The pet king of the city

Chapter 440: The Ghost Squirrel Learns Thunder Fist

The initial evaluation of Houerjiu made Chen Lie astonished.

But Bacchus said that the grade of Baixian Niang was two higher, which was definitely a gadget against the sky.

In the end, Chen Lie waited and waited.

Waited a full 3 more than 4 months.

It's finally born now.

But the result?

He didn't give Chen Lie a drink.

Can he not get angry?

If it weren't for Chen Lie's control, he would be a little bit more impulsive, he would definitely make the fierce Jiaohu talk to the Bacchus and teach him what sacrifice and fulfillment are.

The Bacchus actually pressed his hands on the ground, and slowly compared a few sign languages.

"you promise?"

Chen Lie looked at Bacchus suspiciously.

Bacchus nodded solemnly, and made a few more sign words.

"it is good!"

Chen Lie finalized: "If what you say is true, then I have nothing to say. But what you say is moist, even if it's just a little bit, then I will confiscate all your private goods."

Bacchus smiled confidently.

For Chen Lie, this time it was a worthless bet.

Chen Lie lost nothing, everything was business as usual.

But when Bacchus lost, he had to take out all his privately-owned wine. At that time, Chen Lie made a lot of money.

After all, Chen Lie didn't know how much wine was secretly brewed by the Dionysus.

After all, Bacchus seems to be very fulfilling every day, as if he is brewing fine wine all the time.

Bacchus then left.

It seems to be looking for something.

And Chen Lie curled his lips while looking at the two jade pots in his hand.

Although he is greedy, he is not a drunkard, so he can resist such greedy.


Chen Lie murmured: "Aged monkey wine has the magical effects of expelling disease roots, nourishing skeletal bones, warming the mind and nourishing essence, etc. The Bacchus God just said that this Baixian Niang must be aged in the drunken gourd for 100 days. To achieve the perfect effect, if you drink it now, it is at best a little better than monkey wine."

If it is not for Bingxin Jade Pot, it also has the aging effect of drunken gourd.

Otherwise, Bacchus will refuse.

"Anyway, it has been aging for a while, and I don't care about aging for a while."

Chen Lie can see clearly.

He wanted to see how Baixian Niang would be evaluated by then.

What an amazing appraisal will be if you surpass your daughter without changing.



The next day.

Before dawn.

Chen Lie had already practiced with the fierce Jiaohu.


Although Chen Lie is just a master of the bookstore.

But the pure reproduction of the memories of martial arts, countless duels, and many life-and-death battles have allowed him to master Thunder Fist.

He didn't talk nonsense, and directly gathered his strength to take the initiative to kill the fierce Jiaohu.

Chen Lie's eyes burst out with a terrifying bloody light, and his attack was the famous killer move in Thunder Fist.

This killer move is a bit similar to the Banyue Slash in many novels, and with Thunder Step, it instantly becomes a killer move.

The surging aura suddenly blasted to the head of the fierce Jiaohu, not so vicious.

But Fierce Jiaohu's reaction was far beyond all Chen Lie's expectations.

It actually responded with the same trick.


Chen Lie bounced off.

The lighter fierce tiger bounced on its favorite rock.

The calmness of the fierce Jiaohu is thin and deep, and his eyes are calm.

Chen Lie knew that the fierce tiger was fine.

It can even be said that the points are not damaged.

"That's it for today."

Chen Lie has achieved the goal of the pair training and proclaimed the end of it on his own initiative.

Fierce Jiaohu walked away lazily.

It knows that if it continues to practice with Chen Lie, the result is likely to be damage.

This is what they don't want to see.

But it is very gratifying.

Because Chen Lie's Thunder Fist was getting stronger and stronger.

In the past, Chen Lie was completely suppressed and abused by it, but now he has gone back and forth and almost hurt him.

This makes it very happy and vigilant.


Fierce Jiaohu spotted the ghostly squirrel on the Bodhi tree, casting Thunder Fist.

Under curiosity, it quietly leaned over.

The ghostly squirrel was completely intoxicated in the exciting scene just now.

At this moment.

Its mind is full of the Thunder Fist tricks of Chen Lie and Han Jiaohu.

Bit by bit, no difference.


It found that it had learned something, but it couldn't explode the power of Chen Lie and the fierce Jiaohu.

if we assume.

If the power of an ordinary person is 1, learning ordinary fighting skills will explode 2 points of lethality.

But if this person is learning Thunder Boxing, at least a 5 or even 6 lethality erupts.

So the genius squirrel just learned something and didn't grasp the essence of it.

He was confused by this, and then forgot to practice hard.

Did not notice the approach of the fierce tiger.

Chen Lie watched all this, purely watching the show, and did not remind the ghost squirrel.


The fierce Jiaohu suddenly roared behind Guicai Squirrel.

The ghost squirrel almost dropped the tree in fright.

Fortunately, the fierce tiger is agile. At the moment when the Guicai Squirrel was about to fall on his back, the soft palm of the tiger held out the back of the Guicai Squirrel.

The ghost squirrel regained his footing and looked at the fierce tiger in horror.

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel seems to say that you scared me.

Chen Lie smiled.

He knows that the fierce tiger is really roaring, it must be a thunderbolt from the sky, and it can definitely scare the ghost squirrel directly.

The roar just now was purely a greeting.


The fierce Jiaohu actually communicated with the ghost squirrel, as if saying that you secretly learned my boxing technique.


The two pets really communicated.

Chen Lie didn't want to bother.

Anyway, the ghost squirrel is very curious about many things and wants to learn.

It is not uncommon to learn Thunder Boxing stealthily.


The fierce tiger shows great patience towards the ghostly squirrel.

Because it teaches boxing.

It actually took the ghostly squirrel to the grass and taught the real mystery of Thunder Fist.

The mystery of Thunder Boxing lies not in the superficial posture, but in the unity of body, blood, and spirit.

Only by doing this can the strongest power of Xunlei Fist erupt.

But easier said than done.

Even if it is Chen Lie, even if Chen Lie's memory of martial arts is directly copied, he will have to go through a long period of training and multiple life and death fights to master the initial mystery.

No matter how talented the ghost squirrel is, it will probably take some time to master a little bit of the essence.


Chen Lie was wrong...

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