The pet king of the city

Chapter 499 What kind of monster?

Looking at the ancient tunnel in front of him that did not know when what poison would be drilled, or when it would collapse, Chen Lie's face was not very good.

Take a deep breath.

He mediated a few breaths, eliminated all the hesitation, and finally made a decision.

Take one step forward.

Chen Lie silently walked into this temple tunnel whose survival probability was unknown.

The temple tunnel looks like a cave, but it is actually a standard underground world.

I don't know how many people were used to develop it back then. The forks and poisons here are as large as feathers, extending to the depths of the earth.

After only walking for more than ten minutes, Chen Lie felt that the area radiated by this temple tunnel was probably the entire area near the temple.

Not many people in ancient times could match them with such architectural wisdom.

In short, even if it is Chen Lie, even if he uses a lot of scientific and technological means, he still knows the complexity here, and what style of construction is based on it.

The unknown is the most terrible thing.

This kind of journey of one step and two steps, hesitation for two or three steps, suffering from gains and losses is not what Chen Lie wants.

As a result, Chen Lie gradually slowed down.

Acting alone in an unknown and dangerous cave tunnel is killing your life; and if you act at will, it is tantamount to suicide.

Chen Lie didn't regret it, nor thought of regretting it, he kept walking along the path he analyzed.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

Gradually, not only did Chen Lie lose sight of the most basic refraction.

I can't even hear external sounds, and the world around me is pitch-black, dead, and lonely.

Maybe it was tired from walking, or maybe he felt something. Chen Lie carefully placed the flashlight and sat on a protruding stone against the wall.

Black, completely black, except for the footsteps and breathing of Chen Lie and the animals, there were no other sounds around, not even the chirping of insects.

Apart from the darkness, here is loneliness. The feeling of loneliness and hesitation crazily eroded Chen Lie's will, with the intention of making him desperate.

Compared with here, the outside world is simply heaven.

The darkness and silence, coupled with panic about the unknown.

Three major pressures came down.

It is simply the best description of the legendary [Black Prison].

Chen Lie knew that this kind of emotion could not be allowed to spread, otherwise his will would be affected without waiting for him to come to an end.

Barely adjusted the breathing rhythm.

Just when he saw another fork and was about to check it out, Xiao Hei suddenly called out "barking".

Chen Lie showed his weapon for the first time.

As a result, there was still no sign of life.

Looking over, it turned out that Xiao Hei had discovered a weapon that was so rusty that it could hardly be said to be a sword.

And beside the sword, there were a few cracks that were obviously cut with a sharp weapon.

Chen Lie instinctively rubbed it a few times and found that the crack was deep.

Being able to cut out such a trace on the stone wall shows how overbearing the power used at that time.

With curiosity, Chen Lie also forgot the depression he felt before, and started studying on the spot.

These cracks are not very long, only about ten centimeters long, but the depth is 3 or 4 centimeters.

There is only one explanation for being able to leave such a deep, but short-term sword mark on such a solid stone wall.

"Someone has fought here!"

Chen Lie immediately analyzed a conclusion.

With this thought, Chen Lie immediately searched for all suspicious signs around him.

In the end, it didn't take more than a dozen breaths. The dozens of cracks of similar size that appeared on the surrounding stone walls directly proved Chen Lie's guess.

"Some people are fighting, thinking there is a conflict of interests."

"No matter what it is for, they are all going in one direction."

Chen Lie seemed to see the dawn of dawn, and quickly tracked down the tunnel.

About half an hour later.

"So bright!"

Chen Lie came to a corner.

Seeing the faint green brilliance at the corner, my mind became heavier and heavier.

The whole corner was bathed in this brilliant green brilliance, and there was a smell of demons in the brilliant.

Especially in such a strange environment, the extraordinary light source is more prominent.


Chen Lie was tripped.

Chen Lie's mind was on the wonderful green brilliance, he didn't notice what was under his feet, and his body staggered habitually.

Fortunately, he is proficient in Xunlei Fist, and he can be regarded as a master of fighting. There is still some balance of this point. After only a stagger, he settles down.

Something tripped him on the ground.

The flashlight passed.


A corpse with only bones lying aside.


This is the voice of the poisonous snake!

Chen Lie was so shocked that his whole body was blown up, and the fake fish intestine sword was tightly held in his hand.

The other hand quietly touched the backpack and took out a bag of things.

This package is what he used to deal with the Inca Serpent, and it is also his best weapon.


Although Chen Lie was a little nervous, he did not lose his composure. He was searching for abnormalities around him with lights.

At this moment, a green light flew out suddenly from the side.

This angle is too influential, it is completely behind Chen Lie's vision.

The source of the sound just now was clearly in front.

Isn't this a horror or something?


A dull crash sounded.

Chen Lie felt the danger and instinctively slammed into the side wall.

Although he avoided this green light sneak attack, Chen Lie's back slammed heavily on the rock wall.

The scorching pain from behind spread quickly.

However, the pain made Chen Lie's mind more calm.

After all, at this moment, if you can't calm down, it's a dead end.

"Do you see what it is?"

Chen Lie found that he had lost track of the sneak attacker again.

Fierce Jiaohu, Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard all shook their heads.

The speed of the sneak attacker is too fast, terribly fast.

This is definitely the fastest animal Chen Lie and Fierce Jiaohu have ever encountered.

That speed is simply a green bullet fired from close to the body.

Even the fierce tigers with outstanding five senses just barely caught its trajectory.

It is almost impossible to counterattack.

If it weren't for Chen Lie's instinct, to avoid the surprise attack by the sneak attacker, otherwise he would be a fresh corpse now.

"M's, what kind of monster is this time?"

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