The pet king of the city

Chapter 397: Surgery on Big Bear

Professor Wang is the leader of the wildlife medical team of the institution. Because a member is watching the live broadcast, he knows the first-hand situation, so he can reach this critical connection through Mr. Li.

He hates poachers and is naturally very familiar with the methods of poachers.

For such scenes, he can be said to be the most experienced person in the country.

"Guys, I accept the request of the agency's wildlife medical team to be a guest veterinarian and perform surgery on the black bear that has been poached in front of me."

"Because if I don't have surgery, the female black bear will definitely die. Without the care of the female black bear, the little black bear that has just been weaned cannot survive in a cruel environment."

"So for the two rare lives, I must take action."

As soon as Chen Lie's words came out, the live broadcast room boiled again.

"Brother Pet is too NB, even the wild animal medical team of the institution is asking for it."

"Brother Pet, take your time, it's a big black bear. Take safety precautions."

The old man of Greentown admired: "My pet's life is really wonderful. I encountered so many things in a live broadcast of the wilderness. Compared with you, my life is simply terrible."

It’s okay to release the rocket and said, “Brother Pet, heal the black bear and come back for a drink soon! Although the life outside is wonderful, the days with friends are also very happy, don’t bother.”


Chen Lie continued to say from the bottom of his heart: "The next scene will be very bloody, so I plan to close the live broadcast. But many people have advised me not to, so I can only invite those audiences who are less able to accept or are afraid of blood, please Avoid it for a while."

"And I can't be disturbed in any way, so I won't watch the live broadcast room again, nor will I return to the live broadcast room for anything, please forgive me."

After talking, Chen Lie fixed the lens and started to get busy.

He found some anti-inflammatory herbs found on the road.

This is what he is prepared to prevent in case.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't use it, but he wanted to use it for a big black bear.

Really a little bit good luck.



Nearly two hours later.

Chen Lie is ready.

Although he believes very much in the narcotics produced by the system, the matter is related to his life, and he cannot be careless.

So he chopped down a lot of bamboo, weaved it into a bamboo shackle that imprisoned the prisoners, and fixed the black bear without giving it a chance to move.

This is more than that.

He also brought the previous rattan and wood ropes to fasten the black bear's limbs tightly. The ropes also tied a lot of heavy objects nearby.

Even if the black bear wakes up from pain in the end, Chen Lie doesn't have to be afraid of being attacked.


In order to prevent the little black bear from coming to interfere in a hurry, Chen Lie also evilly tied the little black bear.

Take care of it all.

Chen Lie asked, "Is there anything else I need to add?"

"Wash your hands, get ready!"

Professor Wang is also quite nervous.

It was the first time that he used the Internet to guide a semi-experiencer to operate on animals.

But the fact has reached this point, and he can't tolerate the slightest hesitation.

Chen Lie returned to the black bear.

He has washed his hands and wiped them clean.

"Inject anesthetic!"

Following Professor Wang's instructions, Chen Lie took out all the remaining anesthetics and injected them into the black bear's body.

The black bear's originally a little confused mentality snored again.

"Clean up the wound for the female black bear."

"Remember, be careful, some wounds have pus, and some medicinal materials are connected to nerves and flesh."

Chen Lie nodded, carefully using the dagger.

He is very careful.

With the attitude of dealing with the most difficult ingredients, his delicate fingers moved slightly, and pieces of objects that didn't know whether it was mud or herbs broke away from the female black bear's wound.

Chen Lie dealt with a wound larger than a teacup for more than ten minutes.

"It's more tiring than handling ten chickens."

Chen Lie wiped off his sweat and sighed deeply.

"You did it perfectly."

"Novices have your level, can graduate instantly, and get the highest evaluation."

After a compliment, Professor Wang said: "But you can't take it lightly. Next is the highlight. You need to cut the muscles gently and with the gentlest force."

"Is the wound so big? Need to cut it!"

Chen Lie was shocked.

He has now seen the wound bleeding again, and his heart feels distressed for the black bear.

Professor Wang replied: "Yes, the adult black bear has a huge body and a complicated internal structure. You must find a bullet inside. Unless you have the most experienced doctor, you have to cut the muscles slowly and look patiently."

"Look at me!"

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

For the black bears, big and small, and for himself, Chen Lie once again spent precious fan points to identify the location of the bullet through the system.

Even in order to be sure of everything, he also asked the system to do payment assistance.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lie forgot what Professor Wang said.

Just listen to the guidance of the system.

He was attentive, as if stroking the skin of the most beloved woman, slowly cutting in.


bumped into.

His fingers knocked down a metal object stuck between his ribs.

And the black bear's body also instinctively trembled.

This frightened countless people, thinking that the black bear was about to wake up.

Especially Ren Qing and the others, now they are not only holding their breath, but covering their mouths in fright, trying to prevent themselves from screaming.

Chen Lie knew that such delays were not allowed.

Gritting his teeth fiercely.

He reached in a little more, clamped the bullet, and slowly pulled it out.

"Mr. Chen, why are you doing it now! Stop it!"

"You don't have an assistant, and you don't have an instrument. Just cut a little to the side so you can see more signs. And it's easier to reach in and out."

Professor Wang is still urging.

I hope Chen Lie can follow his instructions.

As a result, Chen Lie's hand really came out.

And there was a bullet in his finger.


Professor Wang made a sound like a chicken, and couldn't speak anymore.

Not only him.

More than 5 million online fans in the live broadcast room are now frozen.


Chen Lie put the bullets in the bamboo slips used to hold the water before, smiled at the little black bear tied into zongzi, and said with a smile: "Smelly boy, this thing is worth remembering. Keep it well."

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