The pet king of the city

Chapter 449: There Are Purple Bamboo Shoots To Eat

The strawberry seedlings that Chen Lie provided to Bacchus came from the system mall.

The purpose of this type of product is also very clear, specifically to provide green food for those super pets who like fruits, but also to promote communication between the owner and pets, killing two birds with one stone.

Therefore, the development and promotion efforts of the system mall in this area are very strong, and the fruits and vegetables provided can be described as dazzling.

Some fruits and vegetables even have magical effects and can be called super fruits.

For example, the purple bamboo drawn earlier.

And the strawberry seedlings that Chen Lie took out, as long as the seeding process is not contaminated, the best strawberries can be produced in a few days.

And the strawberries produced are of higher quality than the world's first strawberries produced on some of the cleanest islands in the world.

Because the strawberries provided by the system are the best strawberry varieties selected by the system after countless calculations and comparisons from 70 million strawberry seeds.

Then, it is irrigated with clean and pollution-free snow water from the Himalayas, combined with the most scientific cultivation methods, to maximize the illumination and brightness of the strawberries.

Strawberries in this way are the best and the most vital.

And Chen Lie specially selected the fruit seedlings that will eventually grow to the later stage and only need careful care to produce strawberry seedlings.

The reason for this.

One is to save time.

It is convenient for self-reproduction.

Otherwise, you have to purchase it with the system every time. Although the consumption is not large, it is also a different kind of luxury.

"Fortunately I have a Bacchus!"

Chen Lie looked at the Bacchus who was working hard, and said proudly, "Bacchus not only knows how to make wine, but also takes care of the purple bamboo for me, but also farms. Where can I find such a good pet!"

Speaking of Zizhu.

Chen Lie looked at the purple bamboo that had been put together on the side, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

"Slowly praise Bacchus."

Ren Qing is gone.

She is not in such a good mood to mushroom here.

But Bacchus saw Chen Lie and took the initiative to walk towards him.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie knew that Bacchus had something to say every time he took the initiative.

Bacchus pointed to the corner and gestured a few times.

It turned out that it wanted to develop there as a small orchard.


"Anyway, there is preparation for Zizhu's expansion."

Chen Lie said casually: "But with Zizhu's expansion speed, it will take a long time to expand there."

There is only one purple bamboo provided by the system.

That is the real system purple bamboo, the main body purple bamboo.

Although the branched purple bamboo has most of the effects of the main purple bamboo, it does not have the strong fecundity of the main purple bamboo.Therefore, according to the rate at which the main purple bamboo reproduces one branch every day, it will take a long time to cover the open space set aside by Chen Lie.

If not so.

If all the branches of purple bamboo can branch out every day like the main body, the purple bamboo can multiply unlimitedly, quickly form a forest, and then occupy the place that the vision can reach at a terrifying speed.

In that case, would Zizhu still be so rare?

Bacchus worshipped respectfully.

Then it remembered something, and immediately took out a purple bamboo shoot with a faintly refreshing fragrance from the vegetable pocket on the side.

"I'll wipe it, won't you?"

Chen Lie said excitedly: "Zizhu is now at a critical stage of forest growth. If you kill one of them like this, don't you just try to fish?"

Bacchus quickly explained with sign language.

"It turned out to be in the wrong place."

Chen Lie looked at the purple bamboo shoots in his hand regretfully.

This hapless purple bamboo shoot does not grow anywhere else, but grows out of the bamboo forest.

If it grows up, it will become the most abrupt branch of the bamboo forest.

This is not only unsightly, but also in the way.

Po they are easy to hit and hurt when they play.

That's why Bacchus will dig it out as gourmet food.

"The baby who can improve the wisdom!"

"Although the effect is far inferior to those medicines, it is estimated that it will take a long time to start the effect, but it is a rare treasure after all."

Chen Lie was unwilling to eat like this.

But if you don't eat it, will it leave moldy?

"The most suitable people to improve your intelligence are those sky-high pets."

"But I think Ah Da and Xiao Lu in the orphanage are most suitable. But they suddenly become smart, and the subsequent results will be very troublesome."

Chen Lie murmured a few words, and finally ended with a curl of his lips.

He decided to eat it himself.

Anyway, he consumes so many brain cells every day, it is a good thing to make a supplement.

Chen Lie is about to leave.

Bacchus caught him.

"Why, something else?"

Chen Lie felt that Bacchus today was not so straightforward and would not finish the matter in one breath.

Dionysus didn't even bother to use sign language, and pointed to Guomiao.

"The fruit seedlings are not enough, you can grow all strawberries. Anyway, such delicious strawberries will be digested by the inside within a few strokes."

"What, want to have more types. Okay, I'll help you find it."

"It needs to be compostable."

Chen Lie was a little confused by the series of requests from Bacchus.

But for himself, for everyone, he can only trouble once.

Chen Lie sat down patiently.

I prepared a pot of tea for myself and looked up information while tasting tea.

According to the request of Bacchus, Chen Lie graciously ordered a batch of fruit and vegetable seedlings that are the top class on earth, and finally he came to the attached products.

This time the choice is much less.

"The life nutrient solution that can accelerate the growth of plants, not bad, this is awesome."

Chen Lie immediately overjoyed seeing the recommended popular product.

He thought he had found a way to mass-produce 100-year-old ginseng.

As a result, when he saw the price of life nutrient solution, he rolled his eyes immediately: "M's, one bottle costs 100 fans, and one bottle can only irrigate 100 square meters of land once. Then I use it several times, won't it go bankrupt? ?"

Then Chen Lie moved on to other fertilizers.

It's just that none of these can be liked by Chen Lie.

Either there are side effects, or some super pets with special abilities can distinguish them, and some are even dark fertilizers transformed from animal carcasses.

These were all denied by Chen Lie.

"M's, what are they all!"

"Can you have something normal?"

When Chen Lie saw the end, he wanted to give up.

But don't want to, he happened to see a special product.

To be precise, this is a machine.

And after Chen Lie read its introduction, he decided immediately...

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