The pet king of the city

Chapter 348 Bacchus' Fruit Wine

"When did I say you made up?"

Seeing such a harmonious scene between Bacchus and Bailing, Chen Lie was a little dumbfounded.

Only then did he think about it, it seemed that they seemed to be in harmony from yesterday to now.

"Portugal is here!"

"Portugal is here!"

The blue crown flew over with a bunch of grapes in his mouth.

"I wipe!"

Chen Lie shouted silently: "Blue Crown, that is the fruit after dinner!"

"Bacchus, the grapes you want are here."

The Blue Crown ignored Chen Lie and put the grapes in front of the Bacchus as if to please.

Bacchus is still the same.

Pick up one directly and put it in your mouth, then nod.


A Bao yelled at Bai Ling and Lan Guan twice, and kept pointing at his wide open mouth.

"Fools just give it to you!"

"No thief!"

The words of Bai Ling and the blue crown irritated A Bao miserably.


A Bao pointed at the Bodhi tree and made a climbing motion, as if saying:

If you don't give it to me, I will copy your hometown.

Bailing sarcastically said: "Fool, now Gary doesn't hide anything!"

"Something is on the rooftop!"

But Blue Crown betrayed himself and Bai Ling foolishly.

A Bao looked helplessly at the rooftop.

He looked at Bacchus, who shook his head.

Finally looked at Chen Lie.

Chen Lie even refused: "Don't look at me, I won't help you as a thief."

A Bao fart and sat down. It was angry and sulking.


Gu Xiaoyu praised: "I came back in time and captured a vivid emoticon. My image can be updated again."

Chen Lie looked at Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu who had come back again with big bags, and was speechless.

But remembering what happened before, he asked: "Do you know when Bailing reconciled with Bacchus?"

"Reconciled? Impossible, right?"

Ren Qing didn't know about it either.

Gu Xiaoyu said in surprise: "How can it be possible to reconcile with Bailing's half-black character?"

It seems that the negative image of Braun has basically been finalized.

"That's weird."

Chen Lie couldn't think of it.

Why did it suddenly turn around.

Ren Qing reminded: "Will Dionysus now know a lot of sign languages? Just ask it directly."

Chen Lie turned his head.

There is no need for Chen Lie to ask questions. Just now, he took out a very delicately shaped wine barrel with a faucet in his ears.

"When did you buy this?"

Chen Lie looked at Ren Qing.

Gu Xiaoyu replied: "It's been a long time, let me think about it, it seems like it's twenty days ago?"

Ren Qing reminded: "Have you forgotten? This is a grape wine you ordered. At that time, you gave all the wine to Bacchus. Later, after Bacchus finished tasting all the wine, you poured it again."


After they said so, Chen Lie only remembered that there was something like this.

At the beginning, he bought not only white wine, but also red wine, grape wine, etc., and even fruit wine, in order to gain the favor of Bacchus.

In the end, none of these gadgets had any effect. Chen Lie didn't bother to talk nonsense. He even forgot whether they had been ordered from abroad, and threw them all to Bacchus.

A glass of wine was handed to him.

Bacchus opened a small glass of fruit wine to Chen Lie in the barrel.

"I want to see what is good about your wine."

Chen Lie took a sip, dumbfounded.

It used to be someone else who was in a daze after eating his food, now it's his turn.

"Not so exaggerated?"

It was the first time for Ren Qing and the others to see Chen Lie doing this, and curiously took the Bacchus and handed them a glass.

Use it together.

The result is to stay together.

"Good wine."

"It not only has the richness and mellowness of Portuguese wine, but also has an elegant aroma."

Chen Lie praised sincerely: "Although I have not drunk many Portuguese wines, this time is definitely the best I have ever drunk."

Ren Qing said: "I have not drunk a lot of Portuguese wines, but I have seen and heard a lot. This wine is more perfect than the wines that I have drunk for more than twenty thousand dollars a bottle. ."

At this time Chen Lie found that Bacchus was just shaking his head.

However, neither Braun nor Blue Crown said that it meant that they were reconciled with Bacchus and had nothing to do with this wine.

Ren Qing asked: "Bacchus, am I wrong? Why do you always shake your head?"

Dionysus came out with a few sign language.


"This wine is just your processed wine, very low-grade?"

Ren Qing's tone was a bit out of control.

Chen Lie asked, "Bacchus, what are you going to say?"

Bacchus turned around.

Take out a small sealed wine barrel.

Then he made a gesture.

Chen Lie asked: "Is this the real fruit wine you brew?"

Bacchus nodded earnestly, and made a gesture of please.

"Bailing too!"

"Blue Crown wants!"

But without waiting for Bacchus to move, Bai Ling and Blue Crown all showed eagerness.

"It seems that this is the root of their reconciliation."

Chen Lie finally realized it.

Bacchus began to pour the wine.

This time there is no such delicate faucet, it needs to be poured manually.

It poured a few cups for Chen Lie and the others, as well as a small cup for the eager Bai Ling and Blue Crown.

A Bao is here too.

It twitched its nose and sat in front of Bacchus grinning.

Bacchus reluctantly poured it a bowl.

This barrel is just a small container, and the fruit wine that can hold is about 3 liters.

It doesn't have enough to drink on its own, let alone satisfy the big stomach king A Bao.

"This wine is a bit bad?"

Gu Xiaoyu looked at the pulp still floating in the cup, and the juice that was slightly sticky and not very transparent, and struggling to ask: "It's very different from what the book says. A good fruit wine should be clear and transparent. , There are no sediments and suspended matter, giving a clear feeling. And the color of fruit wine is similar to fruit juice, but this is a bit too mixed."

"it is good!"

But Chen Lie slapped his legs to applaud, but denied Gu Xiaoyu's hesitation.

Chen Lie admired:

"This fruit wine has a pure fragrance, giving people a sense of freshness and softness."

"And after the pulp enters the throat, it's like miniature fruits rushing in, and the flavor of various fruits burst out inside the body. It's like eating the flesh of several fruits at the same time."

"If you taste it carefully, you can still feel the peculiar acidity of a fruit, which makes it more real. This is the real fruit wine. You can throw away the fruit wine you've drunk before."

"Damn panda, get out!"

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