Brother Cheng actually hid a gun.

The nature of the matter is completely different.

But seeing Cheng's weapon, Ali was surprised and relaxed and excited.

She began to look forward to a bright future, and she was even planning to buy a brand name, and she had never thought about the sad end of those children.

"Tsk tusk, a girl is 50,000, beautiful can even double."

As if seeing countless money spilling down, the adult brother looked at Kexin triumphantly and sighed: "I didn't expect the little girl to be so valuable now! Here, give her something to eat, don't let people know that we abused her."


Ali immediately went to get the candy to coax the child.

I have to say that Cheng and their plan are good, but they are countless, and finally they missed a certain factor.

Temporary base for human traffickers.

Located in the suburbs of two cities and three regardless, it is an abandoned flower and tree farm.

A familiar second-hand car drove into the mud road of Huamuchang.

After a bumpy ride, the car finally came to the barbed wire fence of Huamuchang.

Before Ahu got out of the car, two men who looked a bit gloomy ran out of the Huamuchang security room for the first time.

They were holding anti-riot electric batons in their hands, which was vicious.

"Get off the car and give us 5 minutes."

"When things are done, you can reduce your sentence."

Chen Lie took the special flying knife back and said, "Of course, you can also challenge the accuracy of our snipers."

Ahu asked weakly, "Boss, are you really the Superintendent?"

Chen Lie asked back: "Do you think this is a superhero in the movie? How dare to enter alone?"

With the help of the system, Chen Lie quickly found the car after kidnapping Kexin.

Chase the past for the first time.

As a result, he did not find Kexin, but instead caught Ahu.

This kidnapper, who has practiced martial arts since he was a child, has made Cheng's brother a lot of hope, and is completely a child in front of Chen Lie.

The battle ended in just 3 seconds.

Then Chen Lie used a little special technique of extorting a confession, coupled with a little bit of false language skills, to torture Ahu subduedly, thinking that Chen Lie was a plainclothes superintendent, and they had been secretly surrounded by the superintendent.

So there is a scene in front of you.

"That's true."

Ahu reluctantly gave in.

Chen Lie casually said: "Go, the drone is already staring here. Your performance determines your life and punishment. If you want to take more risks, I can do you right now."

"Police officer, don't, I will cooperate with you."

Ahu reluctantly opened the car door.

He instinctively looked up, and he found a trace of the Mini Apache in an inconspicuous corner.

So far.

He cut off all doubts.

In order to reduce the sentence, Chen Lie's plan was executed with all his heart.

"it's me!"

"What do you make a fuss!?"

Ahu got off the car slowly and looked at them disdainfully, looking very casual.

Walking out with the adult brother, his smile suddenly brightened when he saw the plastic bag in Ahu's hand.

He thought that what Ahu was holding was the deposit he had previously said. He immediately opened his arms and hugged Xiang Ahu with an exaggerated gesture. He also shouted: "Ahu has done a great job this time, so I will increase the amount!"

However, Ahu took a step back and distanced himself from Cheng Ge.

Brother Cheng asked dissatisfiedly: "Ahu, what do you mean?"

"Brother Cheng, I don't mean anything."

Ahu rolled his eyes and said, "I just think that we are working hard outside, and we may be arrested and beaten by the superintendent at any time, but you are sitting in the room blowing on the air conditioner and drinking a little wine. This is unfair. Up."

Brother Cheng's eyes were cold, but then he said pretentiously: "Didn't I just say that? To increase your share, when Brother Cheng said what was said?"


Ahu deliberately said: "I said that I was divided into 100,000, but I didn't think it was enough. I want to go back to marry a wife, and I won't be able to get it without 200,000."


Brother Cheng didn't expect Ahu to go out and change his personality, and suddenly the lion opened his mouth.

The other two are ready to move.

Brother Cheng suppressed them and said to Ahu, "Ahu, you are just helping to carry people. Now you have one more contact with the next family. Although you have credit, you have to miss everyone, right?"

Ahu sneered: "Two fools who can only behave, plus you who blow the air conditioner, what credit is there?"

After speaking, Chen Lie ignored the angry faces of the two companions, and continued: "I was the one who stepped on the spot, and I was the one who picked up the car. Now I am also the one who recruits the next house. You tell me, I only want to find a more acquainted woman. You can do it alone, why do you want to split evenly with you."

Cheng Ge's face changed drastically.

His most worried thing finally happened.

He regrets teaching Ahu too much now and has mastered his own way.

But now is not the time to regret, he happily said: "Ahu, two brothers in the first life, sit down and talk if you don't agree, drink and drink together."

That's it.

Brother Cheng gradually approached Ahu.

"Don't you..."

Ahu just wanted to stop drinking, but the mini Apache could not be seen from the corner of his eyes.

Thought the superintendent's attention was not on him.

Suddenly a thought came up:

I can't go to jail!

With the sins I committed, it is possible to be shot, even if the sentence is reduced to what extent?

That's right!I can't go to jail!

Be lenient with confession, sit in prison; be strict with resistance, go home for the New Year!

The children are still inside, and the adult is the culprit. I am definitely not their target.

I want to create chaos and give myself a chance to escape.

Thought of this.

Ahu's eyes were cold.

"Okay, Brother Cheng, catch it!"

Ahu scanned the left and right corners of his eyes, suddenly threw the plastic bag to the adult, then turned around and ran.

The confused adult instinctively caught the plastic bag, and before he came to his senses, he saw Ahu's body flying upside down.

This is an inverted flight off the ground.

Ahu's body knocked down two males of prey like flying sandbags.


Brother Cheng saw his two proud big hands being brought down, and immediately woke up, but saw Chen Lie flying towards him like an out of control beast, with a face of madness.

The intrepid survival instinct made him not have the slightest nonsense, and together with the killing intent, he waved his fist at Chen Lie with a loud shout.

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