixed fragrance stimulated with spices, just like noodles and soup are inherently beefy."

The emperor of Ramen sighed: "The most important thing is that your ramen is naturally fragrant and unpretentious. Even people who hate beef the most can't have the slightest disgust."

"I've heard of this technique. In ancient times, it seemed to be called sacred hands and incense."

"But I remember that this skill has been lost."

The emperor Ramen analyzed here, looked at Chen Lie with a pilgrimage attitude, and asked: "Please tell me, how did you find it?"

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