With the fall of the black rhino, the danger signal was lifted.

But the farce is not over yet.

Because this is definitely not an accident, the culprit has not been dug out yet.

"damn it."

Chen Lie picked up the drink can that had just been thrown away and delivered it directly to the gunman at the zoo, and said, "This must belong to your zoo. Find the people."

"This is one of the weapons we use to control some large animals."

"Why are you here?"

The zoo gunner turned out to be confused by the drink can.

"Things belong to you, who are used by others, who is to blame?"

Today, one after another happened, Lao Dao was angry.

If Chen Lie hadn't acted brightly today, otherwise he could retire early.

With such thoughts, it is strange that Lao Dao can control his anger.

The zoo gunman was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

"I know what's going on."

The old zoo director came over with a tired tone.

Ren Qing asked gloomily: "Director, you are really surprising here. Two vicious incidents happened in one day. How would you like to report the news tonight?"

Ren Qing is not the one who can bear it.

Her life was threatened one after another, and she naturally had to attack.

She is ready.

If the old zoo director does not give a good answer, she must advertise what happened today.

"Hand over the people to the police."

The old zookeeper came and answered the question.

Then several breeders escorted a beautiful woman who was dressed in fashion but was struggling.

Everyone looked at the old zoo chief in a daze.

A keeper with a bruised mouth pointed at the trendy beauty and said: "This crazy woman suddenly attacked me with an anti-wolf electric shock device, took the key and the gas bottle, and released the black rhino."

"who are you?"

Old Dao took out his handcuffs and asked threateningly.

The trendy beauty looked up, revealing the seductive face that was wiped off because of the struggle.

But she didn't look at Lao Dao or the old zoo director, she stared directly at Chen Lie.

"Related to me?"

Chen Lie was confused.

He never knew this crazy woman.

The trendy beauty said: "You don't know me, but I know you."

Chen Lie asked: "We have hatred?"

The trendy beauty sneered: "You just sent my husband to jail, do you think we have hatred?"

"It turns out that you are a member of the gang."

Chen Lie suddenly came over.

But it was also embarrassing.

He was also extremely dissatisfied with the management of the old zoo just now, but after knowing that the truth was caused by himself, he was ashamed to pursue it.

Just the next moment.

He was aware of one of the flaws.

So he continued to ask: "By the way, how can a trendy person like you know animals so well? Using the character of the black rhino, especially the stimulation of the special gas, is not something ordinary people can do?"

"That one……"

The assaulted breeder said weakly: "I told her!"


Countless people glared.

The old zoo director asked angrily: "Explain clearly, otherwise you will quit your job automatically!"

"Old principal, you can't blame me for this."

The breeder was anxious and immediately explained: "She pretends to be a tourist and asks this and that, and I naturally have to answer clearly. This is what you asked us, but I abide by the rules and regulations you issued."

"Too fake."

The trendy beauty sneered: "I was obviously seduced by me, and I said everything that shouldn't be said, but now shirking responsibility, it is really capable."

"Forget it, I am also responsible."

The old zoo chief sighed.

This young breeder is full of blood, and this trendy beauty not only looks good, but also has a good figure, and her dress is also very bright. If she is pleased, it is indeed easy to ask many things.

So after the old zoo chief knew that the laboratory was being used, he didn't want to pursue the matter too much.

At this time, a large group of police finally arrived at the scene.

The old Dao asked Chen Lie: "Mr. Chen, how should I handle this?"

"It's just this woman who is wrong."

Chen Lie's meaning is obvious, just to deal with this woman.

He provoked this woman, and the old zoo was implicated innocently. Chen Lie was really embarrassed to trouble them.


"This woman must have been involved in many blackmail cases, and now she is maliciously attacking others and releasing wild animals to endanger public safety. These three charges are more serious than the other."

In the end, Lao Dao said with a smile: "Recently, she has been more sensitive to public safety, and she hasn't spent much money to do it well. She won't go in this time and shut it down for 7 or 8 years, so she won't think about it."

"Stay in jail for 7 or 8 years?"

Chen Lie looked at this trendy beauty.

It is estimated that after she came out, she was not a human being, and she had passed the most graceful years, when the whole society would hardly have a place for her.

In order to be a blackmailer, he was so frantic.

I don't know if she will regret her stupidity at that time.

"Let's go!"

Chen Lie took Ren Qing's hand and came to Wen Lan and the others.

Seeing that the group of bear kids were not afraid, they were so excited to death, but they kept Abao and Bacchus in the middle from beginning to end, and couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Pet, will things..."

Lan Wen was concerned.

"Nothing will happen."

"Let's go back!"

Chen Lie shouted to the bear children in the orphanage: "I also have giant pandas and South China tigers in my shop, as well as an amusement park. You can play with them."

"Long live!"

"We are going!"

The bear children kept cheering.

Chen Lie added another bargaining chip: "Moreover, I personally make some delicious food for you!"

Even Wen Lan laughed at this moment.

It misses Chen Lie's food so much.

"Today is really a setback."

Gu Xiaoyu sighed, "Fortunately, there are surprises and no dangers."


"Hey, it's hard to tell once that this happened."

Liu Yifeng was also terrified.

However, Gu Xiaoyu thought of something else: "Speaking of which, why did the black rhinoceros chase Brother Lie just now?"

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