"This is a black cow at all!"

"How is this possible? An oblique angle outlines the shape of one half of the cow, which happens to be perfectly connected with the black spots on the other half! This is a miraculous skill. Even we can't do it!"

"It's terrific, it's terrific! A dirty black spot is only three strokes, and it becomes a stunning natural painting!"

With the gradual disclosure of the truth, one after another excitedly shouted.

And they shouted, attracting people nearby.

The scene became more lively.

"It's a cow, really a black cow!"

"It's developed! When this cow comes out, 30,000 will need to be at least 300,000!"

"300,000? You find it and sell it to me!"

The group of gamblers were very excited, because such wonders were rarely encountered, and it was in their hearts.

Once this topic came out, it was enough for them to talk for a while.

When Ren Qing saw the appearance of pine trees and black cows, he looked at the uncle bearded evilly.

The uncle beard was irritated and frustrated, and his mouth couldn't help but murmured something like "This is impossible."

A gambling rock exclaimed excitedly: "Mr. Qin! I have 330,000, I hope you can cut love!"



"380 thousand!"

"Stop fighting, I won't sell!"

Chen Lie felt that this group of gambling Kistler was too shameless.

What did you say about him before?

Now it's a big change.

Changing faces didn't come as quickly as they did.

The scene calmed down because of Chen Lie's determination.

Chen Lie found a wet towel, wiped the strange stone clean, and revealed a complete picture of the black cow asking the pine.

Hei Niu asked the appearance of Song Qishi, which made everyone calmer.

Everyone knew that Chen Lie had won, and wanted to see how he handled the three hapless guys.

Chen Lie looked at the three uncle bearded men and asked grimly: "How about it? Would you like to bet?"

"Impossible, you are cheating!"

"Mr., we were just joking."

"Yeah, we were just kidding."

Uncle Beard, they all wanted to deny.

Chen Lie sneered: "If I lose, would you think I was joking?"

Uncle Beard was speechless.

Ren's father stood up and said, "I am willing to bet, but there is a signature in the agreement."

Uncle Beard still shook their heads.

That's 100,000 yuan!

They have worked hard for most of their lives, that is, they have saved a little money.

Can they not feel distressed if they go out for 100,000 yuan at once?

"In fact, you can do it without paying back."

Chen Lie smiled evilly.

Uncle Beard and their expectant eyes said: "Didn't you just want to slap me in the face? Well, now you slap your own face and admit your mistakes to us, then your each 100,000 yuan is fine.

Three people add up to 300,000 yuan.

For Chen Lie, who has a small fortune, it is nothing at all.

He just wanted to be cool.


Uncle Beard's face is extremely ugly.

Chen Lie's request was more excessive than killing them.

"I will give you one day to think about it. Either give me a live broadcast, or pay me 100,000 yuan each."

"You can do it yourself."

"Anyway, if you want to deny it, you can't deny it."

Chen Lie laughed and left.

Does not give face at all.

That night.

Chen Lie ended the live broadcast.

"Thank you, Braun."

Chen Lie scratched Bai Ling's belly with his fingers.

Bailing actually replied: "Give me candied fruit if you want to thank you!"

"Candied fruit!"

"The blue crown must also be preserved!"

Hearing the candied fruit, the Blue Crown also flew over.

A Bao also came to kill after hearing the sound.

"Good, both."

Chen Lie said: "Bailing is the hardest and the most."

A Bao was wronged for a while, and put on a look that I was tired.

Chen Lie retorted, "You just sell cute for a few moments, and you are tired."

Abbott collapsed on the ground and quit.

"It's useless for you to cheat."

Chen Lie got up and said, "The food I stewed in the afternoon has reached the fire. If you don't want to eat, just continue to lie down here."

After speaking, Chen Lie decisively left the room.

Braun and Blue Crown went out with them.

Ren Qing and the others quickly followed.

A Bao was left in a daze in the entire room.


Unwilling to be left behind, A Baoma got up and rushed towards the kitchen.


There is no place for it at the scene.

"Come on!"

Chen Lie brought four bowls of tonics to the table.

The four females of Ren Qing stared at the snow white stew in front of them with bright eyes, and for a moment forgot their words.

Chen Lie invited: "Try the exclusive secret beauty product. If you miss it, you will be gone."

The four women immediately took the spoon.


Ren Qing exclaimed as he ate, "The taste is sticky but not greasy, and it tastes like a sponge cake. Oh, it's so slippery. This crystal clear little cotton ball just slipped into the throat when it was eaten. It feels so comfortable. "

Gu Xiaoyu also sighed sincerely: "I just thought it was a delicious almond snow clam stew at first, but now I feel that my throat seems to be moisturized by a mysterious force, which feels so comfortable."

Liu Yifeng and Xiao Lan didn't speak, but the happy expressions on their faces could explain a lot.

At this time, they were completely speechless to Chen Lie, and they were speechless with admiration.

Chen Lie felt the drag from the pants.

He didn't need to guess to know that it was A Bao.

Sure enough.

A Bao looked at Chen Lie pitifully.

Before Chen Lie had something to say, Ren Qing said, "A Lie, you can't give A Bao these things. These are our women's. It would be too bad to give A Bao to eat them."

Abao pointed to Xiaolan.

Ren Qing asked, "What's wrong with Xiao Lan? There is no difference in beauty. Xiao Lan only wants smooth and tender skin, not to mention this thing is nourishing."

"Abao didn't wrong Xiaolan."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "Xiaolan really can't eat too much of this."

Xiao Lan questioned: "Why? Because Xiao Lan is still young?"

"Yes, because you are young."

Chen Lie explained: "This thing is too nourishing and will promote development. For girls, eating too frequently will cause precocity!"

Ren Qing immediately corrected: "Then Xiaolan really can't eat more!"

Xiao Lan said weakly, "Will Xiao Lan eat it once a week?"


"Once a week is no problem."

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