The pet king of the city

Chapter 395: Finally Caught You

"It's dangerous to go now."

Chen Lie said boldly: "If you leave now, it will be dark in less than an hour. The primitive jungle of the dark night is a paradise for wild beasts. Only when my head has a fever will I drive there."

"Furthermore, today's expedition has wasted a lot of my physical strength. If I don't replenish my food in time, my state will be very depressed, so I can't drive much. If I really encounter a beast, I will have no resistance at that time."

"Look at me now, I have food and drink, and adequate defense measures. In the Hengduan Mountains, I really can't think of anything safer than here."

Chen Lie listed a few excuses in one breath, leaving people speechless.

Even if Ren Qing has a thousand words, he can only shut up and look at Chen Lie at this time.

It’s okay to set the rocket and ask: "Pet brother, can you keep the bears off with some little bamboo?"

"Can't prevent it."

"But at least it can give me enough warning."

Chen Liexie smiled and said, "If you are lucky, you can also help me re-creatively attack, whether it is a human or a beast."

While speaking, Chen Lie had already started.

He brought so many bamboos, so naturally it was a trap.

He doesn't understand trap technology, but there are so many great abilities in the live broadcast room. Just ask at will, and you can use the tools at hand to create a simple defense mechanism.

For example, tree vines woven into ropes, plus some thorns, can form the most primitive barbed wire.

For example, those bamboos were performed countless times during the Vietnam War. The military power in the live broadcast room gave at least more than 20 bamboo traps, some of which were powerful enough to hunt elephants.

Even those fish bones, fish scales, wood thorns, etc. can all be used. Mixed in the soil can form the simplest iron tribulus, which is a headache for beasts without shoes.

Make while learning.

When night fell, the defense mechanism of the camp was established.

As for the effect, you have to wait for the beasts to test it out.

And what about Chen Lie?

He naturally started cooking his dinner.

And his choice tonight is simple:

Grilled fish!

The erection of a bonfire.

The saury brushed with rabbit oil gradually exudes the attractive smell of grilled fish in the crackling sound.

The grilled fish that should have been about the same was painted with a layer of sauce.

This is the leftover sauce made in the afternoon.


A drop of an object that didn't know whether it was rabbit oil or fish oil fell on the bonfire, flying out a little spark.

The little black and the silver leopard can watch from the side. The water splashes.

Especially the Silver Leopard.

The least resistant to fish.

Chen Lie baked three at the same time, one for Xiao Hei and one for Yin Leopard.

Put them all on their temporary rice bowls:

Washed slate.


Chen Lie took a bite and exclaimed sincerely: "It's perfect. These saury fish live in a natural and pollution-free environment to give full play to the delicate and delicious talent of saury. Under the pressure of wood fire, they The spiciness of the sauce forms the unity."

"This kind of taste is so good that I can't describe it. It really deserves to be one of the four fresh foods of the Yangtze River. The grilled fish I used to eat is really pig food!"

After speaking, Chen Lie took another bite.

Needless to say, the live broadcast room became noisy again.

Countless fans expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Lie's malicious show-off, either frantically swiping the screen, or threatening to unsubscribe and turn black and so on.

But the actual situation is that Chen Lie's number of subscriptions has quietly passed the historical threshold of 9 million people.

At the same time, the number of online users also increased slightly from the previous 4 million.

This is not duplicity.

It's cute.

They understand Chen Lie, and Chen Lie understands them.

Therefore, Chen Lie does not need to walk on thin ice like most of the anchors. He must first consider the position of the fans when he speaks and acts for fear of offending the fans.

And Chen Lie’s fans do not need to be like other fans, either unscrupulously complimenting or sarcasm, in short, they treat Chen Lie as a friend, they can ask some little privacy, and they can joke at will.

Just now.

Xiao Hei, who was able to eat, suddenly gave up grilling fish, attacked the distance, and screamed.

Chen Lie turned on the flashlight and looked over.


Some are just bamboo forests swaying in the wind.


But Xiao Hei was more vigilant and even issued a battle warning.

Silver Leopard has long abandoned the delicious grilled fish and lurks directly into the darkness.


Chen Lie shouted.

The Mini Apache turns on a powerful searchlight in the sky.

It's like a special light on a football field.

There was light in front of him.

A little bear.

A little black bear that looks silly and cute.

At this time, the little black bear was frightened in place by the sudden light.

"Sure enough, I finally caught you!"

Chen Liexie smiled and took the bamboo spear and walked over.

"Brother Pet, what are you doing? That's just a little bear!"

"Brother Pet, please let him go. It's still small and doesn't have much meat."

"Kouhu, didn't you guys see that Pet Brother's bamboo spear was held upside down? If Pet Brother really wants to kill the bear, it will definitely not be as leisurely as it is now."

Those soft-hearted fans thought that Chen Lie was going to kill the little black bear, but the truth was quickly pointed out by smart fans.

This saves Chen Lie's explanation time.

At this moment.

The little black bear finally woke up.

Unfortunately, when he wanted to turn around, he found that there was a very big cat behind him.

This cat is no different from a bobcat, and the look makes it dislike it.

Xiao Hei is also near.

But Xiao Hei did not launch an attack without Chen Lie's order.

The evil Chen Lie took the saury that had just been grilled, and said bewildered: "Little black bear, do you really like the taste?"

The little black bear got up.

I don't know if it is scared, or want to grill fish.

"Why do I feel that Lie in this matter is like a weird bird who deceives little Lolita?"

"I'm feeling it too!"

Ren Qing's joke has received wide support.

"Little black bear, you stole so many delicious saury from me today, it is a violent thing."

Chen Lie stuck the bamboo with the saury upside down in front of the little black bear.

Then exit all the way.

Put on a posture of casual tasting.

What exactly is Chen Lie going to do?

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